View Full Version : Who said cheating isn't a part of paintball? :(

09-16-2004, 12:51 PM
Well, I don't know how many of you are actually following the development/release of the Xbox paintball video game, but here are a few features it will have:


-- 3 game types to play - Elimination, Capture the Flag, Center

-- Quick Look - head movement without body shift

-- Cheat Meter - try to wipe paint without getting caught

-- Switch marker hands from left to right

-- Snap left/ right/ up - snap in and out or up and down behind
bunkers to hide and shoot

-- Stance and mobility based targeting system - shooting accuracy
changes based on stance & movement

-- 14 top pro paintball players, including:

-- Greg "Red" Hastings

-- Rocky Cagnoni

-- Chris LaSoya

-- Nicky Cuba

-- Keely Watson

-- Lisa Harvey

-- Alex Fraige

-- 25 real-life paintball sponsors to provide an authentic
experience, including:

-- Severe

-- Tippmann

-- JT

-- Dye

-- PMI

-- Draxxus


-- And many, many more

-- Real-life paintball fields and tournament locations,

-- Huntington Beach Open in California

-- Island Open in Aruba

-- SC Village in Los Angeles

Single Player

-- Single player Career & Arcade modes

-- Career Mode:

-- 19 tournaments to play

-- 98 different field layouts

-- Play against up to 80 different opponent teams, including
69 real life teams

-- Advance from rookie to novice to amateur to pro

-- Build your team from 3-man to 5-man to 7-man & choose from
32 unique players

-- Gain experience points and increase your character's
skills, including speed, accuracy, marker handling, and
reload ability with each win

-- Earn money and prizes from tournament wins

-- Buy new gear at online virtual Paintball stores

-- Choose from ten categories of gear to outfit your
character, with up to 145 pieces of gear and clothing,
such as: markers, goggles, jerseys, shoes, etc

-- Arcade Mode:

-- Choose from any level or field where you have previously
won and choose to play it again for practice or just for
fun without damaging your ranking.


-- Xbox Live - Optimatch, Quickmatch, Friends, Detailed

-- All gear and all levels open to all players. Not dependent on
single player game.

-- System Link enabled

-- Communicate on the field with the use of Xbox voice

-- Play on-line with up to 7-on-7 team play

-- Customize your own character or select from 21 pro characters
to play

-- 20 unique locations to play

-- 179 different field layouts, including small and large field

Granted, I know it's a gameplay feature...but I think it sort of encourages this type of tactic. I might be making this too much of a big deal but I found it interesting.

09-16-2004, 12:57 PM
I wonder who showed the "model example" of wiping without being seen *Cough* Lasoya!!!*Cough* :D

Target Practice
09-16-2004, 12:59 PM
You know, maybe we should add a "Cork Your Bat" mode to the next MLB game, or a "Cooking Spray On Your Jersey" mode to Madden '06. :rolleyes:

That's just stupid.

09-16-2004, 01:00 PM
I wonder who showed the "model example" of wiping without being seen *Cough* Lasoya!!!*Cough* :D

haha, thats exactly what i was thinking :)
i guess if you select to be lasoya then you don't even need to hit the button to wipe, it is an automatic reaction for him

09-16-2004, 01:01 PM
That's pretty cool.

At least its realistic.

09-16-2004, 01:18 PM
Cheating is deeply ingrained in the paintball mindset. I don't have to like it, but it's there.


09-16-2004, 01:36 PM
Hey gibby, who's developing that?

09-16-2004, 01:38 PM
Hey gibby, who's developing that?
Not us...but another developer is making it for Activision. I forget the name but I believe it's an east coast developer.

09-16-2004, 01:40 PM
Hey gibby, who's developing that?

looks to be Activision


09-16-2004, 01:48 PM
Activision is the publisher, WXP are the developers.

The "Wipe meter," man, can you say poor taste?

09-16-2004, 01:57 PM
^^Definately poor taste. I think they are based in Seattle. :confused: Just X-box on this one?

Edit: "escape elimination with the groundbreaking Cheat Meter" :tard:

09-16-2004, 02:17 PM
as the saying goes.....

cheaters live longer

09-16-2004, 02:20 PM
"Cheaters get it faster"

09-16-2004, 05:14 PM
as much as ide like cheating to not be a part of the game IT IS. and chances are if u dont cheat one of the other teams did

09-16-2004, 05:23 PM
as much as ide like cheating to not be a part of the game IT IS. and chances are if u dont cheat one of the other teams did
Yep, but it certainly doesn't need to be encouraged.

