View Full Version : NPPL/Warp Feed Rules

10-25-2001, 09:19 PM
I heard that on the NPPL you cannot allow all your team to use the warp feed.
Is this true?????

10-25-2001, 09:37 PM
I dont think so.... There is a pic on Warpig of a guy with a warp in a game at the NPPL World Cup.

Edit: I didnt read the whole post! I didnt see the part about all your team. But I still doubt it.

10-25-2001, 10:05 PM
I hope not, that would be really disappointing. Tom or anyone..is this true ?

10-25-2001, 10:17 PM
Warp is fully legal for any NPPL event. It still must be fed with a gravity hopper.

10-26-2001, 09:43 AM
consider the warp just a really really big highrise feed.

10-27-2001, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Army
Warp is fully legal for any NPPL event. It still must be fed with a gravity hopper.

The Warp is legal yes, but your statement makes it appear as if gravity feed is required in the NPPL rules. It is not. The 2001 rules do not exclude methods of feeding.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

10-27-2001, 10:39 PM
Rave uses our warp feeds. Once you get use to using them, it is hard to play without them. We plan on playing 2 NPPL events next year (Chicago and World Cup). We will use them in the NPPL too. With the warp challenge out, it even pays to use them.

10-27-2001, 11:45 PM
From the updated 2001 NPPL Rules


5.21 Players may use a single, 68 caliber, pump or semi automatic paintball marker, which consists of a single barrel, a single trigger and gravity feed style magazine.

04-08-2002, 07:21 PM
I am playing in a tournament in a few weeks were the rule is similar to that indicated in the post immediately above. The rules are GTS (Gulfcoast Tournament Series). Does anyone have any specific knowledge of Warpfeeds being disallowed or expressly allowed in tournaments governed by these rules?

04-08-2002, 07:28 PM
not sure - but the warp still does use a gravity fed loader
which is specified in the rules

04-08-2002, 09:49 PM
Warps can be used at all tournments I know of. I know for sure NPPL tournys are fine to use warps in. Look at Bob Long with one on his Timmy. As for the GTS you should contact some one in charge to be sure but I would surpised if any tournments would disallow the warps.

04-08-2002, 10:55 PM
With the warp challenge out, it even pays to use them.

What is this warp challenge?

04-08-2002, 11:58 PM
has anyone used the warp at a panam event? what i was wondering most is how few balls you can have and still shoot with the warp. with a paint limit every ball counts in the games. would they allow you to fill the paint that you could not use before the limit?

04-09-2002, 07:10 AM
Warp Challenge was something AGD put together last year. If you use a warp in NPPL (I believe) tournaments, and win or place, you win extra bonus money. Bob Long ended up winning.

04-09-2002, 03:25 PM
Pan Am will not allow you to pre-fill the feed tube so you lose the paint in the feed tube.

04-12-2002, 01:24 PM
I just received an email back from the folks heading up the tournament, and they have no qualms with the warpfeed.


Thanks for your help, as always.

04-12-2002, 01:37 PM
I might also add that asking what the NPPL rules are may very well be a moot point at this time…..

I would advise making sure with those actually running the tournaments at this stage in the game. That way you can never go wrong. :)

04-12-2002, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by bunkerhugger
Gah! I can't use my Nightmare in NPPL?! I wonder where the Tippman A5 and the Halo fit into the rule interpretations. Both use mechanical assist.

Halo will fit in just fine because any marker can use it and it is still considered gravity fed.

The A5 is another storry. As with the tippmann flatline barrel system i doubt it will be allowed. The reason is because with the flatline barrel it can only be used on tippmans m-98's and cockers. This would give a player using these an "unfair advantage" (not much of an advantage if you ask me) over someone without those brand markers. I expect the same theory will be aplied to the A5 for it's feed system.

That is why AGD had to market the warp to PTP for other brands of markers. Otherwise it could give mags an unfair advantage over the competition.

04-12-2002, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by 21caballer
has anyone used the warp at a panam event? what i was wondering most is how few balls you can have and still shoot with the warp. with a paint limit every ball counts in the games. would they allow you to fill the paint that you could not use before the limit?

I had one on my angel for the Pan-Am event at Xtreme Paintball Park (Milstadt, Il.) last summer. There is a fuzzy pic in the April APG of my teammate shooting a silver angel and me in the background with my Warpfed Angel.

They specified the number paintballs we could carry. It was slightly more than a rev... It was almost exactly what my Warp, Rev and hose held.

In one long game... I was forced to manually feed the last few balls into the breach to shoot. Hilarious to spectators but not so to me. The number left depends on your hose length. Mine was about 12-14.

I'm not likely to play another with a warp. The added weight (speed is life) and virtual loss of a hose full of paint makes it undesirable to me for that format.

With unlimited paint... :D The Angel+Interlinked Warp+18vIntellifeed was 12bps+ paint hose. An emag might be even better. ;)

Its all about the right tool for the job.


04-16-2002, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by mrhooie
From the updated 2001 NPPL Rules


5.21 Players may use a single, 68 caliber, pump or semi automatic paintball marker, which consists of a single barrel, a single trigger and gravity feed style magazine.

That is not from the 2001 rules.

In June of 2000, section 5.21 was changed and the gravity feed requirement was removed, with the stipulation of semi-auto further clarified.

Revised 5.21 reads as follows:

5.21. The definition of a trigger is the moveable lever or button that comes in contact with the finger. The contacts of a switch are not a trigger. A trigger pull requires an exertion of force by the finger on the trigger and a release of force by the finger on the trigger during every firing cycle. Markers may fire at any rate of fire, and may shoot any number of paintballs, provided that it fires in semi auto or pump mode only, which means that no more than one paintball is discharged during each firing cycle.

A real problem with the NPPL over the past few years, has been getting the word out on rule changes. This stems in part (IMHO) from the NPPL not having an official web site until recently, so there would be a number of sites online with copies of the rules, and chances that sections of those copies were out of date.

The official rules can now be found at:

That page is edited personally by Bill Cookston, the league commissioner, and provides the most current up to date copy of the rules.

So, again to clerify gravity feed is not a requirement of the NPPL rules, and to further clarify re: the upcoming tournament in Las Vegas, Paintball Sports Promotions will be running the tournament using NPPL Rules.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills