View Full Version : Heres the dilema...

10-28-2001, 02:20 PM
My new mag with flatline is sweet, I played yesterday with it! Its nasty! At the chrono I was shooting 297, 299, 298, its nice!
But my trigger pull is a little heavy, feels a little similar to a model 98, i have the stock frame and everything else is sotck except for the barrel and tank. Is there anything I can do to lower the pull, could I lower the input pressure into the gun and still be able to maintain a high velocity? I know the internal pressure of a mag is like 375 after it goes throught the reg. but my input pressure is 600 i was thinking of putting it to like 450 or 500, would this help, also im not sure if you can get trigger jobs for a mag, how much do you think it would be, and will buying a new frame like the intelli or benchmark, make a differance on my pull? Thanks.

10-28-2001, 03:07 PM
Intelliframe. 2x triggers make the trigger feel lighter. Note that your gun isn't broken in until you've put at least a case through it, and it will be stiff until it's properly broken in. So go put a couple cases through it before trying anything else.

10-28-2001, 03:13 PM
I think I will do that, I think that will help on my money situation too! :D

Anyways Yeserday when I played I just got it filled to 3000 and im using a 68 3000 flatline , i know that when the tank "cools" down you lose aboiut 200 lbs so you really only get your tank filled to 2800 lbs, and if your usign a steel tank your only getting 2600 lbs, but I only got 200 rounds off of 800-1000 lbs (68 cubic inches) does this sound right?

10-28-2001, 05:15 PM
I heard if I buy a power-tube spacer I will be able to get a lighter pull, but Im just gona keep playing and buy most of my upgrades over the winter, b/c I only plan on playing like 2-4 times a month in the winter, only for like December, January, and some of February, then Ill get back on to my more normal schedule like 4-8 times a month.

10-29-2001, 01:36 PM
Anyone have anyhting to say...

10-29-2001, 01:47 PM
All I know about trigger pull is from this list.
And from what I've gathered, after much shooting the trigger pull gets much lighter. Which someone said earlier.
Some will tell you about the Z-Valve, but I know from experience that I can't recommend that.

10-29-2001, 02:58 PM
the only thing that will make the trigger better is time. nothing else will lighten it like time.

one side note... run about 800psi into the gun. since the mag is a reg the velocity is set by the reg. so a higer reg pressure means higher velocity.

if u run velocity at 300fps the trigger will be stiffer and harder than if u were to run 285. this is beacuase higher velocity means higher reg pressure and the reg pressure is the pressure pushing on the on/off pin.

PT spacer will do nothing for the trigger pull.

z valve will most likely not work or cause shoot down.

double trigger just add more leverage and r easier to short stroke.