09-16-2004, 05:50 PM
I for one am definately gettin this one! WOOT! :D

09-16-2004, 06:12 PM
Cheaters live longer..... lets examine this statement...

by rules of paintball.... what does it mean if you are hit with a paintball, the paintball breaks and causes a quarter mark or bigger?
does it say "if you can wipe the hit off without being seen by a ref you are still in play"

no, it does not say that, it says you are ELIMINATED from the game... so are you in essence, a "live" player? no... you are an eliminated player that chose to play on despite the fact you are already technically out of play according to the rules of the game.... hence.... cheaters dont live longer, they just keep playing cause they can't handle the mental strain of losing, cheaters in this game are truly weak people. how can these weaklings feel good after a "win" is what i dont understand... but each finds their own joy in what they do, so if you have to cheat to be as good as others, all the power to ya cause your pathetic.

i read that stuff about "cheat meter" on the game, this turns my stomach.... not only is it frowned on, its now apparently blatantly encouraged on even the GAMES of this....
anyone that has that boardgame paintcheck, if you get hit is there a way to roll and possibly wipe without being seen?

things like this really give paintball alot of credibility dont you think? no wonder so many dont consider it a real SPORT, when cheating is just part of the game... and not something truly bad apparently.

09-16-2004, 06:19 PM
when i 1st read this i got all giggley and ****......PB ON THE BOX YES!!!!!

09-16-2004, 06:23 PM
It is indeed unfortunate that cheating has become part of the game. I still outright refuse to lower myself to that level. Then again as an old fart paintball wise, I don't have much interest in Tournament play.

I wonder if they computer cheats in the game. Perhaps it could be used for a good lesson. How damn fustrating it is to have somone cheat against you.

09-16-2004, 06:30 PM
It's become a part of the game, and continues to remain a part of the game because of people who can't find it inthemselves to take a loss. The Pro's have a huge influence, but as long as there is someone lower on the ladder than yourself, there will always be someone influenced by you.
Pro's influence a huge number, and the cheater on the rec field, influences those just started in the game, who may in turn become a pro himself.

I admit I've wiped once or twice. :(
but its stupid, and just plain wrong.
so I don't do it anymore.
I want to have people look up to me for how I play, not what I win.


so that said, I'm not even going to tough the cheat stuff in the xbox game.
I'll still get the game tho!!!!
and a wifi bridge....
and check out that free service that works just like XBOX live but happens to be <cough> FREE!!! :clap:

09-16-2004, 06:31 PM

I wonder if they computer cheats in the game. Perhaps it could be used for a good lesson. How damn fustrating it is to have somone cheat against you.
Hrm...that's an idea. It'd be interesting to do a focus test on players who know they were cheated by the computer or another live player. Maybe a successful player who cheats is denoted by an exclamation point above their bunker. Although the NPC ref might not catch it, the player will know when they've been cheated on and by whom. I'd like to see the kind of reaction they'd get.

09-16-2004, 07:54 PM
Hrm...that's an idea. It'd be interesting to do a focus test on players who know they were cheated by the computer or another live player. Maybe a successful player who cheats is denoted by an exclamation point above their bunker. Although the NPC ref might not catch it, the player will know when they've been cheated on and by whom. I'd like to see the kind of reaction they'd get.

Easy level = Computer plays fair
Medium difficulty = Computer wipes effectively.
Hard difficulty = Computer also shoots from dead box.
Super Tourny Mode = Computer uses refs affiliated with their team, and refs wipe down players.
Impossible Mode = SP sues you and takes electros away - you now have to throw paint. Opponents also use aim-bot and wall hack.

09-16-2004, 07:57 PM
Impossible Mode = SP sues you and takes electros away - you now have to throw paint.

Which brings up a question. Does the Smart PArts "patent" cover electronic triggers to the point of "virtual" paintball guns? Will they be able to sue, say, Sony (PS) for infringement of their electronic triggers?

:dance: :rofl: :dance:


09-16-2004, 08:11 PM
I think the virtual markers in the game are safe....
The problem is the electronic switches in the XBOX controller thats firing those virtual markers.
We'll have to use Mechanical Controllers...

09-16-2004, 08:24 PM
Do you guys know when this game is to come out?
And I wonder if the developers understand all the ways to cheats, not just wiping but bunker rub, diving, sliding. I have seen guys use windex on lenses and when he get hit there it spots and looks like spray. Dirty trick I know but how is the refs supposed to stop it.
Oh yeah what about those guys that wear 2-6 shirts under their jerseys.
Will we see that in the sequel.

09-16-2004, 08:28 PM
Mid November is what I found

09-16-2004, 09:07 PM
if anything they are probably going make "wipe mode" a selectable option.

09-16-2004, 09:10 PM
...no wonder so many dont consider it a real SPORT, when cheating is just part of the game...

so do people not consider basketball as a sport because people cheat? same with the olympics, if someone uses drugs who runs the 100m, is it not a sport anymore? every game has cheating in it. just because it happens in pb doesnt make ppl think it isnt a sport. just as in any other sport, there is a rule set. if a rule is broken, the player suffers the consiquences. there will always be people who try to cheat and get away with it, and thats just a part of sports as much as the physical aspect is. its not going to change.

anywho this game looks pretty cool, i'll most likely be picking this one up. but you can count on the sales being very low what with the release date being 2 days after halo 2's. VERY bad idea, this title will be completely overlooked.

09-16-2004, 09:34 PM

If its going to be something like this im going to have to break every copy i find... :tard:

09-16-2004, 11:31 PM
If its going to be something like this im going to have to break every copy i find... :tard:

I hate to say this, but that's a poor wipe. Residue everywhere. I'd call him on it, personally.


