View Full Version : The good, the not too bad, and the ugly

09-22-2004, 10:32 PM
Charity day at Bushwhackers

Well, I’ve waited almost a week to write this little report. I hoped that something would change to “fix” the ugly part. I wanted to see if a little time would turn the heart of the field owner in question. It hasn’t, so I’ll report the facts as they are.

The set-up: Several years ago, some friends of my wife’s family had a son born w/ severe birth defects. They knew at the outset that the child would not survive long, but carried it to term anyway (good Catholics that they are). The baby only lived a couple of days. During that time, Mother and Father spent time in the Family Garden at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. The garden helped, as much as could be expected, to ease the pain they were feeling. In memory of their son, and in thanks for the peace it gave, they wished to make a donation to the garden. Being an occasional recball player, the Father decided to stage an annual paintball event to raise money to give to the garden. I missed the first year, but have played the past 2 times. Not being tied to any specific field, they play wherever they can make arrangements w/ the field owner. This year, the event was organized at Bushwhacker’s Paintball Park near St. Louis.

The good: Saturday morning arrived splendidly. Last year it was hot and wet (which is good if…never mind), it certainly wasn’t this year. It may have reached the 80’s, was mostly sunny, and there was a slight breeze blowing. When I met Steve (the Father) at the field, he was fretting that he had gotten very little response on his emailed invitation. He worried that we may not even have enough people to play as a group, not that mix w/ the walk-ons would have been bad. His wife had told him not to worry, but go and have fun. It turned out we had ~20 people show up, several of who were paintball virgins. He was happy w/ the crowd. In the end we brought in almost $500.

The not too bad: I had played at Bushwhacker’s perhaps 10 years ago. It had been one of the first fields around. I recall it having been a good field to play at. Only negative I recall was one game when the field-sponsored team beat the snot out of the walk-ons. Since then, the field had moved to a new location w/ the same ownership. I got to the field early hoping to get onto the chrono range and make sure all of my guns were humming along (I had brought a handful or so). Turns out they don’t have a chrono range, they chrono groups as they go on the fields w/ those little handheld chronos, and even if they did, I couldn’t do anything w/out first hearing the safety talk w/ my group. Now, I respect the need for a safety talk, and would have willingly sat in on an earlier groups talk, but according to the owner, I had to wait for my group. OK, minor gripe. Also, minor gripe, I like to keep my gear locked in my car and go from there to the field; I couldn’t do this at Bushwhackers. They did not have any true “concept” fields, which didn’t bother me any. However, all of there fields were very one sided, and w/ the exception on a couple, we never switched ends to replay a field. Our ref was a very nice kid, who did a great job of turning games around. The only time I recall waiting more than 5-10 minutes was when we took an actual lunch break. I think only once did we play a capture the flag game, all the other games were mini scenarios. Don’t get me wrong; scenarios are fun, and a nice diversion from the normal, but not every game. Being forced into a “role” for every game kind of weighed on me after a while. All in all, we had fun. The first timers all said they wanted to come back.

The ugly: And boy was it ugly. At the end of the day, Steve went to the owner of the field to get the money that was supposed to go to charity. It had been agreed that a share of the field fees and a share of the paint price was to come back for the charity. The amount he gave Steve was much less than it seemed it should have been. Turned out, the owner had not given any of the field fees. He claimed that he should have charged us more if a part was going to go to the charity. Steve pointed out that that had not been the agreement. The owner admitted that was his mistake, but he couldn’t loose money on the day (the place was packed all day w/ other groups and many walk ons). Steve protested that it was for charity, to which the owner responded, “don’t play the charity card on me.” Needless to say, Steve was very unhappy. We all agreed we would not return to Bushwhackers anytime soon. Adding insult to injury, when we got to Steve’s car in the parking lot, an errant paintball had escaped the netting around the fields, crossed the parking lot to the far side, and left a mark on the rear window of his mini van.

That’s the story.


09-22-2004, 10:40 PM
Wow. The ugly sure is ugly.

09-22-2004, 10:51 PM
man, that really stinks man, to me it sounds like this field owner is a ... well, if i could say the word on the forum i would...

sounds like the owner played the "i'm gonna play along for a while and sucker you out of money" card... people that do bad business like that are truly sad individuals, and usually not fit for owning a business of their own, but alas they do...

