View Full Version : Any wrist rocket-teers?

09-21-2004, 04:08 PM
I was wondering if anyone other than me ever got started in paintball by using wrist rockets instead of the cheapo brass eagle markers? I know the wrist rockets are only like 8 bucks, but for the price they work really well. The best thing was using any paint you could find...ANY...because you just had to get it into the leather strip, pull, aim, and release.

So, any others ever get their start/play paintball with wrist rockets? If you are still unsure what I am talking about:

A wrist rocket...not the one I had but similar.

09-21-2004, 04:17 PM
i bought one recently for shooting at squirrels, and after trying it 3 times, switched back to a BB gun... little buggers run in fear of me...

since there's no way to chrono it, aside from playing with how far you pull back and "always" shooting like that, I don't think its a good idea... plus it can break the paint in the loop...


09-21-2004, 04:17 PM
No, never went that route. I have heard that using any type of sling shot such as that could be very dangerous. Basiclly, there's no way to check or set the speed. I have also heard that on some of those ( I suppose depending on the user's stregnth as well as the 'rubber band' tubing) could very easily launch a paintball well over 300 fps.

Like i said, all this is based on hearsay but it looks like it may be possible for someone to get hurt using those.


09-21-2004, 04:22 PM
My brother started that way. Slingshots and paint markers for knives (note: they actually were markers! not guns that people decided to call markers!). :p A while later some of them picked up PGPs and the arms race began. :)


09-21-2004, 04:28 PM
How does the paintball not break when you pull the band back? I figure you would put enough pressure on the leather strap to break the ball? I had a slingshot once but it broke and hit my eye, it hurt and I cried like a little 10 year old....because I was 10 years old :)

09-21-2004, 05:00 PM

I never said I took advantage of not being able to chrono them. The last time I played with one was over 3 years ago, when I bought my first Spyder which recently and finally broke due to a jerk and some dirt and me thinking I had it cleaned out - don't ask lets just say taking people out who have markers that cost 1000 more than yours have the ability to get very upset.

This was also when you were not doing point blank range firing and you could actually launch a paintball a VERY long ways away, esp in comparison to a marker...

09-21-2004, 05:38 PM
Of course you can crhono those things. just shoot one over the chrono. For the most part i dont think they can even break 270fps with a pintball. Anyway, for what they are wrist rockets are pretty accurate, it is a matter of figuring out how to aim with em.

09-21-2004, 05:42 PM
I remember playing with those one upon a time. Hurt like a mofo. I garontee that they shoot hot.

09-21-2004, 06:15 PM
my friend tried and shot his hand cause the paintball sliped down, he wasnt too hapy.

Wc Keep
09-21-2004, 06:19 PM
ive heard of them being able to shoot upto 400+ fps with the right amount of arm strength. they are very dangerous.

09-21-2004, 06:27 PM
um, actually they are limited to how far you can pull the surgical tubing. So, for someone like me who has really long arms, I could pull it back further than someone with short arms.

It does not take a lot to pull it back, so you don't have to be a hulk or anything. I will say I taught people the reason why you wear more than a short sleeve t-shirt and shorts, it is kinda hard to wipe a welt... :cool:

For some reason they then understood why I do not volunteer information because I am trying to show off...at least most of the time... :D

09-21-2004, 08:12 PM
i had a slingshot i screwed around with when i'd go play. Chrono'd the sucker, highest i could get it is 210. i tried again and the rubber band broke and smacked into my thumb, didnt feel very good.

09-21-2004, 08:24 PM
we had some slingshot vs phantom action last weekend we played.

had a no bunkering rule though :P

09-21-2004, 10:57 PM
I took one on a night mission game and dominated the competition I was a freakin gost in the dark they never knew what hit em!! :ninja: It was def. quieter than my brass eagle tigershark.... sad thing is it was probly more accurate too... :tard:

Target Practice
09-22-2004, 02:24 PM
I chronoed mine about 2 months ago, and I hit 185 fps. They break on palm trees, but it's a little harder to get them to break on peoples' backsides when they aren't expecting it.

Not like I've tested that fact, though.



09-22-2004, 05:18 PM
ive done it, but i find it annoying that if you pull back to far it puts too much stress on the ball and pops it in your hand

Target Practice
09-22-2004, 05:47 PM
Ok, the trick is to pinch the band in front of the ball. This way, you don't put any pressure on the ball, and you can pull it back as far as you want.

09-22-2004, 06:42 PM
Ok, the trick is to pinch the band in front of the ball. This way, you don't put any pressure on the ball, and you can pull it back as far as you want.

lil hard to do in the heat of battle :argh:

09-22-2004, 07:08 PM
I played around with my slingshot, then I stopped after I hit my thumb.
I lost my grip on the handle and my thumb shifted just as I let go of the band snap right on my thumb.
Boy did that ever hurt.

09-23-2004, 02:03 PM
the wont go over 270 fps....
go chrono one once.
they are a little trickey to shoot too.