View Full Version : Why the 05 autocockers are the way they are

black tri star
09-07-2004, 04:53 PM
The new 05 autococker was not a mistake in designing or a half ***'d attempt to make a cocker, If you look at the marker from a marketing stand point it makes sense. WGP is trying to get more of the newbies from the sypders and the tippmanns over to the cockers. And if they liked the cocker enough to e-blade it, then the intergraded three way would make them spend more money buying a new cocker and E-blading it, as opposed to spending there money out side the Autococker market, basically the 05 autococker is to ween the newbies off of the spyders and the tippmanns. WGP has sort of turned into the tobacco companies,"hook them while they're young," WGP is praying on the newbie.

09-07-2004, 04:58 PM
It also means they can be a bit looser tolerance wise and therefore lower the price, and sell more, and therefore lower the price further.

And it makes the 'Cocker look less scary... there isn't 900 hoses up front to freak out the people who would buy $200 'Cockers.

09-07-2004, 05:16 PM
i heard that the cockers that are issued by k2/walmart ....arent 05 cockers...WGP will officially release the real "05" cockers

09-07-2004, 09:07 PM
basically the 05 autococker is to ween the newbies off of the spyders and the tippmanns. WGP has sort of turned into the tobacco companies,"hook them while they're young," WGP is praying on the newbie.

WOW. In all actuallity, K2 is capitalizing on the Autococker/WGP name.

First of, have you shot or played with an 05 cocker? no.

Tobbaco company? god i hope you were joking, because that is the most absurd and 2 dimensional analogy ever.

black tri star
09-07-2004, 09:32 PM
:rofl: and your calling me 2D :rofl: next time you want to make a counter point come up with some actual points and not attack grammer

09-07-2004, 09:37 PM
There has been alot of threads on this topic :rolleyes:

09-07-2004, 09:43 PM
:rofl: and your calling me 2D :rofl: next time you want to make a counter point come up with some actual points and not attack grammer
What the hell are you talking about? He didnt attack your grammar.

09-07-2004, 09:54 PM
I isnt not attking your grammorz d00d.

God i hope your an well qulified engineer to know waht a halfassedly engeneered paintball gun is. Caus i aint.

but seriously though. Your stating the obvious.

09-07-2004, 09:57 PM
I'm hoping that there is something that we're all overlooking. Otherwise this is going to release a flood of uppity newbies and lower the value of older model cockers.

Chojin Man
09-07-2004, 10:20 PM
Newbies aren't new forever. If it does introduce lots of new players; then its just more money into the industry after they decide they want a better marker.

09-07-2004, 10:29 PM
it was a gernalized marketing relation between the 05 cocker(or the company behinde the creation of) and the tobacco industry, i see no reason to attack the comment to be honest. its just that the paintball guys are looking for return customers, rather than replacments for once passed consumers. and i dont think he ment it as his actually typed werds were being attacked, i think it was mosre of a hey, if you wanna argue my point, dont just say thats dumb, your dumb, im super, come up with a reason why hes dumb, and why your super. werd, yo....ha chachachachacha
anyway, back to the topic at hand, yeah, i feel like it is a way to get newbs to buy into cockers, and then rebuy into cockers once they wanna venture deeper into that cave. the jump from a spyder where you can count the moving parts on one hand, to a cocker that is vary tempermental at times, and shops generally have a specific cocker guy just cause there is a good amout of know how to keep it in good running order can be a bit more of a leap of faith than some feel comfertable taking, where as in the same price range or a lil more, you can get a decent electro or mag or what ever. the 05 cocker to me is like a good middle ground, you play with it, put all the stuff on it, and once you feel like you know in and out, and wanna go e-blade, or just get a real cocker in general, sell it, and buy the new cocker and start all over. its a good marketing sceme if thats what they are planing, but if it is a new generation for the cocker, than they are complete morons who dont know there dick from they *** and are ruining a great platform, kinda like dodge deciding to start making performance stuff(mopar performance), marketing the neon sxt as a cheap sporty fun car, then slaping everyone in the face with the ngc controller at the same time(2003+) limiting the engines ability to produce more than the stock 132 hp and what ever torque, unless of course you bought the srt-4, in which has a totaly differant motor and the new ecu from the of which cannot be used on the other 2.0 models, and as a even bigger kick in the bawls, droping the r/t with the 150 hp engine, and the acr sharing the same motor made specifically for scca racing(loaded includes a radio, no a/c or other pansy crap), with an srt-4 look alike, just to be like, hey, at least it looks fast, dont it. course with no lip on it, it looks like a retarded fish, and in the brochure the had to use a neon with the only other car that could possably look worse, a neon with the full wings west kit.....and it leaves me saying, i hate the caviler, cant afford a celica, but hey, im faster than modded civics stock.

oops, sorry for the rant, forgot where i was for a minute lol

09-07-2004, 11:03 PM
ween the newbies off of the spyders and the tippmanns
Excuse me, but not all newbies use Spyders and Tippmanns. Many, for one reason or another, have Angels, Timmys and DM4s. I know quite a few seasoned players who do use Spyders and Tippmanns however... That was a pretty broad generalization. :rolleyes:

09-08-2004, 07:17 AM
Excuse me, but not all newbies use Spyders and Tippmanns. Many, for one reason or another, have Angels, Timmys and DM4s. I know quite a few seasoned players who do use Spyders and Tippmanns however... That was a pretty broad generalization. :rolleyes:

And it holds pretty damn true...

black tri star
09-08-2004, 10:52 AM
from what i've seen the newbies that own the dm4's the angels and the timmies have more money than talent, and the players who stick with spyders and tippmanns have more talent than money

09-08-2004, 01:10 PM
Excuse me, but not all newbies use Spyders and Tippmanns. Many, for one reason or another, have Angels, Timmys and DM4s. I know quite a few seasoned players who do use Spyders and Tippmanns however... That was a pretty broad generalization. :rolleyes:

There was nothing wrong with his statement.

He didn't say all people who use spyders and tippmanns are newbies.

He said they wanted to ween the newbies off the spyders and tippmanns, which has the implication "the newbies who would buy the spyders and tippmanns".

Set your little bruised egos down long enough to learn how to read.

If you put an 05 cocker in at Walmart, of course you're not competing against Angels, DM4's, etc. You're competing against tippmanns and spyders and the like.

So really, it's more of a statement of the obvious, although it appears some of you have a rather tenuous grasp of the obvious.

black tri star
09-08-2004, 03:05 PM
thank you Goatboy and JaggaloDave for being the voice of reason