View Full Version : bah, my mom is unenlightened

09-06-2004, 08:50 PM
this sucks

my mother is really making me angry, she wont support me playing paintball, it took me 30 minutes to get her to recognize that paintball was a sport. she says that paintball is training for army situations, sure thats what it started out as, but its changed so much.

can anyone give me some statistics, or facts to help convince her that shes wrong and she should support me playing paintball jsut like she would if i was playing baseball


09-06-2004, 09:08 PM
What do you mean by "support"?? How about getting a job, being responsilble, and "support"ing yourself!!! Then when she sees the positive change, you can tell her it's because of paintball, that'll change her mind!!!

09-06-2004, 09:09 PM
Pay for yourself, and quit whining.

Your lucky your mother lets you play at all.

09-06-2004, 09:13 PM
paintball is way more expensive than baseball. and i'm not convinced it's a sport.

09-06-2004, 09:29 PM
i meant support, like agree with the fact that i play paintball and encourage it, ive bought every last bit of everything paintball related with my own money from my own job, i worked all summer to buy my rt mag. and i have payed all my paint and field fees with my own money.

i meant support as in, moral support, not money support, and im not whining, i was just trying to convince my mom that paintball isnt abunch of kids in the woods trying to kill each other.

09-06-2004, 09:33 PM
dude... good luck. my mom hates paintball. some how all of my money left once i started playing and she doesnt like that

09-06-2004, 09:36 PM
hey, instead of not helping him and telling him to suck it up, why dont' you give him more constructive advice?

robobeaver, I went through that same crap 3 years ago. Search for the threads parents and paintball, there should be plenty of tips

09-06-2004, 09:44 PM
well i argued for awhile, and tey finally agree that it is a sport, and i think i got them to realize it would be better for them to encourage me playing paintball rather than not playing and sitting at home on the computer. my stepdad still hates guns, and paintball guns are guns just like a shotgun is a gun in his wierd mind. oh well.

09-06-2004, 09:46 PM
here's the first thread:
here's the second:
one more for ya:

09-06-2004, 09:49 PM
Paintball has games and turnys, who says its not a sport? :rolleyes: :confused:

09-06-2004, 10:04 PM
she says that paintball is training for army situations, sure thats what it started out as

Where did you get the idea that it started as training for army situations?

Head knight of Ni
09-06-2004, 10:18 PM
Where did you get the idea that it started as training for army situations?

People often generalize between paintball and the army's paint encapsulated bullet thanks to that :cuss: child's play three. :mad:

09-06-2004, 10:28 PM
you mean it started as a sport, im not big on my paintballhistory, i just assumed. well if it started as a sport thats even better for my argument

09-06-2004, 11:18 PM
no started in the woods by farms.far from a sport

good luck my parents never supported me playing. they let me pay and helped with my FIRST marker purchase (spyder compact) thats about it. ever since ive payed for EVERYTHING with my own $ as i think most people should.

is it a sport? yes
is it a sport at the level you are playing? no, its probly more like a hobby

09-06-2004, 11:41 PM
I am a mother of 2(toolfan is my son) and I have been playing paintball consistantly since Jan of this year. I absolutely love this sport. Has your mom ever gone to see you play? You should invite her and she can see how much fun it is...you could be doing worse things. Don't get discouraged & what ever you do, don't stop playing paintball. Its great exercise, you meet great people & you have fun. What more can a mom want? Oh and make sure you clean your room so she can't hold that against you :)

09-06-2004, 11:43 PM
sucks for u guys..my mom plays paintball :cool: :D

09-07-2004, 12:18 AM
I am a mother of 2(toolfan is my son) and I have been playing paintball consistantly since Jan of this year.

wow I wish you could be my mom.

Oh and make sure you clean your room so she can't hold that against you :)

Never mind. My mom would be happy if I just closed the door, so she would not see the mess.

09-07-2004, 12:29 AM
Oh yeah to Robobeaver. I am 22 and my mom still hates the fact that I play paintball. But she knows that I am very good (not trying to be concieted) and the fact that i was picked up on a team helped her see it as a sport and not a waste of cash. oh yeah it would help if you played with some friends, preferably around your age, to show that you are doing it for fun and not a paramilitary training.

09-07-2004, 01:27 AM
my mom doesn't hate paintball. she wants me to go. But she just hates the fact that i spend all my money on paintball stuffs......

I really should sell some of my markers that i dont use....

nah :D

09-07-2004, 06:21 AM
Okay, so your mother still allows you to play, but does not “support” you playing? Where is the problem? I don’t get it.

Yeah, keep pushing the issue, that is the way to get “support” from her….. or getting you banned from playing it at all. Sorry that is not a coin I would want to toss in the air.

My advise is to let the issue drop. If you are being allowed to play the game, GREAT! That is what is important.

09-07-2004, 07:43 AM
Show her the postive affects paintball has on your life,

be more organized at home (like you need to be to go play)
get along with others (like you need to be on a pick-up Rec day)
stay out of trouble (who wants to be grounded when they could be out playing pb?)

See? When she asks, "Why are you like this now?" tell her how paintball is having as positive affect in your life.

09-07-2004, 08:46 AM
I suggest YOU scrap up enough money for you and her to play for a day. Get a few friendly games going at your local field and let her make up her mind there. If you foot the bill for the day how can she refuse?

09-07-2004, 01:45 PM
That sucks. My parents love paintballing. Sometimes there like "Heres 30 bucks, go buy a case of paint, not a case of beer or pot"

Even though my dad has never tried it, he goes to all the events with me. He loves watching it.

