View Full Version : Does this sound like a good deal:

10-27-2001, 04:00 PM
OK - The owner of my local field showed me his RT Pro, and is selling it for $600.

-It is an black RT Pro, with all the stuff (fore-grip, site-rail, etc...)


*12volt revy
* a drop forward with on off,
* a 68ci 3000psi pre-set. I believe its either a PMI or N2Duck.
*a benchmark double trigger frame.
*also, has stock RT barrel, as well as 2 other(forgot).

-The owner also told me that it just got back a couple weeks ago from AGD. He said that they fixed the benchmark grip so that it lets in proper airflow (which I guess it didn't), and sealed up some micro leaks. I am not sure if AGD does such kinda work, prolly so.

I would really like to get this gun...hopefully I can sell my Mag 1st!

So, does that sound good then, $600 for the ^above^ RT?


10-27-2001, 04:39 PM
That sounds good to me but i dont know if you would want to run the RT Pro off a preset tank, unless you like the feel of the trigger. Get an adjustable tank so you can fine tune the trigger to how you like it.

10-27-2001, 08:38 PM
shoot the gun, if it works good, I'd get it.