View Full Version : paintball makes me feel guilty

09-14-2004, 11:56 PM
yes it's true,

jus thinking about it, 700 dollars, sitting in your hands, which you HAVE NEVER broke a sweat for it. not even half of it was made by my hands and my time. yes, i have been leeching money off my mom for paintball. Throwing 100's and 100's to play for 6 hours...and upgrading.... now i feel guilty and now im going to return this money to repay my mom for her time and hard work. i have officially quit paintball, until i find a job. yes i am 15

yes ao, anyone have any similar experiences of paintball making you guilty? for any reason

09-15-2004, 12:02 AM
There are times when it has crossed my mind. I think of what i COULD have done, had i not spent most of my spare money on paintball.

Sometimes i go out with my pump gun and have so much fun that i wonder why i spent so much money on everything else.

But then again, after a day playing with my other stuff, it all feels worth it.

09-15-2004, 12:03 AM
Welcome to the real world!
Good for you, and I at least am proud of you’re mature decision.
It takes a certain level of maturity to cut the cord, especially considering the amounts of money you are talking about.

09-15-2004, 12:23 AM
I'll place you a cut above the other 14-year-olds who get everything paid for by mommy. If you appreciate what's been done for you and don't walk around talking about how you're the s---, I have more respect for you than the others.

<-- has paid for nearly everything

09-15-2004, 12:24 AM
Think of it this way... Your mom gave you that money to get something that made you feel happy... Now you are going to turn it around, sell it for probably half of what it cost, then give that money back to your parents? Next time save the hassle and set fire to the money directly.

My advice is to just keep what you have now and don't ask for anything else.

09-15-2004, 12:58 AM
yes it's true,

jus thinking about it, 700 dollars, sitting in your hands, which you HAVE NEVER broke a sweat for it. not even half of it was made by my hands and my time. yes, i have been leeching money off my mom for paintball. Throwing 100's and 100's to play for 6 hours...and upgrading.... now i feel guilty and now im going to return this money to repay my mom for her time and hard work. i have officially quit paintball, until i find a job. yes i am 15

yes ao, anyone have any similar experiences of paintball making you guilty? for any reason

big ups dude. when you get a job, enough dough, be sure to give you parents a token of appreciation for being there, freall.

Oh btw, people never give quit paintball, they just stop and start again.

Chojin Man
09-15-2004, 01:24 AM
TheFlamingKoosh from his post I gathered that he wasn't going to sell his equipment. Instead he is going to give back the $700 his mom gave him. Then get a job to pay for his paintball costs.

09-15-2004, 01:46 AM
Good bye amoeba, good bye... :cry:

09-15-2004, 02:05 AM
Good for you man. It's hard to keep paintball up when you don't have a job, and are underage. Damn laws. :p When I first played at 12, I was fortunate enough that a friend of mine had a couple of gift certificates for a nearby field. When those ran dry, we just couldn't afford to play anymore. Maybe once every couple of months and or up to a year. Paint back then was ~100-120 for a box of 2500. Which actually wasn't too bad when you go through a hopper and a pod for the whole day. I was able to find a steady job and picked it back up again 3 years ago.

09-15-2004, 02:24 AM
well i think you should keep it,like it was said before you'll sell it and wont make back what your mom paid for it.If i was your mom i be a lil pissed that ya did it.
Get yourself some lame part time job and pay her back with that,im sure that would be much more appreciated on her part and less guilt on yours.Anyway good luck on what you decide

Target Practice
09-15-2004, 02:40 AM
You know what? If someone is willing to pay for you to play, more power to you. I wish my parents had paid for my markers, paint, field fees, and misc. equipment. I wasn't able to fully immerse myself in the sport, because I could never afford to do anything. I had to wait 'til I was in college to start playing seriously, because I could finally afford it. Now, I have awesome equipment, a field that I can afford to play at (free, so that doesn't really count), and the ability to play whenever I want.

I'm sure we all dislike those little 12-year-olds with the DM4s. At least they have a foothold, a springboard into the sport. There is no rule that these kids need to become stuck-up tourney pooheads. That depends on the individual.

It goes along the lines of having a sponsored team. They didn't pay for any of their markers, equipment, or paint, but no one criticizes (sp) them? In some cases, they wouldn't be able to play. Sponors make it possible for them to compete. Parents do the exact same thing in my eyes.

