View Full Version : I need help

09-21-2004, 08:03 PM
I'll first say that was thinking about posting this in the feedback forum..but I really need some advice on this soon and wasnt sure if this should go there or not, thank you for reading and I am hoping for a response

About 3 weeks ago on september 3rd I sent a MO to CrackRockSteady for an E-mag in the classified section. The deal that we agreed to was $550 for the gun, barrel, and charger. I sent an extra 20 dollars so that he could 2 day the gun. On Saturday the 10th he sent me a message saying that he had received the MO and that the E-Mag was going out on Monday. Well, that week passed and I sent a PM asking if he had gotten the chance to ship it on the 17th and if there was something wrong that caused it to be shipped late or something like that, because with 2 day it definately should have come to my house by now. I have seen that he has come onto AO multiple times since this and as recent as 3 or so hours ago and yet he has still not responded to my PMs. I have talked with another person who bought gear from him about the same time as me and he talked to him last on the 15th to tell the buyer he received the MO and that it was going out. Maybe he just doesnt want to talk to me and kept my 20 dollars, but I really would like a response or something and I dont really know what to do. I have thought about calling the police department near him in the near future if nothing comes up and have alredy tried to find his number with information but came up with nothing.
Any advice you guys can offer me on this would be great and I will truly appreciate it. Thank you and I hope that you all have a good night

09-21-2004, 09:03 PM
Call police because it does not look good.
Go to the sale post and see

Hope it all works out for you. Scum like this should be hurt

09-21-2004, 09:23 PM
yeah a friend just told me about it after I posted. Ill go see if I can get a refund from the post office with mail fraud and send it off. Thanks for the response