View Full Version : I have just reconfirmed that...

09-23-2004, 07:39 AM
...I love my angel, and I HATE tippmans.

The group that played yesterday at the field with us wouldn't let the two of us use our angels because "they were too fast". So to level the playing field, we took rental tippys out with us.

Holy CRAP...

I saw feet sticking out, arms, tanks, tops of heads....and couldn't hit ANYTHING due to the crappy barrel on the tippy. Not to mention the thing was like trying to hold a halberd in front of me. And forget trying to make a run-through with the thing....

Sometimes we need some adversity to really appreciate how much we love our thousand dollar paint slingers, right?

09-23-2004, 08:33 AM
i agree for the most part althoguht tippmans are VERY reliable on co2 they are NO where near consistent and being used about 5000000 times doesnt help that. not to mention barrel or other unforseen problems like u mentioned. but i must say that a brand new tippman for $130 or so isnt really a bad deal compared to 1000 angel they are defiently in way different classes.

09-23-2004, 08:36 AM
Clean it up, chrony it, and put a nice barrel on it and 98's are actually pretty nice.

09-23-2004, 09:06 AM
again, all about paintmatch. i bet it would shoot decent if the paint matched a decent barrel on the tippy.. those things are tanks!

09-23-2004, 09:21 AM
and couldn't hit ANYTHING due to the crappy barrel on the tippy

The stock barrels are pieces of crap, if your angel came with something similar it would shoot just as bad.

I've never liked the looks of the 98 they are too big and clunky looking, hoping thats what the halberd comment was refering to. But I still prefer my carbine over my expensive mag.

09-23-2004, 09:46 AM
My springfeed 98 carbine (M4 stock) is just as accurate as my mags (of course) with the proper PTB match. I will agree that the stock barrels are crrrrrap though.

09-23-2004, 09:52 AM
I have a tippman 98c that I have upgraded quite a bit and it is actually a pretty decent marker, although much heavier and longer than my mag it still brings the eliminations in.

09-23-2004, 10:03 AM
Clean it up, chrony it, and put a nice barrel on it and 98's are actually pretty nice.

And get new internals, an E-bolt, LPK, a decent HPR, HPA, a decent loader..

09-23-2004, 10:04 AM
You should have volunteered to step-down your tech anyway. Your game experience is enough of an advantage against newbies. Wiping the field with your Angels would have been no challenge at all. On the rare occasions that I play with a group of renters I only use a stock-gun or pump.

09-23-2004, 10:11 AM
a gun doesnt play the game, a player does. sorry but if you cant adapt to a new marker, thats you not the gun.

09-23-2004, 10:32 AM
i agree for the most part althoguht tippmans are VERY reliable on co2 they are NO where near consistent and being used about 5000000 times doesnt help that. not to mention barrel or other unforseen problems like u mentioned. but i must say that a brand new tippman for $130 or so isnt really a bad deal compared to 1000 angel they are defiently in way different classes.

Yes they are different classes. And the 130 for a tippman is a great deal. These all run on HPA, but they are indeed well used and were not very consistent.

Clean it up, chrony it, and put a nice barrel on it and 98's are actually pretty nice.

True, but these are stock barrels, on field rentals.

again, all about paintmatch. i bet it would shoot decent if the paint matched a decent barrel on the tippy.. those things are tanks!

I was shooting marballizer through it. No doubt they are tanks, but still not that great with the stock barrel.

You should have volunteered to step-down your tech anyway. Your game experience is enough of an advantage against newbies. Wiping the field with your Angels would have been no challenge at all. On the rare occasions that I play with a group of renters I only use a stock-gun or pump.

a gun doesnt play the game, a player does. sorry but if you cant adapt to a new marker, thats you not the gun.

Why step down from the marker I'm comfortable with and play with in tourneys? I never said our game experience is not an advantage, considering our first game consisted of myself and two of my regular teammates (the ones I practice with and tourney with) mopping up about 13 of them in 30 seconds with our angels. Most of the groups we have just take the challenge, split our teammates up and it becomes a good game.

As for being unable to adapt...

