View Full Version : my mag needs help

09-18-2004, 10:47 PM
ok guys i have a classic valved minimag with a ?ans venturi? bolt and and a benchmark trigger frame it has been sitting in one of my gear bags for a while but my dad needs to use it tommorow so i would like to get it shooting a little better than it is. (i have never owned a mag before if you havnt guessed)

here is whats wrong:

1.when i aired it up with a 88ci3000psi tank it had a small leak coming from the side of the valve where my qd is attached fix: i teflon taped it carefully

2. my velocity is really low but it is really loud and has tons of kick.

3. the trigger pull is really hard (newb ? kinda but should it be this hard.

4. when the safety is on the gun will still shoot.

5. i cant think of any others but can you guys give me some tips for getting it running for tomorow sorry i have so little info but i cant air it up now because my parents are asleep

09-19-2004, 11:59 AM
1: you already got it I guess
2: Level 10 should fix the kick. I think you should get level 10 anyway, or atleast replace the ans bolt with a stock level 7 one, it will probably fix this.
3: Mags generally have pretty hard trigger pulls.. its hard compared to what?
4: Thats an issue with some benchmark trigger frames, some people modify the safety so it will still fire with the safety on, but the safety acts as a trigger stop.
5: Ok :)