View Full Version : Anyone from the Charlotte, NC area?

09-24-2004, 07:42 PM
The gf is thinking she wants to go to school for writing so we might move to the Charlotte area in April. Anyone from that area?

Good spots to ball? Any words of advice?

I'm looking at apts online and its SO much cheaper than AZ, and it looks like a pretty good place to live. Plus my job has divisions over there, I mean I'd haev to take a paycut, but it'd be manageable for a while.

Help a brutha out yo!

09-24-2004, 08:02 PM
Check Warpig.com for stores and feilds in thearea. I live in NJ but my brother lives in Charlotte I go down a few time a year and it is very nice there. Apts and houses are cheap too. Also if you are into Nascar you have the track and 90% of the race team base there. Also you have the football stadium. Nite life rocks down there there is alot of clubs. Watch where you look for a place there are a few bad areas but not many. You also have a few dry counties that sell no liqueur.

09-24-2004, 08:59 PM
My cousin lives in Charlotte, I went down there last summer to play. We played at a field called Metro-lina Paintball and it was a great field, but the owner was a jerk and now the field is long gone with no plans to rebuild. I just asked him online what fields are good down there and he said "What fields, they all closed" :( He now plays at some kids house because he has a huge wooded yard, but mabye there is a new field that he doesnt know about?

09-24-2004, 09:03 PM
Me, madchild and some others live in Charlotte.
Some good local fields are Cj's(they host their own leauge, the cpl), gravediggers, palmetto hills, paintball kingdom, and some others. There is a pretty good scene here.
Talk to me on aim matmc89 and ill tell you all i know.

Cj's is really good field, astro turf-airball. I heard palmetto is really good im going tommorow to check it out.

09-24-2004, 09:44 PM
Yep. Im from the Raleigh-Durham area. Charlotte also has China Grove (nearby) and Wicked Mpulse fields.

North Carolina rocks yo! YOu should come!

09-24-2004, 10:08 PM
We're thinkin' about it. I work for Alltel so I can transfer up there probably no biggie. Her friend owns some houses up there his family rents out we're gonna talk to them about. Maybe head up in April when our apt lease is up.

Sick of Arizona. Need some new scenery and, as much as I hate to say it, I need cold! In the winter here its in the 60's and ya dont really get that "seasons" feeling.

09-24-2004, 10:54 PM
Yah MadChild Matmc 68MagOwner JIPED me buncha others...

Yah Charlotte Has a bunch of fields close

CJ's (Host Own Tourny)
Palmetto Hills (In SC, but Host Own Tourny)
The Spot (Shatty Place but still gets buncha business)
China Grove (realllly nice airball)

but yah were down here =) talk to me on AIm if you have any questions about the area

Possessionzero - aim

09-24-2004, 11:00 PM
yeh man, let me know if you endup going. lets ball!

09-24-2004, 11:10 PM
We're thinkin' about it. We're probably gonna come up in a month or so to visit fo a weekend and look at the houses her friends family has up there to find one to rent and take a look at the neighborhoods cause hope to have a kid soon (woot) and things like that.

Might have to get a few hours of ballin' in while I'm there. wait. It'll be coooooold.

09-24-2004, 11:14 PM
haah its not that cold... itll prolly be realy nice otuside in a month... prolyl like 70-75 i presume

09-24-2004, 11:33 PM
Its 100 here right nwo during the day. lol

09-25-2004, 06:56 AM
Its 100 here right nwo during the day. lol
yah then you gunna freeze your :cuss: off

The Action Figure
09-25-2004, 07:19 AM
cjs= the second best field I ever played on.of course we got wasted in the cpl because i was looking around and thinking man this is a nice field, the splat took 12 to the chest, 2 in the back of the head, then 2 in the foot :( oh and it was 32 degrees there so...

09-25-2004, 07:31 AM
Gideon i dont like CJ's i see it as the pbnation of field :tard:

B/c like all the little ***s i know play there, like all the people who thinks cockers are a gift from god and have over 2k post on pbn... I play at cheaper fields like palmetto, where there nice and have a niccccee 5 man supair. all fields in charlotte area have nice sup air

09-25-2004, 04:45 PM
yea palmetto is really good field, i played there today. Very cheap. around 15 for entry and all day air and 40 a case for kikn paint which is good. I felt compelled to also say I just walked up behind the opposing teams back right was going to scare him since i didnt have a gun, but when i got within 5 feet he turned around, looked at me strangely, wondering how i used my excellent ninja skills to get behind me, then he shot me.
It was awsome.
And i bunkered a kid by throwing paint.

