View Full Version : Is this Normal?...

10-28-2001, 04:03 PM
i only got about 200 shots off my 68 3000 flatline tank, I had just gotten it filled and I heard when you just get a tank filled you are acually like losing about 200 lbs becase after things "cool" down its not as compact inside the tank, so is 200 shots off 800psi in a 68 3000 flatline tank normal , only 200 shots off of 800 psi doesnt seem like a lot , my output pressure is 600psi. Thanks.

10-28-2001, 04:09 PM
i know from my gun when i get below 1000psi i need to get it filled because somewhere between 500-800 there just isnt enough pressure.

so yes that is normal. i play about 3 games per fill on my tank, so thats about 600 or so per the top 2000psi. ive never actually paid attention but that is about it.

10-28-2001, 10:26 PM
DId you have the tank completely filled? I don't quite get what your saying, did you have it filled all the way, and then it lowered itself from 3000, to 800, or did they only fill it to around 800?

10-28-2001, 10:41 PM
The A.I.R. valve needs 500psi head-pressure to work correctly. From 800psi on down, you really don't have much gas to work with anyway.

This is totally normal:cool:

10-28-2001, 10:52 PM
Why is your tank only being filled to 1K psi?

10-29-2001, 01:34 PM
I had just gotten my tank completly filled to 3000 psi , its a 68 cubic inch flatline.

My output pressure into the gun is at 600 psi and I only got about 200 shots off of 800psi (800psi of 3000psi) that was in the tank.

11-04-2001, 08:44 AM
i htink hes saying his output pressure was at 600/800 anf he got it filled to 3000 psi and hes getting only a hopper full of shots....

11-04-2001, 09:38 AM
That's not what is sounds like to me. It sounds like when the tank was at 800psi, with the output set to 600psi there were only 200 shots left. If so, that's normal. You have to remember that you don't run it down to 0psi, it's not like a gas tank where the last gal is te same as the first (ok ignore cooling fuel pump and all). You have to have some pressure diff between the tank and output, and you have to have min 500psi to even cycle the AIR valve correctly. So, yes I would say that is normal.

11-04-2001, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by TheSneakyPengui
I had just gotten my tank completly filled to 3000 psi , its a 68 cubic inch flatline.

My output pressure into the gun is at 600 psi and I only got about 200 shots off of 800psi (800psi of 3000psi) that was in the tank.

The way he says it here, it sounds like he is getting it filled to 3K, it cools down and goes to around 2.8K (normal), and then he gets 200 shots off, and then its at 2K. He said he gets 200 shots off of 800 PSI.

That number is pretty much dead on target for what you can expect from a 68/3K tank.

I think he needs to be a little more clear, though. Hopefully if enough of us come up with different interpretations, one of them will be right :)

Added on Edit: Also, why are you running 600 PSI into a classic valve? Turn it up to 800 PSI or so. 600 PSI is a pretty low input pressure to be running.