I've played with that same marker for a year now, and am very comfortable with it. I NEVER play with Tippmans, and if I'm playing for a few minutes with it, it's not a case of simply being able to pick up the thing and have it just sing for you.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't "hard" to win with a tippman, but being a different marker, with different proportions, no walkable trigger, single finger trigger, differently balanced etc, made it a little awkward. And not being able to hit things like feet and elbows that were hanging out because of the inaccuracy of the marker/barrel/paint combination (targets that would have been easy hits with my Angel) was indeed a little frustrating.

We pay for markers that we like the feel of and become comfortable with for a reason. Experience doesn't mean you can pick up a marker that's uncomfortable to you and automatically be Chris LaSoya with it.

09-23-2004, 10:37 AM
If the group of players you are with ( I am assuming they were new to the game) had a great time and probbly a better time because you stepped down than you did the right thing.

09-23-2004, 10:40 AM
Why step down from the marker I'm comfortable with and play with in tourneys?

How on Earth can such a simple answer escape you?

>>Beacause you're not at a tourney<< :clap:

If the rest of the field is all rentals, you should step down and limit your potential just out of sportsmanship. The other players are not on the field to be mowed down by some heavy artillary packing tourney player. They are not their exclusively for your amusement or abuse. They are not canon fodder.

If you want to practice your tournament skills, practice with your team and others willing/wanting to play at a tournament level. Otherwise, play the game it was meant to be played: For the fun and enjoyment of all.

09-23-2004, 10:43 AM
They had a good time when we split up the Angels on either side as well.

It wasn't a matter of the markers. They just didn't like it when our team played against all of them. And that was just the option of the first game. By the end of the day, they were doing quite well and were competing against us even though our markers were much more capable than theirs (in terms of speed and accuracy).

That's what we coached 'em along for during the course of the day, how to play better. ;)

How on Earth can such a simple answer escape you?

>>Beacause you're not at a tourney<< :clap:

If the rest of the field is all rentals, you should step down and limit your potential just out of sportsmanship. The other players are not on the field to be mowed down by some heavy artillary packing tourney player. They are not their exclusively for your amusement or abuse. They are not canon fodder.

If you want to practice your tournament skills, practice with your team and others willing/wanting to play at a tournament level. Otherwise, play the game it was meant to be played: For the fun and enjoyment of all.


If I PAY to shoot paint, and pay for air and field fee (I didn't take a paycheck for yesterday, instead used it on paint etc), there's nothing telling me that I NEED to step down from my comfortable marker to one I never use.

I believe anyone on here will tell you...

The best way to get better is play against someone/something better than yourself.

And let's see...they all thanked us at the end of the day for making them better players, and showing them a good time (no complaints about the markers, more of said in jest about "shooting full auto" and such) and how they're coming back this weekend to play more. I'd say that's a job well done.

09-23-2004, 10:51 AM
If they want to learn from you, by being beaten, they can. They told you they didn't.

If YOU wanted to learn/practice, you wouldn't want to play at an advantage.

If you're really such a good player, you'd be able to teach and learn by playing against rentals with a pump.

09-23-2004, 10:55 AM
If they want to learn from you, by being beaten, they can. They told you they didn't.

If YOU wanted to learn/practice, you wouldn't want to play at an advantage.

If you're really such a good player, you'd be able to teach and learn by playing against rentals with a pump.

They told us that at the end of the day when we were heading out to "shoot all the rest of the paint we had left". And regardless, we beat them with Tippmans anyway, so it's a moot point. They learned by being beaten either way.

I played for fun, not practice. I never said I was going to practice against them, so don't put words in my mouth.

I've played pump before, and it's not my style. If I'm going to use a lower class marker, I'd at least like a barrel on it that doesn't suck.

Maybe you have a different view of things than I do, and that's wonderful. My post was simply "I happen to appreciate my marker more now that I realize what a drag it is playing with a rental". If you don't like that, then don't post in the thread. All the explanation was for was to explain the circumstances behind using a rental, not for you to comment upon "mowing down n00bs by a heavy artillery toting tourney player".

I'm guessing you've NEVER shot out a n00b with your high end marker before?

09-23-2004, 10:59 AM
I'm guessing you've NEVER shot out a n00b with your high end marker before?

I don't own a high end marker. :p

But, I also never treat ANYBODY as a "n00b".

