View Full Version : 512MB Video Card

09-20-2004, 05:58 PM
My dad and my brother are searching around for a new computer, and one of the criteteria it has to meet is a very good video card (he will be doing extrem video editing, possibly making games, and i will be playing games on it :D ) I was wondering, are there (right now) any quality 512MB video cards that will run games and be able to run editing software to its maximun potential? Or when is one due to come out?

P.S. What about this card: http://www.bizrate.com/marketplace/product_info/overview/index__cat_id--405,prod_id--7588110.html
would it be able run games like doom 3 at ultimate settings, and do extreme video editing?

09-20-2004, 06:09 PM
I've got the ATI 9800XT (I think i'ts 256?), and I can run Unreal 2k4 with everything turned up to max at 1600X1200, and it's as smooth as the fur in the funny-kitten-picture thread.

09-20-2004, 06:13 PM
If money is no object, look at the Nvidia 6800 ultra...or the Radeon x800 xt.

09-20-2004, 08:14 PM

09-20-2004, 09:29 PM
There are no 512MB cards that can compete in the gaming arena this point in time... Look for 512MB cards to start coming early/mid next year to allow high quality, uncompressed maps in games such as Doom 3 and HL2 to be played smoothly. Since you're looking for 512MB cards, it seems like you're looking for majorly high end stuff. In that case, I'll have to recommend the 6800 GT... I can't really recommend the Ultra... Too big, hot, power-hungry, expensive, etc... The GT is where its at right now... Single molex connector, single slot design, and actually not INCREDIBLY expensive... If you're lucky you can probably find some deals for around $350 or so... Thats better than paying the $500+ for most Ultras though. If you're more of an ATI guy, definitely check out the x800 XT PE...

Kaiser Bob
09-20-2004, 10:53 PM
definitely look into nvidia's sli setup, a blazing gpu for each half of the screen, cant lose there

09-21-2004, 08:15 AM
If money is no object, then maybe get the NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra DDL along with the Apple 30" Cinema Display. It would be a thing of pure beauty. It would provide a good canvas for your dad to work on and would be an awesome way to play your games. :D

09-21-2004, 08:42 AM
I can play doom3 on my laptop. I think there is alot of hype around how "high end" your stuff has to be to run it.

If I were you I would wait. we are starting to see DDR2 and PCI-E finally come to some high end mobo's. Only problem is that I still have yet to see any advantage over using AGP. Are you going to do more vid editing than games? its a good question considering the requirments for video editing are alittle different than games. Best web forum for computer geecks is Hard OCP. do a search on google and checkout there forums.

You would be suprised but there is very little noticible difference bewteen the mid and high end cards in regards to game play, rather only discernable by using different benchmarks.

definitely look into nvidia's sli setup

I really want an AW ALX2 and the new smasung 23" lcd when i finish grad school. Nice little present to myself :headbang:

09-21-2004, 10:39 AM
There are no 512 meg video cards right now. I believe 256 is the current limit on AGP cards.

09-21-2004, 01:34 PM
Well, there are. 3D Labs makes the Wildcat VP 990 Pro which has 512 MB, but it isn't really intended for gaming.

09-21-2004, 01:42 PM
If you really want the best check out Alienware and their new proprietary software that uses two graphics cards so that the workload on each is cut down by 50% (each card renders half the screen).

Expect to pay a LOT though.

09-21-2004, 04:00 PM
Okay I'll try to correct some of the MANY misconceptions in here... I'll work from most recent on up...

If you really want the best check out Alienware and their new proprietary software that uses two graphics cards so that the workload on each is cut down by 50% (each card renders half the screen).

Expect to pay a LOT though.

Yes, Alienware is working on the technology at the moment, but it has not been released yet, nor have they set a public release date. They will not be licensing the technology, so you'll only be able to get it from the little green guys, nowhere else. They will be using the technology mostly, if not only, in their ALX series. The ALX series is intended to basically be a "luxery" line of computers. The load control will not be performed by software. There will be a separate piece of hardware that will combine the processed images. The technology is not yet available.

Well, there are. 3D Labs makes the Wildcat VP 990 Pro which has 512 MB, but it isn't really intended for gaming.

You are correct. You'll get better gaming performance out of the trusty old Radeon 9800 PRO than you will get out of any card intended for use in workstations. You'll get faster performance in AutoCAD and sorts with such cards, but gaming performance is comparable to a Radeon 9600 PRO. :rofl: So instead of unloading hundred upon hundreds of dollars on a 512MB workstation card, you could just spend about $130 and get equal gaming power. ;)

There are no 512 meg video cards right now. I believe 256 is the current limit on AGP cards.

