View Full Version : Modular bodies + foregrips?

10-26-2001, 08:01 AM
Hey, i'm thinking atm what gun i want to buy next (atm i'm using a pretty stock tippmann) and have came up with two choices. Either:
- An Eclipse or Freak Factory Impulse, or
- A modular retro mag with z grip and warp

I decided on the latter as the former would cost more both physically and later though paint :]

Looking at all the different bits I'd need (retro valve, mod body, etc) i was wondering whether it would be possible to attach a regular emag battery as a foregrip and either take the battery out, or, preferably use it to power the warp feed.

Would this be possible?
any pictures of similar undertakings?

10-26-2001, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by Jonneh

i was wondering whether it would be possible to attach a regular emag battery as a foregrip and either take the battery out, or, preferably use it to power the warp feed.

Haha! Take the battery out! What a dumb idea! Who coulda possibly thought of that!??!

Seriously though, I reckon that a nice, normal round foregrip (like the nice matt pro-team ones) would be much better than an empty battery housing. Probably cheaper too.

As for using it as a battery; uh you could. If you could be arsed to make an 18v -> 9(ish)v converter. I dont think it's worth the hassle personally. I'd just buy a proper rechargable warp-battery from AGDUK. It'll be smaller, cost less and it'll be less hassle.


10-26-2001, 12:54 PM
BTW, if you buy just the modular body, it doesn't come with the battery pack. And Jackie from AGD-Europe said it's pretty versatile, you can attach every frontfrip to it that can be attached to a regular Automag.

10-27-2001, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Jonneh
have came up with two choices. Either:
- An Eclipse or Freak Factory Impulse, or
- A modular retro mag with z grip and warp

I decided on the latter as the former would cost more both physically and later though paint :]

I was wondering how you figure your rate of fire (ROF)? In my book the latter is going to be capable of a higher ROF. Even if the marker ROF was the same it would still use a higher volume of paint due to the fact that it will never stop working!

10-27-2001, 05:59 PM
I saw a Z-grip Mag today at Top Gun. He had a Black Emag battery holder on it as a foregrip. It was awesome looking.