View Full Version : Mmmmmmmm E-Mag!!!... :-)

10-26-2001, 02:17 PM

You like? :cool:

10-26-2001, 02:21 PM
oooooooo i like :D

*wishes he had that* heh thats breaking one of the 10 commandments. Rofl!

10-26-2001, 02:30 PM
It looks like mine - but mines still better.

10-26-2001, 02:40 PM
I want one...I want one...
but...I want a polished LF Warp body...:)

10-26-2001, 02:47 PM
You are one lucky sucker. The deal of the century! Good luck with it!

10-26-2001, 02:51 PM
OOOH!!!!! Man I want one of those with the cool paintjob and warp body!!! I didn't know they(the paintjob one) came in warp bodies!!!!


10-26-2001, 02:55 PM
That looks good cphilip. I'm considering a redrider powdercoat for mine soon.

10-26-2001, 10:42 PM
Hey! I got one just like it :D

Is that a Warp body?

I got a red Warp, red Revy (with the TurboRev board), and a red CP flame drop forward on mine, A Warp body and the HL that it came with. It scares the children at the local field! (Oh No! It's E-Mag Man :eek: )

Congrats and good luck with 'er :cool:

10-26-2001, 10:58 PM
haha cphilip.......You think you're special? I have one tooo

It's in my sig though

10-27-2001, 10:20 AM
Who did the custom finish? Usually I like plain, stock, flat black (hey its that whole military conformity thing). I really like that finish though, I will be in the market for an e-marker in a year or so.

10-27-2001, 10:28 AM
Very nice Phil! :D

sajohnston: AGD makes them that way. :)

10-27-2001, 10:49 AM
To clarify, AGD sends the parts to PK Selective and they do the anodizing on all colored E-Mags.

10-27-2001, 11:21 AM
Thanks Black. Yes that is a PK Fade job. Its the Red to Orange fade.

I was asked by AGD (JoAnn specifically) to give a full report here but I am still finishing up the final touches so I will reserve that full report until Monday. But here is an intermediate report from a E-Mag rookie.

I can say at this point I put a full hopper through it this mornig flawlessly. using Powerball Pearl and the stock barrel. Pearl fits it real good. No breaks. Using Warp and VL Revy.

I am having a bit of trouble getting the trigger adjustment in the range to light up each time the trigger pulls like the video shows. Is the video correct? I am talking about the adjustment screw in the back of the triger itself. It seems to fire fine but the indicator does not turn red each time the trigger is pulled like Tom shows on the video.

Also I still do not know how to change the firing modes from single to burst. I was under the impression the burst was enabled from factory . I have not taken the grip off to see if the jumper is in place. I may just not know the sequence of buttons to push to change it. have to search around here a bit and see as it probably already posted here somewhere. However the written documentation that comes with it is lacking to say the least. Another good reason for AO to exist. ;)

I plan to play tomorrow with it and hope to have that solved by then. I am recharging the battery before proceeding to make sure that is not the problem. But anyone with knowledge of this I would love some input. Black would know?

As promised to JoAnn, I will give a full report Monday on this.

10-27-2001, 11:26 AM
that's nice...... wish i was a mag

10-27-2001, 11:57 AM
I really like it !!! How much did you pay for that?;)

10-27-2001, 12:18 PM
OK done my home work...

I saw a post from Tom saying burst mode would be discontinued in a few months. And a few months have passed since that time. So I am not going to be able to access burst because its not there. Don't realy want it anyway. But I thought it would be cool to shoot it once like that. But would never use it anyway.

Secondly... I see lots of info on the trigger magnet adjustment but no reference to the lighting up of the indicator as an indication you are in range like the Video indicates. So I just do not know if I am chasing a wild hare or not on that. Anyone?

PS: yes Russ that is a warp body Warp left as a matter of fact.

e21bgl, I would rather not say. Its a private matter.

10-27-2001, 12:39 PM
cphilip- I don't know about the red dot lighting up each time you pull the trigger since I don't have my E-Mag and have only had the chance to work with one for a short period of time at IAO. My solid Blue w/ Polished Warp Right E-Mag was delivered on Friday, but it's 400 miles away from me and I don't get to see it until Thanksgiving. :(

I still haven't seen the video, so I'm not quite sure what Tom says about the light. The important thing is to make sure that right after the gun fires, there's a bit of overtravel. If you adjust the trigger stroke right to the point that it stops once the gun fires, you'll begin to miss some shots. You can either back off the trigger stroke adjustment screw, or screw in the magnet just a hair so that it goes off earlier in the pull.

