View Full Version : strange phantom config?

09-18-2004, 06:50 PM
is there some reason why i'm not seeing any phantoms in the config where they run on constant air and still have a stock class feeder up top? does the valve get in the way or sumthin or is it just not popular. i cant seem to find a single one with that setup goin.

50 cal
09-18-2004, 06:52 PM
Why go consant air with the extra weight when you only feed 10 balls at a time in the feeder?

09-18-2004, 06:56 PM
good point but if i just had a 45/45 on the back it wouldn't be that heavy and i'd never need another fill for the rest of the day, also if i had a hopper up top it defeats the purpose of low profile the phantom has

edit: also you can get 15 rnd feeders

09-18-2004, 06:59 PM
I ran my VSC phantom on CA, although it was a 3.5oz virt style.

If your talking back bottle setup I have seen a few but yes its unpopular and many find it to be ugly and somewhat cumbersome.

09-18-2004, 07:06 PM
aight then how many shots would i be squeezin off with say a 12 gram, or a 4 oz co2 tank

09-18-2004, 07:06 PM
If your talking back bottle setup I have seen a few but yes its unpopular and many find it to be ugly and somewhat cumbersome.

yeah, it would tend to get in the way. Also messes you up when you try and aim.

btw, where did you find a 3.5 oz?

09-18-2004, 07:13 PM
btw, where did you find a 3.5 oz?
i can get them brand new from my local shop, in colors even, if your interested anyone, drop me an email and i can help to hook you up. :cheers:

and i have played two whole days with out a refill, so im not sure, maby.... 500? just a guess.

09-19-2004, 12:28 AM
3.5 on a Phantom gets close to 500 depending on the conditions and velocity. I have a 3.5 oz for sale if you'd like one. I used it on my Phantom but sold it for a RTPro. LMK if you wnat it. 30 shipped. PM or email me

09-19-2004, 12:48 AM
i can get them brand new from my local shop, in colors even, if your interested anyone, drop me an email and i can help to hook you up. :cheers:

and i have played two whole days with out a refill, so im not sure, maby.... 500? just a guess.

You shoot 250/day with a phantom?


In a day of speedball with my Phantom if I shoot a full pod it's a LOT.

50 cal
09-19-2004, 10:54 AM
I have a 3.5 oz for my Phantom. I usually play with a 6Pak+ on it though. I get some funny looks and lots of questions about the 6Pak+.

The 3.5 oz usually gets about 4-500 shots in warm weather. That's usually when I play with the Phantom.

09-19-2004, 03:13 PM
I do that. Some times I put a 68/3k tank on my phantom. This serves two functions.
1. it serves as a more consistent air system.
2. it eliminates the need for a stock.

next year i'm probably making it a hawaiian style so that'll be the end of that