09-23-2004, 11:01 AM
I don't own a high end marker. :p

Well BLAH! :p

I like my speed and see no reason not to use it. Fun is fun, and what counts is they had a good time, regardless of what was being used.

09-23-2004, 12:53 PM
See when in a similar situation......I put a slow loader like a Revvy or Grav Feed hopper on my dm4 or fly so I cant shoot fast but can still use the guns Im used to.

09-23-2004, 01:42 PM
I don't own a high end marker. :p

But, I also never treat ANYBODY as a "n00b".

Replying to the edit:

"n00b" is a generic term for new player, not meant as derogatory.

09-23-2004, 02:02 PM
ive used a tippy.....3 times? while gun was at milling/milling again/ano, whateva, consistency is really bad and that sucks, but wat botehrs me the most is that its 800ft long, just cant play a bunker like i usally do with it, i much prefer a cheapo spyder clone over a tippy

09-23-2004, 02:23 PM
... what counts is they had a good time, regardless of what was being used.

Very true. It was commendable of you and your friends to give the newbies some playing tips, too.

And it's good for all of us to learn to appreciate our equipment by playing with something worse. I, too, have felt the frustration of using a worn-out rental gun instead of my own gear. But I've found that no one ever minds if you are using a pump.

09-23-2004, 03:04 PM
I still have my 98 I used three years ago. It was actually a pretty nice marker (after a stablizier, anti-siphon CO2 and a nice barrel). The stock barrels on those things are the absolute worst barrels ever.

You should pick up a Phantom pump for days like that, when the rest of the field is all rentals.

09-23-2004, 03:20 PM
And get new internals, an E-bolt, LPK, a decent HPR, HPA, a decent loader..

Yeah, because after that, he'd be able to buy a used Angel. ;) :rolleyes:

09-23-2004, 03:42 PM
Yeah, because after that, he'd be able to buy a used Angel. ;) :rolleyes:


09-23-2004, 07:42 PM
Yeah, because after that, he'd be able to buy a used Angel. ;) :rolleyes:
I don't NEED another one, I just got rid of my backup Angel.

09-23-2004, 08:16 PM
Rob... going out on the field and wiping out newbies, and insisting they play your game.. then whining when your forced to tech down (and not volunteering to...

Well your sig becomes approrpiate

09-23-2004, 08:30 PM
Wow, lots of people being dicks in this thread, thats for sure. Everyone looks too deep into threads. He was just saying that he has been using highend guns for so long, he didn't realize how nice they really were.

09-23-2004, 08:59 PM
Wow, lots of people being dicks in this thread, thats for sure. Everyone looks too deep into threads. He was just saying that he has been using highend guns for so long, he didn't realize how nice they really were.

THANK you.

I hilight the fact that something makes us appreciate the high end markers we have, and I'm getting a bunch of people who are flaming me for saying that I didn't like playing with a tippmann.

09-23-2004, 09:38 PM
...I love my angel, and I HATE tippmans.

The group that played yesterday at the field with us wouldn't let the two of us use our angels because "they were too fast". So to level the playing field, we took rental tippys out with us.

Holy CRAP...

I saw feet sticking out, arms, tanks, tops of heads....and couldn't hit ANYTHING due to the crappy barrel on the tippy. Not to mention the thing was like trying to hold a halberd in front of me. And forget trying to make a run-through with the thing....

Sometimes we need some adversity to really appreciate how much we love our thousand dollar paint slingers, right?
I love angels & hate rental guns. You can't really blaim the gun because those places dont really clean the barrel good at some places. They do use squeezes but that aint hacking the job when theres globs of paint and shells in the bore after a nasty chop.

I'm surprised, why didn't you just compromise and say hey I'll turn my angel down to 5 bps(harrible tourcher). Ahah didn'tthink of doing that muhahahahaha :cheers:

09-23-2004, 09:42 PM
Wow I have to agree to the whole 'people being dicks' post.

I think its safe to say that any rental gun with a stock barrel is gonna suck compared to the gun you are used to.

I have a 98 custom that was kitted out quite nice and suited my playing style but if i was made to use one of the site inferno's at my field then it really put me out to start with.

I agree when your used to having accuracy and then suddenly you loose it then its no fun.
I also agree that it can often be good to handicap yourself to improve your play and that its no fair for rental players to be up against a tourny player weilding an angel.