10-27-2001, 12:59 PM
Oh man! 400 mile away! Sheesh I do not think I could stand that. I say ROAD TRIP!!!! ;) No seriously the Solid blue is a real sweat color I was torn between that and this fade. Enjoy sorry you have to wait.

OK I see. I am beginning to believe that something has changed in the time the film was amide version and mine. I did readjust the thing just now and backed the magnet off so it was a bit less sensitive and some more travel. So I will tweak on it from there. But I think its close by feel. The indicator light never blinks no matter where I have it though. And when you see the tape you will see him adjusting it to a range where it does blink. So...if something has changed then we need a TSB out on that fact. I am sure Tom will check by and clear this up eventually but I think he is traveling or still at World cup. I'll also check with Tech on Monday about it and post it up when I find out.

Anyway thanks for the input Black. It helps.

One more thing noticed on this test fire round. the PF Plug is backing itself out of the body after a few dozen shots. Not all the way before I noticed it and pushed it back down. About a 1/4 inch or a little more. And repeatedly. Can you imagine the balls flying if it popped out! ;) Have I got too much warp going on here?

Oh and I broke a ball in the barrel this time. Way down in it. Almost 300-400 shots before that one. Not a chop but a break so all is smooth. Probably a bad ball.

10-27-2001, 12:59 PM
Yes, thanks for the clarification. I was a bit too general with my answer. I should have said that Tom has them done that way (but not by AGD themselves) and then sells them already finished. I thought he was thinking that Phil might have had it done personally because he called it "custom". Thus my answer should have been that AGD SELLS them that way, not that AGD actually "makes them that way"... since they have it done by a third party before they sell the marker. I guess it would be a game of semantics. ;)

But again, thanks for the particulars. I hope noone asks their local car dealership who "made" their cars. ;)


10-27-2001, 01:20 PM
Hey phil, I would love to read your review of the e-mag on monday, can you throw in some additional information? I want to know HOW comfortable it is to play with and so on. I have always wondered about the weight when compared to my current gun(which is heavy). The weight factor only comes into play for me when I'm running with it. I got an offfer to trade my current mag for an e-mag but I didn't take it, well because I can't let go of the z-grip. But your review may change my mind. Thats disappointing about the bad ball but ohh well. Much like black I too was going to buy a blue one after I saw the pic of it at http://www.p8ntballer.com. I can't wait to get a pic of my mag up. I think almost everyone will be blown away. I am proud to say it is also scratchless. It is a mix between Tunamans guns and blackVCG's mini without the warp body. I almost traded my main mag and my polished mini for an angel. But id din't:D Once more because of my love for the z-grip. That tequila fade is nice. Have you ever though about fading your warp and hopper to match it?

10-27-2001, 01:36 PM
Shartley- I didn't post that to necessarily clarify your statement, but rather let people know that this isn't a "paint job" and that one of the most renowned and highest quality anodizers is responsible for making these E-Mags sport beautiful fades and solid colors.


cphilip- Make sure the PF o-ring is dry and the area that it comes in contact with in the feed tube. Sometimes, the o-ring will be just a bit small and it's easy for the PF plug to come out, other times it's almost too big that if it's dry, it's a bear to turn without some oil on the plug. If it's a serious problem when you're playing to where you have to keep checking on it and pushing it down, either try a new o-ring, or take off the o-ring and place a thin piece of electrical tape in the o-ring groove and then put the o-ring back on. That should be just enough to make it tight enough in the feed tube. Also, you might try setting the Warp with one jumper "on" to cut down the dwell and put less force on the PF plug. One jumper "on" should keep up with your shooting speed, but if you notice gaps in the Warp wheel after long rapid fire strings, set it so that all the jumpers are "off". The longer dwell helps to close up the gaps in the feed wheel, whereas the shorter dwell lets the batteries last longer.

10-27-2001, 01:41 PM
Black.. I was just ribbing you. :)

When I put a ;) (unlike some folks) I am ribbing. I hope you did not take offense.

10-27-2001, 02:18 PM
OK I'll try cleaning up the oring on the PF plug even changing itout if need be. Then even messing with the jumpers. By "on" you mean the jumper is removed from the two pin it jumps right? So just pull one of the jumpers off?

Sure I will be reporting completely honest obsrevations. NO the thing is not heavy. My just now Ex-Marker was a Warp Retro Valve eclipse and this thing is about the same weight. I do not think its heavy at all.