09-22-2004, 11:48 PM
i read this on scp also

yeha some people are evil, and i hope you had fun for the rest of the day.

09-23-2004, 12:55 AM
if you got the agreement in writing (sounds like you dont) the owner is committing a felony, "frauding a charitable organization," i hope you have the means to teach him a lesson.

09-23-2004, 05:04 PM
You have many mouths against his own. Even if you don't win, show him who's boss and file a report. But just don't go there, take it in *somewhat* stride. He'll realize the money he made that day cost him a lot more down the road.

09-23-2004, 07:07 PM
I'm happy that, for the most part, you guys had fun. And now you have a place that you never have to consider again :) Or have them host, get everything in writing, then see if he does the same thing :ninja: That's awesome you guys had good ref, those are in short supply it seems like. Did you ask the ref to see if you could switch starting sides?

hot and wet (which is good if…never mind),
hahahaha, yes, it can be a good thing, a VERY good thing...

09-23-2004, 08:40 PM
Picket the entrance with signs reading "Don't cheat Charities" Or something similar.

09-24-2004, 09:30 AM
Guam is a predomaintly Catholic society, about 98.6% in the last Census. I feel that I can sypathize with you guuys for I am an uncle to to some late babies and I give my condolences to Steve. My advice is to let it roll from here you started a wave now with your story and I know that I will never play at that field.
:headbang: :cheers:

Goldie D Pimp
09-24-2004, 09:57 AM
Talk to whomever owns the land across the street from their driveway and tell them the story and ask them if you can put a sign on their land.

Build something VERY cheap maybe just a sheet of plywood and some 4x4' sunk in the ground saying something about them cheating chariity. you want it cheap so it can be replaced easily and be sure it's far enough on the land that it can't be reached from the road and they'll definitely be trespassing to get to it to destroy it.

Then if you're really vindictive, try to catch people defacing it on camera. You know they will.

Play james bond, and get them on tape not only vandalizing the sign, but tresspassing as well.

:) :)

Maybe I've just had too much caffiene this morning.

09-24-2004, 11:04 AM
lets get some thigns out of the way first

if u got to BW ask for me as a ref im Scott ;) and i appreciate tips :D

chrono-we had a regular red box but kids apparently shoo the chrono button and inside the chrono box not over it correctly and it was broekn aska ref theyl be mroe than happy to chrono u and they usualy and are suppose to chrono 2x a day atleast once in the begining and once a the middle or so.

they have concept sceario fields ..kinda or w/e and i agree some of the fields are one sided..if u dont know how to play them. but we are doing our best(refs) to help maintain and fix the fields when possible. btw the owner doesnt really care too much.

they now have an x-ball field which is GREAT! and they are redoing some things around as well. it should also be stated that at the moment excluding x-ball bushwackers is mainly a rec field for those who like wooded and scenario fields.

I am sorry for they way thigns went down. not exactly sure who is to blame. il assume it might be part of both for not stating the charity contributions clearly before. but the woner has been known to try such stunts before. In fact the group i had that day also had a altercation with the owner but that i wasnt sure what heppened there. the group assured me i was an excellent ref and that it wasn't my fault.

and as far as the paint hitting cars in the lot. not much that can be done other than 100 foot nets. my car gets hit all the time best place to park is next to the courtyard fence or building side and keep ur windowns up . :p

woah!Shives were u there? and U DIDNT EVEN SAY HI TO ME! im the one that wears the AO-agd hat.

grrr :mad:

yes it went down exactly as he said from what i understand and i even had a talk with the manager myself. He basicaly said it was a misunderstanding and i cant lose $ blah blah blah

did one of the kids(assitant) managers give u soem more $ cause hes was mad about it too and said he was gonna do somemthing about it. and ended up leaving early and leaving me in charge so i didnt get to ask.

once again im sorry for the way things went down and wish i couldve helped but there wasn't much i could do. and i wouldnt dsicount bushwckers just for this one time but i would also be pretty upset as well.

btw i think this is the longest post ive ever written :p