View Full Version : On/Off opening too soon for sear to catch

09-17-2004, 01:23 AM
Its a classic mag with a z-grip. I searched the forum and watched the video that came with the gun. The sear looks fine. All of the o-rings are good. The rail bushing is in place. I'm using a 68/45 Centerflag tank so the output should be fine. If I slide my finger off of the trigger very quickly it catches with no problem. If not, it double or triple fires before recocking or fires on pull and release of trigger. Sometimes it will half fire and stick when I release the trigger. If I use a longer powertube spacer, it leaks. I've even tried adjusting the trigger rod to make sure I wasn't shortstroking. The channel for the sear pin in my rail seems really deep (it actually goes through to the other side at one point on the dovetail edge of the bottom of the rail) and the sear pin doesn't click into place like in the video. This is my first Mag but I've worked on them for friends in the past. At this point I've tried everything i can think of and I'm going nuts. :confused: Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

09-17-2004, 09:46 PM
Now the best that I can get out of it is that it releases a puff of air after releasing the trigger each time. :cuss:

09-18-2004, 12:05 AM
First put your trigger rod back in to spec with some calipers, Trigger Rod: 1.985" and make sure the on/off pin is .750" then check it and report results.

and the sear pin hole really does go that deep, so no worries there.

09-19-2004, 10:03 AM
Thanks for the reply.

I didn't have a set of calipers so i set the trigger using the before and after trigger pull comparison lengths on the AGD tech page. I actually tried the stock frame too for troubleshooting purposes. The gun was mildly used when i got it. A guy bought it and returned it because he didn't like the way it shot. The trigger rod was too tight against the trigger when i put the z-grip on it. I went through and put fresh o-rings in everything because it had been sitting for quite a while. It seems to be malfunctioning less now but still nowhere near enough to take out to a field.