Not really the limit. We just wouldn't have seen a worthwhile performance increase. Texture maps and sorts simply have never taken up more than 256MB until now. With Doom 3, the uncompressed texture maps for the single player levels are simply HUGE, now causing a demand for 512MB video cards. ATI and nVidia are both working on their 512MB cards. Right now, for the high end 256MB cards we're looking at $500-$600. If they double the amount of memory on the card, will the price not rise a considerable amount? With the release of the Radeon 9800XT, people were horrified by the price. The price was considerably higher than 128MB cards at the time. But the 9800XT offered great gaming performance, so many enthusiasts went out and bought the card, dispite the price. Before the release of Doom 3, FarCry, and the like, the texture maps were not big enough for a 512MB card to present a large performance increase. Would enthusiats purchace them if they presented a negligible performance increase, but a considerable price increase? No. If there is no demand for them, why make them? Now, there IS a demand for these cards, and the industry will respond. We'll more than likely see 512MB cards released in Q1 or Q2 of next year.

I can play doom3 on my laptop. I think there is alot of hype around how "high end" your stuff has to be to run it.

If I were you I would wait. we are starting to see DDR2 and PCI-E finally come to some high end mobo's. Only problem is that I still have yet to see any advantage over using AGP. Are you going to do more vid editing than games? its a good question considering the requirments for video editing are alittle different than games. Best web forum for computer geecks is Hard OCP. do a search on google and checkout there forums.

You would be suprised but there is very little noticible difference bewteen the mid and high end cards in regards to game play, rather only discernable by using different benchmarks.

I really want an AW ALX2 and the new smasung 23" lcd when i finish grad school. Nice little present to myself :headbang:

While you can play Doom 3 on your laptop, you're not experiencing the full potential of the game. On a laptop, I assume that you're playing at 1024x768. Also on a laptop, I assume that you're lacking a good graphics processor. So you can play it, but you'll be playing it at Medium or Low quality at a fairly low resolution. With a high end computer and graphics card, you would be playing it at Very High quality at 1600x1200 with AA and AF in 5.1 surround sound. The game is an AMAZING experience when played on such a setup... We won't see a PCI-E advantage over AGP for quite a while... The bottleneck in performance in current cards isn't caused by lack of AGP bandwidth. AGP 8x has yet to reach its limit. A large advantage offered by PCI-E will be seen when nVidia's SLI is released.

Speaking of SLI, Alienware's technology is independent from nVidia's SLI. They are not related in any way.

definitely look into nvidia's sli setup, a blazing gpu for each half of the screen, cant lose there

SLI hasn't been released yet.

And that, children, has gotten us up to my previous post! :D Hope I helped ;)

09-21-2004, 07:44 PM
While you can play Doom 3 on your laptop, you're not experiencing the full potential of the game.

In all honesty, there is NO computer you can build or buy right now that can play D3 to its full potential. My statemant was that people, like your self, are way over hyping the requirments of this game. Look at the HardOcp article and you will see what i mean.

And that, children, has gotten us up to my previous post! :D Hope I helped ;)

Wow someone is just alittle to into them self.

Speaking of SLI, Alienware's technology is independent from nVidia's SLI. They are not related in any way.

Never said they were related. If I am note mistaken SLI uses this funky bridge that links the two cards, ALX2 connects the two cards at a PCI hub... Big difference is with the Alienware, I believe, you can use any identical two graphics cards, SLI is specific to Nvidia.

Also on a laptop, I assume that you're lacking a good graphics processor.

"good" is subjective. I read more than a few posts from guys who talk themsleves into 500+ g crads simply because the gain 10fps, yet thier game play is unaffected by there new purchase. Little side note, you are going to see a drastic decrease in desktops given the power of thier portable little brothers. My last laptop had a 64mb ati 9600, the one I just ordered will use a dedicated 9600/9700 128mb. I think on my old lappy I ran 1024x768 with the quality on medium, and it was incredible.

It takes much less firepower to enjoy this game than people give credit. I will say that since there has been so much hoopla around the hardware specs, I feel, that the online portion of this game has been affected. Just my opinion...

09-21-2004, 08:12 PM
Just installed the ATI Mobility 9800 XT in my laptop. It's so sick, doubled my 3D Mark score. I'm getting a steady 60 FPS on Doom 3 at 800 X 600 with high quality :D :D

This laptop rules.

09-21-2004, 08:14 PM
Just installed the ATI Mobility 9800 XT in my laptop. It's so sick, doubled my 3D Mark score. I'm getting a steady 60 FPS on Doom 3 at 800 X 600 with high quality :D :D

Dell 9100? pretty sure its the only one that has the 9800.. And yes those are badass

09-21-2004, 08:18 PM
Dell 9100? pretty sure its the only one that has the 9800.. And yes those are badass

*true story*