View Full Version : VForce Masks

09-07-2004, 09:25 PM
Whats the advantages of the Profiler over the Morph? Is it just the ease of changing lenses?

09-07-2004, 09:27 PM
look profile size look lens's

09-07-2004, 09:31 PM
The lenses are the same for the Shields, Morhps and Profilers (the Armor series has different lenses). The Profilers are currently en vogue, and suppoesdly get more bounces.

The Profilers (newer ones, maybe?) have a small tab on them to make changing lenses easier, but changing the lenses on the Shields and Morphs is easy enough already.

I have two sets of Shields, and amber and smoke lenses. I would recommend the Shield first, cause they're only about $40. But you cannot go wrong with any VForce goggles, especially if you wear glasses underneath.

Load SM5
09-07-2004, 09:35 PM
The prifilers are a step up from the morph in that they fit closer to the face and have a pretty small profile. Not only is the morph "beak" shaved off but the whole mask his been trimmed by about an inch.
I know for a fact they bounce paint and work really well. The lenses change out quickly and are harder to fog than any others on the market.

I've had mine since last years Cup when it was released and love it.

09-07-2004, 09:36 PM
Yea, I prefer the look of the Morph, and if there is very little difference, I'd rather just save a few bucks and buy them.

09-07-2004, 10:49 PM
Yea, I prefer the look of the Morph, and if there is very little difference, I'd rather just save a few bucks and buy them.

Of course it's all up to you but I'll add my support to your plan.

I like a little more mask than the profiler provides. I have played in the Prof. and I didn't think the removed material added anything to my game. Some people love it however I wouldn't use a Prof. over my Morph even if I was given it free.

Once again, this is all IMO.

09-07-2004, 11:27 PM
however I wouldn't use a Prof. over my Morph even if I was given it free.

If you're ever offered one, please take it and give it to me :D

09-07-2004, 11:55 PM
I, too, can attest to the bounce factor of these. I had several bounces off the mouth/nose area this weekend (of couse, bouncy paint too...but, the soft areas are plentiful on this). The lens lock system took a minute to get used to...but, after my Invision episode...I'll never go back.

09-08-2004, 01:34 AM
I've seen 0-bounce test paint bounce off this mask, I witnessed it and ALMOST caught it on camera.

Cedar of CDR was in a local 3-man at the 50, pokes out and gets one right in the nose area (this is from like 50 feet) and the ball is caught in the nose area and falls to the ground. He was about to call himself out when he realized there was no paint there :D

It was pretty funny, he ended up blasting the other 2 guys and winning the game, but very sweet.

I highly highly recommend the profiler, I love mine.

I was talking to my friend and without even looking at my mask I took it apart and cleaned it (I got gogged :( ) and cleaned it and put it back together in about 30 seconds. He looked down and was like "HOLY ****, did you just... how... the... clean mask... huh?" He owns a proflex :D

Needless to say I think I converted another :eek:

09-08-2004, 08:37 AM
If you're ever offered one, please take it and give it to me :D

I never said I wouldn't keep it as a back-up. ;)

I get bounces of my Morph as well. The whole line is really good in this way. I couldn't believe it at first. You feel a big "WACK!" but when you reach up.....no paint :eek: :D

09-08-2004, 08:44 AM
I love my Profiler to death, by far the best mask that I've owned. It's ultra comfortable, low profile, NEVER fogs, and it looks 100% ummmmm..... AGG? lol