Head knight of Ni
09-16-2004, 11:49 PM
Which brings up a question. Does the Smart PArts "patent" cover electronic triggers to the point of "virtual" paintball guns? Will they be able to sue, say, Sony (PS) for infringement of their electronic triggers?

:dance: :rofl: :dance:


XBOX ='s Microsoft and SP has neither the balls nor money to sue Microsoft. All this over a game which will likely be sub par. It is from Activision after all :p

09-17-2004, 12:46 AM
Nascar = Rubbing is Racing

Paintball = Rubbing is Erasing.

09-17-2004, 12:54 AM
No matter what I will buy this game, but there some things that I dont under stand, that would kill the game.

Say you play front in the game...1/4 of the time your out in the first 5 seconds.

What happens after that, Game Over?

09-17-2004, 12:58 AM
No matter what I will buy this game, but there some things that I dont under stand, that would kill the game.

Say you play front in the game...1/4 of the time your out in the first 5 seconds.

What happens after that, Game Over?
My guess is, they will probably handle it like the HL paintball mod or like CS. However, if it's in "clan" match mode, probably just keep you in the deadbox waiting for the next round so you can't cheat and relay messages to teammates during the match.

09-17-2004, 01:00 AM
How about playing five or seven man formats of the game. I know that more then likely you could play on Xbox Live but what about at home w/ friends.

09-17-2004, 06:45 AM
Wow - paintball has really come a long way.....now a whole new group of people can cheat off the field too :mad:

Seriously, is this something that the sport really needs? I love the idea of a paintball game, but why incorporate all the worst parts of the sport as well?

09-17-2004, 10:20 AM
Wow - paintball has really come a long way.....now a whole new group of people can cheat off the field too :mad:

Seriously, is this something that the sport really needs? I love the idea of a paintball game, but why incorporate all the worst parts of the sport as well?
My guess is, to reduce the "shock" factor when new players really come out and play. That way, people won't be surprised to see how nasty some players can be like in real life. :p

09-17-2004, 11:09 AM
What I'm curious about is weather a player will need to use the cheat function in order to get to through the higher levels of the game....I too would like to see players reactions when an NPC cheated.

09-17-2004, 01:50 PM
I'm not going to buy it if there's a cheat meter in the damned thing.

They can kiss my hairy white arse.


I wonder what Activision's stance on illegal copying and downloading of software is?

Just curious at the double standard.

09-17-2004, 02:33 PM
You know...it's interesting to see that the big name players featured in this game didn't try to go against the idea of the cheat meter. Some might say that most of the time, the pros endorsing the games aren't involved with the development. But with Activision games, they actually are. So does this mean the pros don't care about the overall opinion on how real paintball is played? I'm sure these pros will get royalties from the sales of this game.

I doubt putting a cheat meter in the game is the same as stealing. I think the designers of the game needed to come up with features that would make the game more interesting. The cheat meter just seemed to be a "neat" thing they thought would make the game fun. Granted, I'm sure the designers of the game had to learn how to play paintball, but that doesn't mean they really know what's best for paintball.

Who knows...maybe the pros did step up and speak up against the cheating...and that the "suits" didn't care and told them that it would make the game "fun." Afterall, the suits are the ones putting up the big bucks to produce this game so ultimately, they've got the final say. Sad but true. OR! The pros endorsing this game also believe that cheating is a part of paintball regardless of what the rules state. :(

09-17-2004, 04:24 PM
I doubt putting a cheat meter in the game is the same as stealing.

It sure is... it's stealing my fun, stealing my game from me.

You could turn it around and say that illegal downloading of Activision's software is cheating them out of money.

Evil Bob
09-17-2004, 06:15 PM
Hmmm.... they left out the complain and yell at the ref mode, should be an intimidation meter for attempting to get your way when you dont like a call regardless if you're really out or not. I dont see the appeal to the head ref option either. They also seem to have left out the fist fight option or the ever popular spoiled brat throw the marker on the ground option. And what paintball game would be complete without primadonna mode where the "pro" players strut around self absorbed? Definitely needs to be a Jeremy Salm option because everyone knows little kids like ninjas...

-Evil Bob

09-17-2004, 08:34 PM
Easy level = Computer plays fair
Medium difficulty = Computer wipes effectively.
Hard difficulty = Computer also shoots from dead box.
Super Tourny Mode = Computer uses refs affiliated with their team, and refs wipe down players.
Impossible Mode = SP sues you and takes electros away - you now have to throw paint. Opponents also use aim-bot and wall hack.
Mmmmmmmm aim-bot. Now paintballs can actually be accurate.

Enos Shenk
09-17-2004, 09:33 PM
You know...it's interesting to see that the big name players featured in this game didn't try to go against the idea of the cheat meter.

Why would they? The game is tourney ball unless im misinformed.

I give them 10 points for realism at least.

09-18-2004, 05:53 PM
Once or twice in the entire day thier are a few times where it would be dumb not to whipe because no one could tell at all, and thier are also times where you shouldn't even think about it.