Call me the Devil's Advocate, but I'm all for parents paying for their child's involvement in paintball.

Flame away.

09-15-2004, 02:56 AM
O.K., well, :) I guess someone had to notice that not once did Amoeba indicate that he would sell off his gear to pay back his mom. :rolleyes: He is taking the responsible path to ownership-work for it. Hats off to you; you'll be glad you got that job. :hail: The goods you buy with the money (after payback) will mean much more to you than if they were given to you, even by a most well-meaning soul. If you haven't spilled the beans to mom yet, let it be a secret till you can plop the whole big wad in her startled hand and watch the emotion flow. You'll score big hero points. (don't do it for that though)

09-15-2004, 07:57 AM
Do not keep it a secret from your mother. Tell her how you feel and what you would like to do. Maybe just the gesture would be enough and shed tell you not to quit playing and continue to help you out.

09-15-2004, 08:18 AM
O.K., well, :) I guess someone had to notice that not once did Amoeba indicate that he would sell off his gear to pay back his mom. :rolleyes: He is taking the responsible path to ownership-work for it. Hats off to you; you'll be glad you got that job. :hail: The goods you buy with the money (after payback) will mean much more to you than if they were given to you, even by a most well-meaning soul. If you haven't spilled the beans to mom yet, let it be a secret till you can plop the whole big wad in her startled hand and watch the emotion flow. You'll score big hero points. (don't do it for that though)

actually. i did, http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?p=1596914#post1596914

the story is real confusing, the thing is. this money was added overtime, a period of around 6 months which ended up 700. my mom doesnt know that the money she has been given to me was saved up. and now everytime my mom gives me lunch money, it makes me feel guilty, how parents will try everything to make you feel happy. most i have asked from my mom was around 200 dollars and sometimes to pay for my paint. i jus saved up lunch money, or w/e over time, but jus now i keep thinking, WHY this much? i didnt do anything for it...my mom could be going out shopping or paying off her major debit bills

i did some desperate things to even get a case of paint

Duck Hunt
09-15-2004, 08:52 AM
Hey man, don't feel bad. I completely understand how you feel. I keep telling myself one day I'll pay my mom back for everything shes done for me. If you can do it with money thats great, but don't forget the hug and the "I love you Mom" that goes a looooooooong way!


09-15-2004, 10:22 AM
Good for you, for wanting to take responsibility for your own hobby. But don't feel guilty. Your parents paying for paintball is no different from someone else's parents paying for hockey, or whatever.

For myself, paintball has always come out of my own pocket (I was 21 when I started), so I've never owed anyone for it. But I did look back last year when my younger brother bought a house. I realised that I had spent enough money on paintball for a downpayment of my own. :rolleyes:

09-15-2004, 11:03 AM
the only time i felt guilty in paintball was when i bought a tippmann 98 at a yard sale 2 years ago for $40 with tank and everything... only to find out the mom and dad were selling it cuase there child passed away in a car accident... i then sold it for $120 on ebay cuase there was no way i was going to keep that gun...

Eatem Alive
09-15-2004, 11:11 AM
whenever i give my son money, whether it be for lunch or whatever, i don't care how he spends it as long as it is on somethinthing he wants (anything illegal being the exception). if he doesn't eat lunch because he is saving his lunch money, i don't feel guilty because he comes home hungry. my point is yoiur mom gave the money to you...it's yours, unless there was a prior understanding of how it should be spent. she probably wants you to be happy. as a father of a 15 year old who plays and the husband of a wife who plays as well as myself, you can imagine how exspensive that can get. any way my son can save money to support his own playing is much appreciated by me. i do applaud your feelings toward the matter, most teens don't give a rat's ***. maybe just let your mom know how you are spending the money, i'll bet she won't mind.

09-15-2004, 05:42 PM
i got out of paintball because i didnt have a job and i felt guilty about making my parents p[ay for everything but now i have a job and still owe my parents for everything ive bought

09-15-2004, 05:46 PM
yes ao, anyone have any similar experiences of paintball making you guilty? for any reason

A long time ago I had a small bit of guilt yeah... My first "good" gun in '96 after giving up the Stingray (which I paid for :headbang: ) was a 68 Classic that my dad went in halfs with me on. I guess I would have been about 12 or 13 at the time.