09-07-2004, 01:58 PM
ya definitely make a lot of friends that you can play with. and dont let her get on your nerves. (and dont buy one of those m16-look-a-like markers :D )

my dad hated paintball but ilet him use my gun once and he went out and bought one and plays with me and my friends every weekend

my mom doesnt care but she wont let me get a job so i keep hitting her up for money so she will ;)

09-07-2004, 02:44 PM
well the thing is, my step dad and mom absolutley HATE guns. when i was shooting some paint at this ile of sticks i told my mom to shoot it acouple times and she refused, she wont even hold my mag if i ask her to while i tie my shoe or something. so i think playing paintball is out fot he question, but i did, with the help of that safety record thing, and some other stuff convince her that paintball was a good thing for me to be doing with my spare time.
in the way of it being a sport, as soon as we get our stuff together, and figure out some team stuff, me and afew friends will be starting a team, it will be alittle while though, we have to see who actually pans out to be a good player, msot of them are just getting in to speedball, or just getting higher end guns :)

09-07-2004, 03:07 PM
here are some links to help you out





these all should help a lot

09-07-2004, 03:12 PM
Because we all know proffesional training for army situations includes taking cover behind big bouncy infatable balloons. Er bunkers.

09-07-2004, 03:25 PM
lol, thats what i said, she thought that we called it "killing" someone when you eliminated someone :)

09-07-2004, 06:23 PM
Tell her to screw off and your going to smoke some pot since you can't play

no but really do it!..


I can't stand parents that are against paintball, it's so stupid.. What would they rather there kids be spending money and time on.. Drugs and booze?

My parents support it 100%, hell there company even sponsors my team.. I <3 them.

Oh and to the kids who think everyone should have to work to play, screw off.. The only reason any of you say that is because your parents wont give you a dime to play, so instead of making yourselfes look like asses and complaining all the time just shut your pie holes.

BTW.. Other then sponsoring my team a bit of money my parents don't really pay for me playing, i'm sure they would, but I don't ask them to because I usually ahve money to play anywayes.

09-07-2004, 07:38 PM
It sounds to me like your mother is the type of person who will never change. I mean no offense, but your parents seem like the type that are too stubborn and perhaps insecure to consider that there may be other sides to something that they don't see outright. You could probably play for the rest of your life, earn money from it, and never get injured, and they would still have something negative to say about it. Even if they started to see the light, they may very well be the type who would then refuse to admit it, lest they risk being the recipient of an "I told you so" type of reprisal. The fact that they hate guns, and make an eggregiously over-simplified equation of paintball to them, and thus hate paintball, is evidence to me that they are simply refusing at the situation in an accurate light (although there are other reasons I am sure).

Like SHartley, I think that you should just try to lay low. Do what you have got to do, and don't step on any toes. Once you are completely independent of your parents, then you can berate them all you want. I am sure that they have what others may deem to be silly, time-wasting hobbies and habits.

I was lucky - my parents had no problems with paintball. My parents realized that there was a huge difference between it and combat simulation or ersatz-killing.

09-07-2004, 07:55 PM
I say ya bust out the cheezy factory Smart Parts investor video and let those two douches tell her that it's the fastest growing sport in the world :D

09-07-2004, 08:12 PM
Tell her to screw off and your going to smoke some pot since you can't play

no but really do it!..


I can't stand parents that are against paintball, it's so stupid.. What would they rather there kids be spending money and time on.. Drugs and booze?

My parents support it 100%, hell there company even sponsors my team.. I <3 them.

Oh and to the kids who think everyone should have to work to play, screw off.. The only reason any of you say that is because your parents wont give you a dime to play, so instead of making yourselfes look like asses and complaining all the time just shut your pie holes.

BTW.. Other then sponsoring my team a bit of money my parents don't really pay for me playing, i'm sure they would, but I don't ask them to because I usually ahve money to play anywayes.

I concur.

09-07-2004, 08:23 PM
hey, instead of not helping him and telling him to suck it up, why dont' you give him more constructive advice?

No kidding.

Some of you AO'ers have become quite immature.

My parents were quite supportive over me playing, although my mother was always abit worried I'd get hurt (this was years ago). I'd have to agree with Shartly on this one, as long as you're allowed to play you should be alright.

09-08-2004, 09:09 AM

Ok this is what my friend did. Earlier today he was cleaning his gun, wiped it down, oiled and lubed, then dry fired it a couple of times. And after this he decided to go outside and shoot a few balls. He shot probably a hundred or so rounds and thought," I wonder if this would hurt?" :eek: (When did this sentence ever result in a good idea? :rofl: )
Well lets just say his left hand is broken and his Mom knows he is an idiot.
:rofl: :shooting: :headbang: :wow: :cry: :nono:

09-08-2004, 01:21 PM
More importantly, Do not do this ever. Takes a special kind of idiot to intentionally shoot himself in the hand.... :tard: Wether your parents are around or not, it is an all around bad idea. :rolleyes:

Some people never change. The best advice I could give you, try to act more mature in everything you do. If you are having a "discussion" stay level headed and approach objections rationally. Over coming objections: this is the key in selling anything. When I started playing (at 12) my parents wouldn't let my step brother have a marker. He just never argued to their point of view. Was always a selfish "I have to have just 'cuz" arguement.

O yes, don't call them "guns", for the love of god, they are markers. I would recommend looking up the info on the trial in New Jersey to legalize paintball.

I wouldn't show them the hitler video of paintball. Of course I wouldn't show anyone that video... :shooting: Gardner Boys!!

Hope I could have been of some help.