View Full Version : Tac-One

09-09-2004, 02:03 AM
I have never owned an automag before. I play mostly woodsball and I was looking at getting the Tac-One. I cannot find any reviews for it from people that have bought it and I'm wondering what people think of it. It has the options I think I want and the price is about right. What I want to know is there anyone out there that has one, and what do they think about it? Thanks.

09-09-2004, 02:08 AM
Read some reviews for the RT-Pro. It's pretty much the same thing with a different body (obviously), and should give you an good idea of what you'll be getting. Excellent choice BTW! :cheers: I've got 2 RT-Pros and love them both. Super fast, compact, and I've yet to chop a ball. Plus, NO ELECTRONICS to worry about! Couldn't ask for more. ;)

09-09-2004, 06:04 AM
Just type tac-one into the search here on AO, JiminVa gave a rundown on his experience with his. Myself and a few other people have also chimed in on how happy we are with them in his tread.I love mine.If your looking for a good all around marker it's definetly worth checking out. Go to the dealer's forum on here and see what kind of price Tunaman or Rougefactor can give Ya. I've purchased stuff from both these guys and can say they are great to deal with. If you don't go that route click the picture at the top of the page and get it strait from AGD. well worth the $450.00 That I payed. Hope this helps.Oh I almost forgot Welcome to AO.

09-09-2004, 06:54 AM
I think you'll be extremely pleased with how much marker you get for the money with the TAC-ONE! I am so pleased with mine that I'm reevaluating if I really need to keep other (more expensive) markers that I own.

My post can be found here... (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=149900)

Frymarker also has a recent post... (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=151299)


The Frymarker
09-09-2004, 08:20 AM
I highly recommend getting this marker if you are into scenario game play!!!!

I used it all day without one problem! No chopping, I ripped through paint pretty fast as well! It comes with an itelliframe as a standard. The stock barrel was pretty accurate as well.

The nice part about this marker is that it is specifically designed for scenario play, you can add on sights, flash lights and other goodies. This you can't do with the RT Pro unless you do some customizing.

I have used a Tippmann as a starting marker for scenario and I felt that using the Tac, as a never before user of an AGD product, it handled far better.

The trigger pull was a lot lighter, another factor that I thought about was, this marker is aluminum, the Tippmann is made of steel, after a while with my Tippmann the inside started to rust and some of the components as well.

I have also used other markers in the past that were electro, such as Angels, Impulses and Timmy's. I felt with this marker for it's compact size and weight was perfect for me to use.

09-09-2004, 10:06 AM
Thanks for responding to my post so quickly. The info is great. Right now I use an A-5 w/ and E-Grip and the thing just feels like a piece of junk. I have heard really good things about AGD products and am looking forward to owning one. One other quick question, since the Tac-One comes with an X-Valve, does that mean you can only use Compressed Air or can you use CO2 with an anti-syphon? Thanks again.

The Frymarker
09-09-2004, 10:39 AM
Hmm I think someone with more AGD experience could answer that, I used nitro that particular day.

Guys can you answer this one ^

09-09-2004, 10:42 AM
it wont be up to performance but if u have an anti siphon and stabalizer u should be fine. may also experience some velocity spikes etc. co2 is temporary solution u really should get nitro on it asap

09-09-2004, 10:43 AM
Yes X valve = compressed air

09-09-2004, 10:58 AM
Wasn't Tom planning an optional valve pin that would allow the Tac-One to be used effectively with C02? Whatever happened to that idea?

09-09-2004, 11:01 AM
Wasn't Tom planning an optional valve pin that would allow the Tac-One to be used effectively with C02? Whatever happened to that idea?

i assume its stil being worked on ifnot i know a few others toying with the idea

Yes X valve = compressed air

rt=x-valve=useable on co2 with the right setup

09-09-2004, 11:45 AM
Thanks again. I have a compressed air tank (Centerflag 4500/68), I just always run out before the end of the day and I have a whole slew of CO2 tanks. Can anyone recommend a good dropforward for it?

09-09-2004, 01:56 PM
The drop will also boil down to your personal preference (i.e. balance). I use a SystemX that I love.

Also be prepared to use a lot of air with the Tac One. For your 68/4500 expect 1020 shots if the following formula holds true. 3000psi = 10 shots per ci. 4500psi = 15 shots per ci.

I love my RT and my Tac One. I don't expect to ever "need" another gun.

09-09-2004, 08:28 PM
That is what I am hoping, but of course I have said that before.

09-09-2004, 08:42 PM
There is a difference between "want" and "need"
I "wanted" a Timmy So now I have a backup to my Mag... :shooting: :dance: