View Full Version : Blast Camp

10-26-2001, 06:37 PM
I have family around the chicago area that i was thinking about visiting thanksgiving weekend(I live in minnesota)I'd like to play some paintball when i go down there.Like at blast camp because its close to were they live or mabey go up to adventure extreme park or whatever its called.Info would be appreciated.Im wondering if theres anyone interested in playing that weekend or any schedualed games.PS ARMY:do you live in chicago?

10-26-2001, 07:18 PM
it's pretty cold... blast camp is a good field but an hour and a bit more out of chicago. and the staff is wishy-washy.

challenge park is also almost an hour out... and the way its run is improving, but they're still working out kinks. Cool fields though;.

Country Club Paintball would be my best suggestion, indoors so the cold isn't so biting, great staff, nice folks... bit pricey. also out of chicago. www.ccpaintball.com

10-26-2001, 11:19 PM
i am a ref at blast camp.
the reffing is fine its just the owners are dorks
if you decide to go to blast camp drop me an email and i can hook you up.


10-27-2001, 12:19 AM
i deffinitly recomend playing at ccpaintball. they have a great field and its indoors. the reffs are good and the owner is the coolest. one time the owner lent his 1700 angel to a little kid cause his spider broke and it was his b-day. ccpaintball is just the best place in chicago to play and they also have reasonable paint prices. i play there once in a while and its great.


10-27-2001, 07:47 AM
Doesn't Country Club just have the one indoor field though?

10-27-2001, 08:46 AM
they change the field really offen and it doesnt get boring at all playing on one field

10-27-2001, 09:44 AM
Lonsch, they didn't hire you to talk to customers about sniper barrels or the weather man, they hired you to sit around and WATCH the customer, and clean up little scraps of paper and get frostbite at their crappy fill station. so shut up and let me do the talking.

It's still gunna be freezing out.

10-27-2001, 10:11 AM
He is stationed somewhere on the central/northern coast of California.