On a humorous observation: I was charging the battery for the first time. It says to watch the red light till it glows green...etc. Well...no where does it tell you there are two red lights on the charger. One on the plug iend adn oneon the attachment to the EMag battery. And if the plug is not fully seated into the adapter that indicator light on the Battery end will not come on at all but the red lite on the plug end will. So...I plug it in last night. See a red light and go on about my evening. A few hours later I check on it. Still red (wrong light remember but I don't know it at this point). So I go away and come back again a hour or so later. Still red...Hmmmmmm, I thinks to myself, so I pick the thing up and wiggle the wire and Whoa! A light on the batter end thingie pops on! Immediately I feel real stupid. I was looking at the wrong light and had wasted four or five hours waiting for a charge and the thing was never in enough to start charging. So take heed of this. Learn from my stupidity! Thats the kind of stuff I will be reporting! The observations of a complete newbie with a Emag.

10-27-2001, 02:34 PM
Jumper "on" means the jumper is in the vertical position instead of the horizontal position as they are right now if you haven't touched them. They come from the factory all positioned like this:


Now, if you put one vertical, the second jumper can't go horizontal, so what to do? Either put it some place safe, or place it so it's going vertical, but only on one pin. It won't do anything in that position and it will stay with the Warp.

Or, you could always read the Warp manual. ;)

A very important note on the charger. Do NOT trust the green light. It does not mean the battery if fully charged. Let it charge for a good 2-3hrs. and then take it off.

Another thing, you said "No seriously the Solid blue is a real sweat color I was torn between that and this fade. Enjoy sorry you have to wait."

Are you sure you didn't mean sweet instead of sweat? ;) Then again, you might be one of those Gatorade drinkers that has blue sweat coming out of you, so you were making reference to that. ;) Just giving you a hard time. :)

10-27-2001, 04:19 PM
...About the red light on the LED flashing, when you pull the trigger...

I'm guessing that this was with the v1.31 software (like in the video), not the v1.37 software that's in my gun (and I assume yours too, cphlip) The dot on my gun doesn't light up with each trigger pull.

Next, burst modes. After the software boots up, keep pressing the TOP button until the screen says "1 shot" Now, with the screen displaying "1 shot", press the BOTTOM button, now the screen should scroll through 1 shot, 3 shot, and 6 shot. If there is no jumper installed, the screen will never display "1 shot", It will be set at semi-auto mode (1 shot) by default.

One other discrepancy in the video is the explanation of the on/off top. In the video it shows, and is specifically called, "a special silver on/off top, exclusive to the E-Mag". My gun has the brass unit. I assume again that this must have been changed in later production model.

I let my battery go for 2-3 hours after the green light comes on. When fully charged, my battery puts out over 19 volts. I charge it before each day of play.

I'll be playing sans Warp Feed tommorrow. I did pick up a red Revy shell today, and will either drill through it or melt it. 'till then, no Warp for me.

BTW, I do have a 68/3000 flatline, and I'm quite pleased with it.

10-27-2001, 05:15 PM
Hey congrats on the E-Mag cphilip!!!! Its a beauty!

I have a question about charging though. Do you guys have home chargers, for 120V AC?? I only got a car charger with mine. Also, do you just leave it charge in the car overnight? I would assume it would drain your car battery dead. I want to buy a converter from radio shake so I can plug the car adapter into it, but they are expensive.

10-27-2001, 05:24 PM
Hey ... really nice! But my favourite is still the SFL EMag ... this baby must be mine ... someday ;)

10-27-2001, 08:21 PM
Ho! well yes I did mean Sweet! Sorry! You'll have to forgive me. I am working on the old lap top. Sticky keys...slow connection and as a result I am just too lazy to do spell check when I am on this thing. Not that spell check know the dif between sweat and sweet but...;) This thing has caused me no end of embarassment as you know. ;)

Ok jumper off or at least not on two pins. Got it.

