View Full Version : classic upgrading problems

09-09-2004, 11:25 PM
Alrighty, I had a guy at the shop upgrade his mag. He had a PF left powdercoated body, level 7 (the all metal bolt w/no foamie is a 7, right?), classic valve (I can get S/N by this weekend if necessary, it's got three stars), dye double trigger gripframe, and as far as I know stock on/off and rail. He bought a ULE body and a LX kit.
First, getting the o-rings on the LX to fit was a pain, as I think the LX's are being sent out with oversized rings nowadays, but we borrowed one from an older kit that worked. Gas it up and it vents down the barrel. Initial setup was stock spring, no shims in the LX, 1.5 carrier, adjusted the reg upwards to compensate. Since the initial setup we've cycled through all the springs, both other o-rings (which fit the bolt stem very loosely if at all on even the tightest carrier), all the lower end carrier sizes, various input pressures and various regulator settings.
Now, I think the carrier o-ring is alright fit-wise as with the 1.5 carrier it has some drag on the bolt stem but not too much, but the marker still vents. Dropping carriers to .5 or 0 causes bolt stick but still allows the leak down the barrel.
The marker will cycle though we havn't put paint through it. Holding the trigger back stops the leak. Pushing around on the bolt face doesn't appear to change the sound of the leak. No lawn sprinklerage. We've swapped his air fittings and tanks twice to make sure the air supply is working as intended.

The only two things I'm left with are:
1) the reg seat/pin. If the reg fails it dumps full input pressure into the dump chamber and causes leaks, right?
2) the sear and sear pin. The sear pin is probably not the stock/original length, everyone with a 'mag around here fiddles with the pin to make their mag have bounce. If I knew how to measure it I could see if it's in spec. I think if it's too long it presses up against the on/off and causes a vent, correct?

Can any techs with a better understanding of all this give me some idea of what parts to order? I'll need more carrier o-rings anyways, but should I grab some reg seats and pins while I'm at it?

09-11-2004, 03:13 AM
You have told us the location of the leak by your description of how you stopped it:

The marker will cycle though we haven't put paint through it. Holding the trigger back stops the leak. Pushing around on the bolt face doesn't appear to change the sound of the leak. No lawn sprinklerage.

You have probably set the lvl X up correctly and the leaking is perhaps due to the on/off assembly (if the leak does not seem affected by the bolt but the trigger that is a good indicator right there). The proper length of the on/off pin for a Mech X-valve Mag is 0.750 in (as listed in Black VCG's Stickied Tolerances thread right above this one). As long as it is within 0.005 of that you should be fine (a shorted pin does lend it self to rapid-fire more).

Another thing to check is the o-rings in the on/off assembly and make sure they are in good shape. Grit or debris or just old age does not help make air tight seals.

Lastly make sure your sear pin (the threaded rod on the sear assembly) is the appropriate spec. Again reading from Black's tolerances thread we see that the AGD spec for it is 1.985 in from the tip of the rod to the tip of the brass off the axle against the steel sear. Make sure you locktite it back in place when you are done or it's gonna rattle out of spec in short order.

Those are my thoughts.

the electrician
09-11-2004, 07:26 AM
what he said is right on the money.

I add one thing that some will argue, but I stick to my advice.

I use regular old buna-n o-rings in my on/off and in my lvl10. they seal very easy, and are very low in friction. you can only do this IF you use HPA, and HPA ONLY !!!

see that o-ring around the outside of the carrier? it's black. that's buna-n. you can buy them at the hardware stor in the plumbing section. they are cheap and work like a charm.
no more wasting time playing with those harder o-rings and chasing leaks.

they don't last forever, like the urethane and teflon ones do, but they will last for a good year or more. I've had the same ones in my mag for two years now.

try it, I think you'll agree after you do.

09-11-2004, 01:14 PM
how many LX shims did you put in there? Most people use two. If the bolt still sticks, try 3.