But... this thread wasnt really about not being willing to step down was it? No it was about not liking a different style of gun. I actually refused to play with my mag untill I had it setup to how I wanted it.

Maybe people can chill out a bit and not just have a go because they feel like venting at someone. Why can't a forum be a bit more attitude free?

09-23-2004, 09:45 PM
I love angels & hate rental guns. You can't really blaim the gun because those places dont really clean the barrel good at some places. They do use squeezes but that aint hacking the job when theres globs of paint and shells in the bore after a nasty chop.

I'm surprised, why didn't you just compromise and say hey I'll turn my angel down to 5 bps(harrible tourcher). Ahah didn'tthink of doing that muhahahahaha :cheers:

I'm one of the field marshals, and I know we clean the rentals thoroughly. But still, the barrel and consistency just sucks. Go figure.

They were afraid of the marker itself. Not even if I turned it down, just the fact that it shot that fast was scary.

09-23-2004, 10:04 PM
Why step down from the marker I'm comfortable with and play with in tourneys? I never said our game experience is not an advantage, considering our first game consisted of myself and two of my regular teammates (the ones I practice with and tourney with) mopping up about 13 of them in 30 seconds with our angels. Most of the groups we have just take the challenge, split our teammates up and it becomes a good game.

As for being unable to adapt...

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't "hard" to win with a tippman, but being a different marker, with different proportions, no walkable trigger, single finger trigger, differently balanced etc, made it a little awkward. And not being able to hit things like feet and elbows that were hanging out because of the inaccuracy of the marker/barrel/paint combination (targets that would have been easy hits with my Angel) was indeed a little frustrating.

I think this is where the bad taste I got came from... basically I don't care if Im playing on the field with newbies, they should cope with it. As others have said, this is where it is ideal to have a pump, or something that limits yourself. Decimating newbies all day is surely not fun for them, and how much fun can it be for you. Even splitting yourselfs up, the poor inexperienced players become cannon fodder all day. How much fun is that to them?

09-23-2004, 10:16 PM
I think this is where the bad taste I got came from... basically I don't care if Im playing on the field with newbies, they should cope with it. As others have said, this is where it is ideal to have a pump, or something that limits yourself. Decimating newbies all day is surely not fun for them, and how much fun can it be for you. Even splitting yourselfs up, the poor inexperienced players become cannon fodder all day. How much fun is that to them?

later in the day when we split up the team-mates, everyone was doing just fine, things balanced out very well, even on the airball field.

God forbid the jackals of AO strike me down for my choice of language. I'd consider 4-1 odds and a 30 second victory "mopping up". Is it my fault they all hid behind the 3 back bukers and made it that easy? No. Did I tell them how to fix their error in play? Yes. Did they learn from it? Damn right.

Did they end up having fun? Absolutely.

Problem solved.

09-24-2004, 02:25 AM
If you're really such a good player, you'd be able to teach and learn by playing against rentals with a pump.

the way i see it if ya got a Ferarri ya drive it, same concept here. If your gun cost $1,000+ then not playing with it would seem dumb to me.

09-24-2004, 03:12 AM
if i had a Ferarri, i'd drive it when i wanted to impress people, or pick up chicks... otherwise i'd use the VW beetle that gets me better mileage...

meaning ya you have the nice angel, but stepping down was the good thing to do, alot of newbies are intimidated by just a marker... as for picking up a pump, u said you've done that don't like it, okie dokie. you stepped down in markers which was something alot of guys refuse to do, and i commend you... as long as the other players had fun with you, the "veteran", whether they lost every single game or not. thats all that matters at the end of the day, did they enjoy themselves, or did they hate doing nothing but losing... nothing more matters with "noobs"

now... the term NOOB, has been so handily brought into paintball from a reference where in most cases it IS meant as offensive and derogatory when used towards someone... which is in online gaming... where the term is widely and avidly used. that is probably and most likely why alot of people do not appreciate or use the word, due to its ever so popular use as a "diss" on computer games. in your case you did not mean it this way, you meant it in the original way it was used, which eventually evolved into the now derogatory statement it was seen as by one.

anyhow, the new players had fun, reguardless of anything else if they did that.. what else matters... to them.. nothing, so who cares :)

dancing bananas make everyone happy so here :dance: :dance: :dance:

09-24-2004, 08:41 AM
This is why I dont play against kids. I will join the newbs team before I join my team when we are to practice. I get the practice I need but at the same time I am helping them build confidence. I use an A4 in tourney or serious practices and I switch to my Mag to play against newbs. I still have an advantage of using a gun I am comfortabe with but a lot of the newbs have e-spyders, or the like. So it kind of evens out.