Hey! this will amuse you. Drilled the Revy this afternoon. Here is how not to do it:

After carefull measuring and aligning and all I finaly was satisfied with my marks. I am a handyman kind of guy with all the tools. No problem right? Well... I can tell you to use a hole saw not a boring bit. Here is what happened. I was drilling the top hole first. Had a nice correct size "boring" bit but not a "hole saw" that size so I used the bit. This is a bit with two blade cutters on each side of the round bit. Well it was going real good until the bit breaks through. Then the blade kind of catches on one side and due to the brittleness of the plastic in the VL Revy it snaps a chunk right out of it! Drats! I am real pissed as you can imagine. Said a few nasty words. So after cooling down I look real close and refit the chunk and it fits nice and neat! Clean break! So I am able to replace this piece into the section and mend it fairly nicely and trim out the hole with a exacto knife. Can hardly tell it was broken! Lucky...but still... So I proceed to drill the bottom hole but this time I stop just short of it finishing going through and finish the hole cut with the exacto knife. Works fine and all is well but still what a pisser. So realy I need to get a new right side revy shell and redo it later. But I am still in business but I hate it not being perfect. So I will redo it eventually and I learned a lot from it. Moral of story? Use a hole saw!

Long day of fitting the Emag. Learning a lot.

OK Russ I will recheck that thanks for the lesson. That insite is very helpfull.

Signing off for the night as your E-Mag Rookie reporter.:)

10-27-2001, 08:37 PM
LOL! Good story, cphilip. Kinda reminds me of MY first drill-thru revy shell, not that long ago. Substitute a 1" end mill for your boring bit, and you get the picture. That shell was still usable (with a lot of electrical tape), but was soon replaced. Came out great the second time, thanks to a 1" hole saw. My first attempt at melting a shell didn't go too well, either! (That ones been replaced, too) You gotta be very patient with that heat gun :rolleyes:

Well at least I got a local connection for the Revy shells.

10-28-2001, 09:47 AM
Hey Russ you think you could arrange to get me one of those revy shells?

...I knew you would be amused! Hole Saw everyone. we have tried everything else it seems. Nothing like the right tool for the job huh?

More later getting the stuff ready to go play this afternoon.

10-28-2001, 10:48 AM
im kinda away from the boards for a month and phil gets a emag. now whats up with that. i think i deserve it more than he does. jk phil. really nice gun.

one idea though. send the body to redrider and fade match to to the body rail on your gun. just an idea.

hows that warp working for u?

im still shootin my free flow.

anyways i got LOTS of reading to catch up on here on this board so enjoy my emag, wait no. i mean your emag that will soon be mine? something like that...

10-28-2001, 11:34 AM
Darn you... mine's not here yet.... because UPS wouldn't deliver on Friday (Nevada Day, state holiday)

10-28-2001, 12:52 PM
BTW, mine is better than all of yours. I asked JoAnn to kiss mine... since TK wouldn't... ha!

10-28-2001, 05:27 PM
I can hook you up. I just need to know what side (probably the right) and color. They (www.hogansalleypaintball.com) charges $10 for 'em. I'll pick one and ship it you, if you prefer.

10-29-2001, 07:40 AM
Well Miscue...JoAnn actually took mine home, cooked it dinner and well...enough said. I am too much a gentleman to go further. ;)

magc68, you need to pay attention. Whats more important than AO? Fade the body? Well I do know that Red needs a clean to bare metal for the fades. I guess I could have it bead blasted and do that. I chose black to allow black barrels to blend in. Sort of a transition from the fade to the black. I will try and get a pciture of it with the black freak on so you can see where I was headed. But I might just take that fade idea on some day. Have to talk to Redrider about that.

Russ, sweet if you would do that. Email me your Addy and I will get $15 out to you ($5 to cover shipping and trouble) I need black and yes the Right side.

Working on my Report now. You will hear the words "Its all about the trigger" many times in it. :)

Evil Bob
10-29-2001, 12:05 PM
When the green light comes on, it means the battery has finished it quick charge (up to 90% charge) and is topping the battery off with a trickle charge. The quick charge takes 20-30 minutes depending on the battery, the final trickle charge takes 2-3 hours, again depending upon the battery.

If you want a wall charger, drop by Radio Shack and pick up model #273-1680 (multi role, 3-12v settings, multiple tips, $34.99), set it to 12 volts and match the tip and away you go.

Evil Bob

10-29-2001, 01:09 PM
Wow thanks so much Evil Bob!! Thats exactly the info I needed! :)

10-29-2001, 01:12 PM
magc68, you need to pay attention. Whats more important than AO?

well between school, cross country meets, paintball tournaments and practice and a new girl my computer time is limited. well i should say my fun computer time is limited. being a computer science major im on a computer way to long so its not too much fun to spend free time on the computer as well. i usually check up every few days and read a page then take off so i know i missed a lot.
things r starting to slow down some so i got some free time and im done with my major program for java so computers arnt as much torture now.