View Full Version : HELP Two Sick Mags

09-09-2004, 08:09 PM
I hope you guys can help.

I have a classic mag and put in the simplest terms...it coughs alot, it also leaks down the barrel after pulling the trigger and continues to "sputter" after the trigger is released :mad:

I also have an old R/T it wants to fire a stream of full auto when you pull the trigger :shooting:

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

09-10-2004, 06:32 AM
For the Classic - try oiling the valve (if you haven't already) & replace the O-rings. If that doesn't fix the problem, talk to an airsmith.

09-11-2004, 12:17 PM
on the classic sheck that the rod that screws into the sear and touches the trigger isn't screwed too far in because this will cause the gun to short stroke every trigger pull. the rod on my mag used to screw itself in so i used some loctite

09-11-2004, 12:31 PM
Specs on gun? like does it have lx etc?

09-11-2004, 01:07 PM
ok lets see if i can help you.....

Leaking down the barrel means you need to replace/oil the powertube o-ring. The lawn sprinkler sound you hear when you hold the trigger back means you should oil/replace the on/off o-rings. If you can't seem to get the leak to stop down the barrel, then you may have to try different size powertube spacers. Also, make sure your bolt spring is in good condition. The spring needs to be longer than the bolt itself. Let me know if you have a Level 7 or Level 10 setup. Also need to know if you are using only stock AGD parts. Some problems are caused by aftermarket internals.