09-24-2004, 11:44 AM
Like I said. use slow hoppers. Sometimes when I'm just messing around I'll give a kid my gun and take a rental. alot of times they have alot of fun playing with a high ed gun but it kind of sucks now as I cant hit anything. I dont see why he has to play with a pump though, why not just shoot slow with his angel? If I was gonna play nice I'd just put my Rev or Grav feed hopper on my Flys and set them down accordingly.

09-24-2004, 11:57 AM
usually if its a bunch of kids with spyder that have pods they wont mind if u just play hopperball.

i think the 1200 gun also plays an intimidation factor in their midns thoguh

No sKiLLz
09-24-2004, 11:59 AM
Mow em. Let the ref sort em out.

09-24-2004, 12:27 PM
I totally agree with you, I love my mag and hate tippmanns. I have been forced to step down as well, and it realy doesn't make for a fun day. I can use a Spyder fairly well, but a tippmann is just a hard marker to use when your not use to them. I tried to use my phantom instead last weekend, and that was alittle better, but speedball with a pump is very difficult to learn. I totaly agree being made to step down really makes you thankful for your highend gear.

09-24-2004, 12:32 PM
All that i'm hearing here is "I don't have enough skill to play with a low end gun". "so I need to buy skill in my gear."

If your good at the game you should be able to pick up any gun and compete against opponents that are not as good as you. When my freinds started playing they all bough 98c. I went out against them with my PGP. It made it a little challenge for me. But it made it a blast for them. Majority of games I was still the high kill man. (mostly play elimination games) But it made me re-learn some of the things i had forgotten. It also gave me a chance to teach my freinds the aspects of cover and angles. We mostly play speedball in a wooded area. All natural terrain and bunkers.

So don't hate the gun just because you are not up to the ability to play with it. It takes more skill and talent to use a 98c than it does an "enter electro wonder gun of choice".

PS. Let the flames begin.. :dance:

09-24-2004, 02:08 PM
All that i'm hearing here is "I don't have enough skill to play with a low end gun". "so I need to buy skill in my gear."

If your good at the game you should be able to pick up any gun and compete against opponents that are not as good as you. When my freinds started playing they all bough 98c. I went out against them with my PGP. It made it a little challenge for me. But it made it a blast for them. Majority of games I was still the high kill man. (mostly play elimination games) But it made me re-learn some of the things i had forgotten. It also gave me a chance to teach my freinds the aspects of cover and angles. We mostly play speedball in a wooded area. All natural terrain and bunkers.

So don't hate the gun just because you are not up to the ability to play with it. It takes more skill and talent to use a 98c than it does an "enter electro wonder gun of choice".

PS. Let the flames begin.. :dance:

Comfort means nothing to you does it?

A tippman rental is fully 7" longer than my rig, off balance, etc etc. You switch from your regular marker to a Tippmann and see what happens.

Maybe you're adaptable like that. I'm not. Did I use the exact same techniques I usually do? Obviously. However...

Swinging that tank around to make a bunker move, wrapping a bunker, keeping the hopper out of the way (wonderful offset neck and I'm a predominant rightie...not a problem coming out the left though), having a horribly unbalanced marker in your hands (and trying to use it like it's your regular marker) and hmm...a barrel that is worth more as a crack pipe than a barrel....DOESN'T make it just as simple as "well, you suck for not being able to play just as well with a 98 as you can with an Angel".

Complain about it all you want.

My post was about how I appreciate my angel much more after seeing what's out there and sucks. If you don't like that....you have the option to NOT POST!

09-24-2004, 02:16 PM
sometimes it's better to stop talking....

Just a thought.

No sKiLLz
09-24-2004, 04:31 PM
All that i'm hearing here is "I don't have enough skill to play with a low end gun". "so I need to buy skill in my gear."

