View Full Version : Automag Maintanance Video

09-11-2004, 08:34 AM
I just bought a minimag and the previous owner did not include the AGD maintenance video with the marker. I'd REALLY like to get a copy of the video. I had read somewhere (pbnation I think) that AGD does not mind this video being copied. If this is the case, does anyone have this video transfered to digital on their computer? Or is there a site where I can download it? If AGD doesn't want this video copied let me know nd I'll try to find someone willing to sell and ship theirs. :ninja:


09-11-2004, 10:59 PM
dude, they always mind. They're losing money everytime a person rips it onto their computer to share. However, the best program I use to gain my movies and such is DC++. By far the best file sharing system in the world. I live in Davis CA (UCD), and we could share all our files between UCB, UCSB, UCLA, etc... All you need to do is create a user name with a [UCx] as a tag and you got it (substitute "x" for any of the UC's i.e. UCD for UC Davis)

09-11-2004, 11:08 PM
what you said makes no sense... by downloading from a file sharing program are reproducing it; therefore its the same principle.

09-11-2004, 11:16 PM
dude, they always mind.

No they dont........Share AGD stuff away thats what AO is all about

I have the vid on vhs but no way to share. I think there is a vid around somewhere here.

go here and see minimag manual. If you still have questions just come back here


09-11-2004, 11:23 PM
I dont think AGD minds, since it was posted a long time ago here on the forums. I have the e-mag video on digital format thet i downloaded from that post. Use the search an it may still come up. I dont know if anybody did the automag one though.

09-12-2004, 12:28 PM
If you don't mind the wait, my brother is in the navy and lives in Dartmouth. He comes down round christmas to visit and I can give him my copy that I no longer need. It's VHS and covers the older level 7 mags.

PM me your address