That's the only time I've ever used my parents money for anything pb related... No honest to God guilt factor ever set in because my dad really didnt spend all that much money on me.

09-15-2004, 06:07 PM
Everytime I felt guilt I just think of how many drugs I could have gotten with that money... :eek:

09-15-2004, 06:31 PM
This is somehwta an interesting subject. Many of us feel guilty about using our parents money ( I earn mine, I work around the house), but what about other's? What abuot hockey players and all their gear? That's a lot of money per season. New pads, a few new sticks, etc. Now paintball is one of the more expensive sports, but still. It seems that since most non players ee it as just a hobby and not a sport, they think they pay for it and not us.

I dont mind seeing a 14 year old with nice equitment as long as they worked for it( which I did). Only when I see a 14 year old wearing over 1g of stuff. Jersey, pants, pack, marker, etc. If they work for it, then I dont care.

I do feel guilty about only paying my dad 25 each time I play. I may actually get a pump to save him money.

09-15-2004, 06:43 PM
I don't care what gear someone has, I care how they play.

I've seen guys come out decked in thousands of gear, and then see a guy who spent maybe 100 bucks total on paintball. The guy who spent 100 bucks ends up having more fun and pulls off more games then the first guy.

I know there are some of a mix, guys who spend the money and can play, but a lot of those guys can't.

Which is why I no-longer judge people by their gun or clothing, but how they are as a person + player.

09-15-2004, 06:50 PM
... anyone have any similar experiences of paintball making you guilty? for any reason

...yes...i keep winning...and im pactiaclly done upgrading (about $100 more to go which i have)

...now i dont feel guilt...i feel its the paint and field fee that is ruining my life...and my chances of getting a car...

Chicago Pb 7
09-15-2004, 07:22 PM
I used to feel the same way, whenever I get money from parents or relatives I put it in the bank to save up for a car. Then I caddy at the local golf course on weekends and that money goes toward paintball, so it all works out. :headbang:

09-15-2004, 07:27 PM
when i got into paintball, my parents told me the only thing they would buy for me is my first setup. gun/tank/mask/hopper. after that, i was on my own.... that was 3 years ago, when i was 12. since then, i would estimate the money that they spent on my paintball stuff (excluding holidays/birthdays) would come out to around 75 dollars, maybe less. i got a job when i was 14 because i love the sport so much. i dont have the best gear, but i make due with what i have. more than likely, if you just saved up lunch money and stuff, your mom wont care. the money would have benefited you in one way, whether it be food or paintball, so i hardly doubt she would mind.

i say dont feel guilty, just dont ask for more money. get a job, it'll make you feel less guilty....i spent 400 dollars just within the past 2 weeks, but it was my money, and i dont feel guilty about it.

09-15-2004, 07:41 PM
Wow 700 bucks :eek:

Quiting paintball soiunds a little self mutilating :(
Heres what you do, just take a break for about 3 months and chill out. Only play paintball when you feel you really want to(and really controll that urge). Now that school has started wait for the holidays or until you can go with a large group of friends.

Or you can... Gulp OMG I shreak at the thought of this suggestion :eek: As I was saying or you can get a girlfriend :rofl: Just make sure shes hot and is worth having your string pulled by her ;)

09-15-2004, 09:12 PM
thanks for the support and great stories, i have returned the money and told her that paintball made me feel guilty that you worked hard for this much. she said she was proud of me, knew what i was doing, and that it's hard work. "since youre giving it back, this will go towards your college funds, it will be a good investment"

09-15-2004, 09:54 PM
Way to follow through man. I think you'll appriciate that 700 even more when it comes time for you to buy books etc for college.

09-15-2004, 10:36 PM
Now with the good gesture, would anyone donate an older mag, better yet a pump that theyre not using? I'm new to the AO scene, but ya'll seem like decent folks. I know on ebay, there were some field mags with mask, 20oz co2 tank and hopper for like 79.99 Buy it now.

09-15-2004, 10:50 PM
For me, when I first started playing I paid for everything, now that I'm playing every weekend, and am on a serious team, my dad is helping me out on buying stuff and paying for paint. He sees this as a sport I do though, just like him paying for baseball lessons or playing in a basketball league. Once I can get a better job I know he will stop giving me money, which I am fine with.