If your good at the game you should be able to pick up any gun and compete against opponents that are not as good as you. When my freinds started playing they all bough 98c. I went out against them with my PGP. It made it a little challenge for me. But it made it a blast for them. Majority of games I was still the high kill man. (mostly play elimination games) But it made me re-learn some of the things i had forgotten. It also gave me a chance to teach my freinds the aspects of cover and angles. We mostly play speedball in a wooded area. All natural terrain and bunkers.

So don't hate the gun just because you are not up to the ability to play with it. It takes more skill and talent to use a 98c than it does an "enter electro wonder gun of choice".

PS. Let the flames begin.. :dance:
Speedball in the woods?

Two words for you, buddy. Tippman Effect. Incredible skill, lousy equipment.

09-24-2004, 05:00 PM
I'm not saying TE isn't talented but I would l think more of that argument if they would step up to NXL, Div 1 Xball, or Run more events against Russian Leigion, Bob's men, XSV, Dynasty or Infamous.

09-24-2004, 05:01 PM
There are some good ideas out here. However I wouldnt go as far as to say that it was all player and not the marker. Im not sure if anyone actually did but Ill pretend so.

We talked about this at my field and the concensus (sp?) was that it was 80% player and 20% marker. If you take equal players and give one a better gun then they will most likely win. But if you take a guy from a pro team and give them a spyder and take a beginner and give them a Viking, the pro will tend to win. They know the game better, have better tactics, and also beginners normally dont understand how to use a high end gun properly.
It would be like giving a Porsche to a drivers ed student and putting them onto a track. They just couldnt extract all the performance that the machine is capable of because they dont know how.....yet.

Do I think its bad that you wanted to use your angel? Not at all. I used my friends mongoose once while he used my autococker. I had a horrible game. It just didnt feel right in my hands and the entire time I was uncomfortable.
Besides the universal measure of how good a marker is in terms of speed and weight, you also have to look at how it meshes with you as a player. With my cocker I can shoot from the hip with extreme accuracy, Its as though the gun is a part of me. I cant do that with my angel even though my angel cost 3 times more, is faster, and lighter.

Being nice to the beginners also requires them to play fair. Ive had times where I leave in the middle of the day because I cant stand being over shot and dealing with wipers. I guess I could turn my max ROF up and go get some blood but Its easier to just tell them that I wont play with cheaters and leave.

PS. Have a nice weekend

09-24-2004, 05:19 PM
i know its random but AclowN you have the best sig i have EVER seen. I seriously love it and think your awesome because of it.

09-24-2004, 08:04 PM
Wow, lots of people being dicks in this thread, thats for sure. Everyone looks too deep into threads. He was just saying that he has been using highend guns for so long, he didn't realize how nice they really were.

See when in a similar situation......I put a slow loader like a Revvy or Grav Feed hopper on my dm4 or fly so I cant shoot fast but can still use the guns Im used to.
I do that from time to time also.

09-24-2004, 08:52 PM
A few friends and myself were at the local shop when a group (35-40 people) from some school shows up. Most have never played and are pretty impressionable (sp?) when it comes to guys looking like "pros". They didn't want to play with us at all until near the end of the day.

Now, we arn't tournament players by any means. None of us have done any competetive PB whatsoever, we just like playing together so our jerseys match - that's it. I'm running a mag and my friends are using cockers (one's ebladed). Mid-level guns, right? Well, you'd think we were all toting excals or something with how everyone reacts when we want to play. They wouldn't let us be on the same team at all, it'd always be a 2v1 split and then they'd stack the teams.

Once we all got to play, we used pumps for a 4 vs 15 game. Rolled 'em over pretty quick too :P

But anyways, I see your point. I'm used to my y-gripped mag - using anything with a .45 grip just seems odd now. I've gotta hold the rental tippys far away from me to aim properly and it messes my play style all up.

09-24-2004, 09:10 PM
I agree, 45 frames are lame. 90 for life.

09-24-2004, 09:13 PM
I honestly don't get the 90* frame thing. I wouldn't mind owning an ace'd Speed if it didn't have a 90* frame. I can't shoot those things worth crap, they are very uncomfortable to me. I guess it's all preference.

09-24-2004, 09:47 PM
Speedball in the woods?

Two words for you, buddy. Tippman Effect. Incredible skill, lousy equipment.

