View Full Version : Xmag vs. Emag

09-21-2004, 04:26 PM
Could someone tell me the differences between a Xmag and Emag???
Could someone tell me the fire rate of both markers with stock equipment???
Can the rate of fire be adjusted on both????
Can a Tac One body fit on a Emag, or Xmag, without any modifications????
Thanks RPA

09-21-2004, 04:43 PM
With the same software, both the Emag and Xmag will fire at the same speeds with the same Rate of Fire cap. (20bps)

Xmag has removable breeches, a unified body/rail & an anti-chop eye. The entire body is aluminum.

Emag- body & rail are seperate, body isn't always aluminum, no eye.

Xmag is heavier.

Tac-One body will fit on an Emag easily. Just swap bodies.

(Basically, the gripframes are the same on the Xmag and Emag. just different bodies.)

09-21-2004, 04:48 PM
Could someone tell me the differences between a Xmag and Emag??? X has ACE, removeable breeches, and no rail. E doesn't have those, except it has a rail.

Could someone tell me the fire rate of both markers with stock equipment???Pretty sure it would depend on the software version. Both would be pretty close with same version, I think

Can the rate of fire be adjusted on both???? Yes

Can a Tac One body fit on a Emag, or Xmag, without any modifications???? E yes, X don't know

Other people will be able to answer more in depth, but that should get you started.

Edit: Dayspring types faster, maybe I shouldn't watch movies while posting...

09-21-2004, 05:03 PM
tac one will NOT fit on an Xmag, unless you were to buy a rail too and ditch the Xmag mainbody.... (just swap the lowers)

09-21-2004, 05:07 PM
Then again, either way you wouldn't want to buy an x-mag if you think you are gonna replace the body. They are soo pretty and nice...

Plus you can get an emag + tac one body for approxiamtely/less than what you would pay for an x-mag.

09-21-2004, 05:11 PM
One small correction. The E-Mag is heavier.

09-21-2004, 05:25 PM
One small correction. The E-Mag is heavier.

correct , the xmag has alot of milling done so it is lighter, STOCK , but the emag can sloe be milled out ,the rail and the frame-battery pack

so if the emag has ule everyrthing they are bout even weight :cheers:

09-22-2004, 09:04 AM
Thanks for the information on both markers. I'm going to go with the Emag with a Tac One body. I do have one other question.
What is the different software versions available 1.37?? 3.2?? what are the differences between the versions????
This is the best web site around. I'm glad I joined. RPA

09-22-2004, 09:15 AM
3.2 is the most recent and so far best of the released softwares. It includes a shot-buffering feature to smooth out the shot rhythm & a trigger test mode.