View Full Version : Chrono Spikes of over 100 FPS

09-11-2004, 08:09 PM
Okay so I finally got my mag out to a field for the first time. I had it chronoed and the velocity of the paintballs would spike up to over 285 FPS sometimes almost to 350 FPS and then the next shot will come down close to 100 FPS and then up and down. My gun isn't consistent and I'm unhappy. I have a RT Ule Custom with a Nitroduck X-stream tank adjusted to above 800 psi. I have a Q-Loader System attached to the gun. I also have the ULT-trigger with maybe 4 shims on it. I was using gap paint on the stock two piece barrel. When I went to play I noticed that because of the velocity discrepencies I could not be accurate. I want to be able to shoot accurately and consistently from a moderate distance. I was getting picked off from people because I could not shoot at them accurately, but they could shoot at me. Thanks for the help in advance.

09-11-2004, 10:53 PM
is it new? if so, just put tons of air through it, get the thing broken if not. Sorry if I couldn't help more man but that's all I got in terms of advice. It sucks cuz I bought a brand new RT-ULE and never had this problem.

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
09-11-2004, 11:59 PM
what spring do you have in and are you doing the right chrono procedure??

Marc D
09-12-2004, 02:38 AM
Irregular paint will cause FPS differences, had + or - 40fps due to cheap paint. My tac-one had alot of spiking when new. Just give it a case or two.

09-12-2004, 08:58 PM
Just took the gun apart and I see that my detent is broken. Missing the ball part of it and I'm betting that is the biggest part of the problem. Yea I chronoed several times with refs and other people there. The spring is the short gold spring. Hopefully it's just the detent.

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
09-12-2004, 09:14 PM
thats not what im saying

the right chrono procedure with an RT or X valve is to shoot once and immediatly hold the trigger down then over the chrono let go and pull again really fast (ie: shoot the gun)
this is the way you should chrono

if your fps doesn't go down after turning your velocity adjuster go up to a stronger spring like a red or the longest one this should lower your velocity substantially

09-12-2004, 11:26 PM
Oh I understand what you mean. I will do that next time, but my other question is the noticeable shootdown when i play. some shots will be really powerful and then some very weak shots with two balls coming out at once sometimes. I think that the broken detent really is the problem though. anyone know about the Kila V2 MS Detent. Are they pretty strong and will they be harder to break.

09-13-2004, 05:34 AM
Sometimes mags are like cockers :cry: Try examining the internals and relubing :(

Sorry man... your not alone here. I sold all my broken mags and brought an angel and fell in love with it! GL

09-13-2004, 05:55 AM
why type of chrono where you using?

was it one of the red ones?
if so it might not be your gun, when the battery gets weak in chronos, they get all wacky.
124 to 450 to 200 to whatever.

i would check with a differnt chrono

09-13-2004, 09:44 AM
crono proceedure is not the problem with that kind of huge spike. Differences are only like 20 or so psi with that....

I suspect your regulator pin assembly is sticking. Often an issue on a brand new valve. They take a while to losen up.

Do this... pull that assembly out after taking the back half of the vavle aparts. Oil it liberaly or better yet mix some oil with some type of shocker lube or greasy marker type lube. Half and half. This will stick on there longer. Then it will free it up for a while. Might have to repeat again a few times till that pin and its little rings gets broken in. Many of them are very tight coming from AGD lately and stick early on. This will give you all kinds of wild things from No shoot to spikes because you have set its reg up so hight to get it to shoot it sometimes does not stick and spikes way up. Once you get it free and smooth your going to find yourself turning it way down to get back to 280.

09-13-2004, 08:42 PM
Thanks, I'll have to do that. I called AGD today and talked to John and he said to check that part of the valve as well. Maybe there is dirt or something in there he said. I took it apart and it looked clean. So I will lube the hell out of it like you said and hopefully it will be good. I used the red chronos and I checked on two different ones so I'm not sure if the chronos were bad.
Thanks for the heads up though.