View Full Version : I lost my field

09-17-2004, 09:40 AM
Guys to all of you guys that are informed Puerto Rico just got run over by a hurricane called jeannie and i guys used to be the owner of a speedball field the hyper type but aparently A RIVER ENDED up in the field and took everything with it including the house were i store the co2 tanks dont worry for the tanks they weren't there.But i pretty much lost everything else on the field any ideas on how i could get the field up again without goign broke. P.S. its not sa business we just play there because the other fields are way far away.

Chojin Man
09-17-2004, 02:39 PM
well a hurricane just rolled throught right? so there is probably debrils laying around that can be used as a makeshift bunker.

09-17-2004, 06:38 PM
heres an idea. Go to where everything was destroyed, and load up a pickup with cinderblocks, bokenwood, and other debris. You could make a pimp field after a couple trips. I'm sure the people wouldn't mind either because your helping them clean up. Also, just buy a plastic shed for now, until you can get a buolding up.