Lousy equipment, compared to what, a DM4? I love how Tippmanns are held up to the same golden standard set by whatever hot gun everyone MUST have. Not all teams NEED to have the "best" tourny marker to compete. An e-grip A5 is plenty fast if properly setup.

That said, alot of you guys seem aweful jaded on electro guns. Is paintball no longer fun if you cant have your electro? Closed minded people will be the death of this game/sport. :argh:

09-24-2004, 10:01 PM
again, all about paintmatch. i bet it would shoot decent if the paint matched a decent barrel on the tippy.. those things are tanks!

HAHAHA sayin that bout rentals. I worked at a fied for bout a yearand we rented tippys and let me tell no matter how good the ball to bore match was they wouldnt shoot straight, U should see what thsoe thigns go through, and then on our side of it we would take care of them btut they still get the crap beet out of them i mean tryng to dissemable 40 to 50 guns at the end of the day so u can go home. some essential cleaning miught get "forgotten".

09-24-2004, 10:20 PM
jesus christ...i read this whole thread and come on! the guy says its about appreciating his angel....and everyone who is trying to flame this tread are dicks...I also worked on a field and i've used tippmans....if youve been playing for years and are using high end guns for years and then suddenly go back to tippmans...BELIEVE ME ITS A BIG CHANGE...ohh and for those who say "its not the gun its the player", which is true to a certain point but the gun CAN up your skill a little, conidering speed, consistancy, and accuracy...

:dance: :dance: :dance: (i heard this makes people happy)

No sKiLLz
09-25-2004, 03:20 AM
I'm not saying TE isn't talented but I would l think more of that argument if they would step up to NXL, Div 1 Xball, or Run more events against Russian Leigion, Bob's men, XSV, Dynasty or Infamous.
They are NPPL Div. 1. Besides, would you walk into the NXL with a 98 Custom?

Lousy equipment, compared to what, a DM4? I love how Tippmanns are held up to the same golden standard set by whatever hot gun everyone MUST have. Not all teams NEED to have the "best" tourny marker to compete. An e-grip A5 is plenty fast if properly setup.
Plenty fast for what? Tourney play? It was designed for the average rec-baller. If you mean compete in the jungle for a scenario game, sure. Tippman will do you plenty fine. If you want to argue that it will hold up in a national tournament, you should go watch one some time.

09-25-2004, 06:16 AM
just a little follow on to this concept of dumbing down or stepping down (whichever you prefer) Many years ago I went to a local site to me that allowed you to use your own marker alongside first timers or at the very least regular players but using rental gear (in this case it was the latter) I went out with a mag and used the firepower more as suppression than to shoot people..(I had done some work on the mag and wanted to test it in a situation that didn't cost my team points and training days weren't thought about back then) The result was lots of complaints even my offer to switch sides wasn't taken well. So I switched to my Sterling which all of the other were using as well the only difference was that mine was spot on chrono wise and had a slightly better barrel (PTB match was not thought of then just big or small bore) and an electro (home made) loader...oh and I had two 7 ounce bottle attached both on syphon tubes...this still didn't make the other players happy even though the site owner explained that my Sterling was the same as theirs (he commented about how more consistant it was than the site ones to me afterwards ;)) but this tale just shows that it wasn't the marker it was the player ....I was up on the 50 from the game on signal the other players just hadn't realised that you have another weapon in paintball...your brains and feet but to them I was (with the mag) an uzi toting punter hunter or (with the Sterling) a sniper who they couldn't catch/shoot. In this situation I couldn't play the game and I quickly realised that even though I then offered to use a site Sterling the other players refused to allow me to do even that as I was too good (their words)...I was not, just I knew what I was doing and that counts for way more than the choice of marker.
A site I used to play at for tournaments was always doing something I think is very wrong and that was that along side the tournament he would have first timers (or regular player etc see above) playing on the same site and I am sorry but you should not expose new players to full on tournament players as you will gain a few across to the tournament scene but in general it will scare them away. you have to understand that in the UK we don't have a particulary large rec scene and finding sites to allow the use of your own marker is a little difficult. So when you see any comments about the Brits not being very good at tournament play (after american or european events) it is due to this lack of places to practise...(this is a general comment as there are places but very few)
I seemed to have rambled on a bit but I was trying to cover all the bases in one post ;)

09-25-2004, 10:05 AM
Funny how I went one on one with Jim at that field, him with his Lasoya and me with... rental 98 and Big Ball.

