View Full Version : Cradle question...

Mr. Niceguy
10-27-2001, 05:47 AM
I have a Air America Raptor Rex HPA tank and am in need of a cradle. I like the looks of the DYE Raptor cradle, but was concerned that the reg would be prone to spinning in the collar.<p>
The Kapp Drop Zone cradle for a Raptor tank looks strong, <b><i>but</b></i> I wasn't certain if the tank mount end of the cradle clamped down on the large diameter section of the reg neck, (nearest the tank), or to the smaller portion of the reg near the front. The smaller front portion spins off to service the internals of the reg and I didn't want a cradle that attached to it there. Does anyone know which it is for the Kapp?<p>
I lean toward the looks of the DYE, but am not certain if the DYE cradle for the Raptor snugs up on the large or small part of the Raptor reg body? I have no paintball shops close enough to drive to and can only go by what pictures I have seen at online retailers. I really can't tell. Any help on these two cradles would be greatly appreciated.

Mr. Niceguy
10-28-2001, 05:36 AM
Hi dee ho boys and girls... I bought the Kapp DZII... not that it matters much, but replying to myself gives me one more post. LOL. "Junior member" LOL... junior.

10-28-2001, 10:57 AM
i could be wrong but i don't think replying to your own post ups your count, take a look at both your posts in this thread they are the same.
welcome aboard and sorry no-one gave you help with the cradle question i personnally just didn't know, hope you got it figured out though.

Temo Vryce
10-28-2001, 01:33 PM
actually it does up your post count and every post you have will have the same post as it gets its information from a central file.

Glad to see you got a Craddle/drop that works for you.

10-28-2001, 02:29 PM
learn something new every day, thanks for correcting me.

Mr. Niceguy
10-28-2001, 04:42 PM
I was lucky, being able to speak to a young fellow at an online retailer that used a AA Raptor on his personal marker. He advised that the DYE cradle does attach to the front most section of the reg... which is a bad thing in my opinion. Any bracket that secures to the portion of a reg that can spin off is a bad idea. Not to mention that cradles that use set screws, (DYE and Benchmark), cramming them against the side of the reg body to keep the tank in there is not what I prefer. I value my marker for how it works <b> AND </b> how it looks. The only sensible option was the more expensive Kapp Drop Zone. It's made to adjust to the circumference of the reg, below that of the removable section nearest the fiber wrapped tank. No bolts to did into the aluminum reg. Very nice. For 50 smacks it ought to be. Thanks to those who answered me just the same... as it is the thought that counts.