But 4 guns went down, even the tac one
wow im sorry about this random outbreak of ADD. ill go away now

The Action Figure
09-25-2004, 05:39 PM
lol, cjs is alright, but I have only played tourneys there. and well as for the pbn of fields id have to agrre im sure its a matter of time befor I get banned from cjs too, just like pbn

09-25-2004, 05:59 PM
dave, you're leaving AZ??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! :) Have fun is NC though bro. I completely agree with the no seasons feelings. My first year out in AZ ('99), Christmas kinda snuck up on me, no build up whatsoever, it actually kinda sucked.

09-25-2004, 06:20 PM
If you are willing to drive all the way to burlington paintball central is a nice field with a sweet *** mound field, though their paint is kinda expensive.

09-26-2004, 02:02 AM
echo is right, Palmetto is really nice, 4 man (...4 man...wtf) tourney next sunday (oct 3rd) with a top gun tourney afterward (which i WILL win :mad: ), echo, get a team with these ppl and make me pay for cutting you this tourney lol. hooray for charlotte :confused:

edit- BTW spot is closing in october(unless there saved by some miracle), meh, mabey if they wouldnt have let the place get run down they wouldnt do so bad, nice people, but dont like to take care of stuff. Also, Palmetto is looking to get ANOTHER supair field, hooray

09-26-2004, 11:06 AM
Brian how di you hear all of this you but monkey... oh and guess what... IM UNGROUNDED. so once i find sum low rise (pbgear is out of stock) ill come play. Brian can i borrow your Imp Norise to see if it fits..?

But yah atleast those cocky kids at school who is sponsored by the spot can shuv it :headbang:

09-26-2004, 12:21 PM
heard that from talking to jerry and fran (people who run Palmetto) anyway, my no-rise is red loctited on, so good luck with that lol but they do fit, hey, mabey pittmans shocker is coming wiht the stock rise too (its coming with a CCM) and he could give you the stock one?

edit- JT, were sighning you up on the roster for the tourney (suprise) but unless (other) Brian or Jeremy drop, then you probably wolnt play, we will call you if we need you, or you can just come and watch then hop in if someone gets hurt or just sucks. (ill give you ride)

09-26-2004, 01:59 PM
im in the triangle area right around Kev....

09-26-2004, 02:53 PM
I might be playing the kik'n this weekend, if not ill be at the cpl. So who all is going?

09-26-2004, 05:34 PM
im playin the kik'n

09-26-2004, 06:21 PM
Damn I have to tell my cousin to check out these fields.

09-27-2004, 01:52 PM
ill be at the kickin i unno if im playing with 68mag's team tho :tard:

09-27-2004, 03:31 PM
yea looks like ill be playing too. See you guys there

09-28-2004, 04:10 PM
cool, whats your team name, we are Possession Zero (lol, stole echo's SN for name at last inute :clap: )

09-28-2004, 04:46 PM
Me n matmc89 are on Team Adrenalyn

Metrolina closed cuz they were put out of business. Thri scenarios were a lot of fun. the owner is an A****le lol but hes kool too. my mom knows the guy that owned that place and he gaev me free passes. of course i never got to use them cuz they shut down...

CJ's is awesome. they have good fields like an airball field and a hyperball field. they also have a lego field but the bunkers are way small except for the stand-ups. the refs are jerks tho cuz they made fun of our team...The only problem with the CPL is they allow coaching and its almost impossible to make a move without someone on the sidelines yelling where you are. and if you try to bunker someone the coaches on the sideline start screaming and so the player knows your coming. The refs are pretty lazy too...

Paintball Kingdom is a good place to practice. their fields are kinda small and the bunkers are pretty close together and some of the airball bunkers are deflated. They have the BEST pro-shop tho. they sell pretty much anything you need, mostly timmy parts tho. A little over priced, but better than ordering it online at some places. They host the kick'n series too. the SWAT team practices in their chicken house field lol. Their woods ball field isnt that great cuz you never find out where anyone is. The assult course is pretty decent cuz is big and you can attack a fort lol. The people that work there and own the field are awesome. They have really good service and if your gun needs to be fixed or if you need to install an upgrade, they know how to do it and they do it for free most of the time. The refs and the PBK team are kool cuz they help you out and give you tips and wut not. you can usually talk them into playing you for practice. Their prices are pretty good too. its like $15-20 for entry and all day air. You can get a decent case of paint for $40. Overall this place is great not only for practice but just to chill and have fun.