Guess who hit Jim 3 times that one game with a Rental 98?

You just suck Rob!

Nya nya.

Probably see ya this weekend, thinking of stopping down at the field to get some Vector action in. Haven't played w/ that thing yet much.

09-25-2004, 11:53 AM
They are NPPL Div. 1. Besides, would you walk into the NXL with a 98 Custom?

If Tippmann was my sponsor......yes. Otherwise I'll use my Fly. Why? It's kinda obvious.

No sKiLLz
09-27-2004, 02:11 PM
If Tippmann was my sponsor......yes. Otherwise I'll use my Fly. Why? It's kinda obvious.
Are you sponsored by WDP? Why not use a custom 98? :)

09-27-2004, 02:55 PM
Are you sponsored by WDP? Why not use a custom 98? :)

In my dreams, so I pretend like I am.

09-28-2004, 09:00 PM
Rob... going out on the field and wiping out newbies, and insisting they play your game.. then whining when your forced to tech down (and not volunteering to...

Well your sig becomes approrpiate

Ok bro.. You sure know what your talking about. :cool: NOT.. Maybe you arn't familiar to having a nice gun and down grading.. Maybe you can't downgrade any furter.. So stop.. And think about what you are about to say. We don't force people to play "our game" we usually ask and see howmany wanna play like a 4 vs. 20 refs game.. No matter if they are noobs that is still a hudge advantage 16 people difference. :dance:

09-28-2004, 09:10 PM
Ok bro.. You sure know what your talking about. :cool: NOT.. Maybe you arn't familiar to having a nice gun and down grading.. Maybe you can't downgrade any furter.. So stop.. And think about what you are about to say. We don't force people to play "our game" we usually ask and see howmany wanna play like a 4 vs. 20 refs game.. No matter if they are noobs that is still a hudge advantage 16 people difference. :dance:

Your right.. I always walk around the field with my Shocker and never put it down in favor of my phantom :rolleyes: I've never played with one of the rentals off the wall on a day I was there working and needed to even out teams (that would be a piranha and a gravity fed hopper, a pod stuffed into my back pocket of my jeans) :rolleyes: I've never had a nice gun, like an Angel, an E-mag, an E-blade, or a Shocker :rolleyes:. Think about it in terms of racing, from time to time some of the big names race at tracks around here - you don't see them bringing in their entire crew and cars from the NASCAR circuit, they compete with those here with the level of equipment available, adn they don't always win.

What fun is it, goign out, knowing you are going to win, knowing you are going to decimate your opponents. Is it even playing?

09-29-2004, 03:00 AM
hmm.....I usually use my Hornet pump against newbs. Makes the game even more fun for both of us. Because of course.......i'm a newb when it comes to pumps ;)

09-29-2004, 05:05 AM
Are you sponsored by WDP? Why not use a custom 98? :)
I am. :D
Don't hate me.
Look for me at Huntington next year. :shooting: Division III BABY!!!!

No sKiLLz
09-29-2004, 10:40 AM
I am. :D
Don't hate me.
Look for me at Huntington next year. :shooting: Division III BABY!!!!
Ain't nothin' wrong with that. Why wait till Huntington?

09-29-2004, 10:46 AM
Sometimes we need some adversity to really appreciate how much we love our thousand dollar paint slingers, right?
I really do believe that once you evolve...you should never go back to your primative ways. :D

09-29-2004, 10:52 AM
I don't feel like reading this entire post, I just feel like making a comment off what Jeffy wrote on the first page.

A couple weeks ago, me and some friends went paintballing for my friends bachelor party. I brought two guns. My ULE, ULT X-valved mag, and my Phantom.

I played for a while with the Mag just so I could shoot the bachelor a lot, but when I literally won a game by myself by running the tape on a woodsball field and shooting half the other team in the back, I knew it was time to switch.

I definitely had more fun with the Phantom, and not only does it give you a chance to let other, newer players make more of a difference, but it lets you step back from your normal "game mentality" and you can help out new people more.

Play for the prize when you are in a tourney. Play for the game when you are playing rec.