View Full Version : cold weather play

10-26-2001, 04:16 PM
I'm going to play paintball tomorrow in 35 degree weather.
I have a minimag with a vertical CO2 setup. What can i do to make my paintball day more enjoyable?

Load SM5
10-26-2001, 04:39 PM
Dress warmly...
Don't try and lick the frost off your co2 tank.

You may have to keep your ROF down a bit if things start to freeze up on you but I think you should be ok.

10-26-2001, 07:10 PM
This won't help your for tomorrow but if you play in this type of weather regularly, look into getting a nitro system then you don't have to worry about your gun freezing. You can get a nice Crossfire stubby for a reasonable price. If you don't want to invest in a nitro system, at least get an expansion chamber. Keep warm and have a great day.

10-30-2001, 08:11 PM
Thank you for the advice. I can see the use for a nitro tank in the future. I was planning on getting one anyway. Should I get the flatline 3000psi or get something like a Pure Energy or a Crossfire tank?

10-30-2001, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by splat15k
Thank you for the advice. I can see the use for a nitro tank in the future. I was planning on getting one anyway. Should I get the flatline 3000psi or get something like a Pure Energy or a Crossfire tank?

My advice, wait for the 4500psi flatline so you'll have the best tank at not the most outregous price. If you like the sport, it's a great investment that will last you a LONG time.

10-30-2001, 08:19 PM
It depends on what kind of set up you want. A flatline is nice and has an adjustable output pressure but it remains on the gun at all times untill you unscrew the dorp forward from the grip. A preset (Crossfire, Pure energy, etc,etc) is nice and you can remove them from your marker set up. But you may need to also purchase a Drop foward (I recommend a KZDII with on/off or Benchmark sporty) I have used both and I feel it is a matter of preference.
As for cold weather play, I also play in cold weather. I live in Alaska. If you are going to play with CO2 don't get to trigger happy. Instead of rapid fire conserve your paint and try and make your shots count. This is only good if you are not playing speedball. I hope this helps.

10-30-2001, 08:25 PM
thanks for the reply. It really doesn't matter to me wether or not I get a screw in type tank or not. Each system has its pros as well as its cons.

Oh and by the way, my day went great! My Minimag with the Freak barrel was shooting strait as an arrow! And yes I kept my R.O.F. down. Thanks again