View Full Version : Eractic Veloctiy

10-27-2001, 05:58 PM
Hello. I had a great day of paintball today. One minor problem though. My velocity was jumping around a lot. My first shot would be around 220. After that, the velocity would increase in decimals close to ten each shot. Finally when it got up to around 280/270, it would stay preety consistent. I'm using a Classic 68 Automag with Powerfeed. Aquipped with a 20oz CO2, with an anti-shyphon tube. I have put in a brand new regulator seat so that is not the problem. The gun was properly oiled and shot great. Just the velocity deal. Could it have been from the CO2 and the cold weather? Sure was sweet today when I broke kills in one game record. I lost count today after ten. I found the sweetest spot on the field and the enimies just walked right into a death trap. Almost emptied a hole hopper that game just mowing people down hahahaha. Anyways and help with the velocity would be appreciated. Thanks.

10-28-2001, 12:03 AM
stop the co2 abuse switch to HPA and all will be solved. I got a nice 68cu 3000psi P/E Tank works perfect. Good Luck and great Shootin.