Palmetto hills isnt that great...they have one airball field and some random woodsball field. like matmc89 said, the prices are fairly cheap. They have the worst proshop though. They dont have any real refs tho so chances are you'll have to ref yourself whenever your practicing and stuff. They dont do a good job in enforcing safety tho. people run around with no masks and no barrel plugs and wut not and the guy that owns the place doesnt do anything about it. people can defiantly shoot hot too cuz they dont give a S*** about the chrono either. everyone cheats there cuz there are no refs. Theres a bunch of little kids ruinning around and shooting into the chrono field the whole day. its pretty fun just to chill and practice there tho...

wow that was rediculously long...i hope that helped out tho. that would be kool if you moved here maybe we could play one day

09-28-2004, 09:17 PM
the kid whose dad owned metrolina ANS extremes goes to school with me (the kid is a real jerk who thinks he knows everything, but really knows nithing ex-INSISTS that a a Z coded halo B feeds 42 bps, not 22) anyway, metrolina got screwed by the airport, and extremes got shut down because the business partner the guy owns sports warehouse with didnt like it :rolleyes:

09-28-2004, 09:21 PM
oh yea forgot about extremes....oh well that place sucked anyways lol

09-28-2004, 09:58 PM
i just heard that the other team ftom AO that was gonna play the kik'n dropped? why? well, guess my boys will have to do all the AO reppin.

09-29-2004, 07:52 PM
me will be subbin in a few games. yes i got demoted ty Brian :p Im getting proto pants friday

09-30-2004, 06:40 PM
Ill be doing topgun...so i win

09-30-2004, 06:52 PM
brian is gunna do top gun... which means he's gunna win :ninja:

I got to meet MatMC and Mad Child :wow:

09-30-2004, 06:57 PM
^^this kid is rediculous....

09-30-2004, 07:37 PM
^^this kid is rediculous....

why am i rediculus bryce... ill kick you in the nuts ^ ^ :ninja: :headbang:

The Action Figure
09-30-2004, 07:40 PM
im prolly goin to kikn talked to echo and he convinced me to try it out

09-30-2004, 08:12 PM
alrite well call me when u get there... ad u can meet all of us aoers

Jiped, 68MagOwner, Me, MadChild, MatMC and some more

but im the coolest

cell 7?4 564 6468 the question mark is a zero. (had to avoid internet spyders)

09-30-2004, 08:34 PM
I think we hijacked the thread...

10-01-2004, 04:33 PM
I think we hijacked the thread...

so :cool:

oh yeah, like echo said "brian is gonna do topgun...which means hes gonna win :ninja: "
...im brian, and for once, this kid may be right :D :rolleyes:

10-01-2004, 09:37 PM
We shall see brian, we shall see...that i win

10-01-2004, 10:39 PM
ive been "served"? or does that come later....? wait, no, you got "served"...right? no, wou will be "served", er, mabey, er, later.....i give up, ill see ya there :clap:

10-02-2004, 06:04 AM
Dude Matt... youve got some competition brian isnt that bad... well neither am i but he thinks i am haha.... Brian and matt... you both better watch your game... Also brian dont take a kid name Chris Schlaff off easy cuz hes a 9th grader, from what I hear he's one of the better fronts out there, and yes he will be playing. He was at the pball club

10-02-2004, 12:43 PM
there are a lot of ao-ers from charlotte

10-02-2004, 01:20 PM
there are a lot of ao-ers from charlotte
i couldve sworn we had established that... alrite thats it ur gettin kicked tomorrow

10-02-2004, 01:28 PM
haah yea, i meant to say we should have an ao day around here, but i forgot to type it.

10-02-2004, 01:54 PM
so edit it.... :rolleyes:

10-02-2004, 06:06 PM
you edit it

10-03-2004, 03:20 PM
Anyways we didnt win..lol. Those refs suck they lets them wipe and call me out for literally a drop of paint that was old. AIDS I SAY

And JT...that runthrough was the best thing of the tournament

10-03-2004, 07:35 PM
you edit it
Bryce you are a tard... we missed you today man

Yah matt those refs were complete BULL**** (back off mods) They called me out after i got to 50 off the break, i had gotten one of there players off on break, and at the 50 snapped one in the back laydown, they PULL TWO PEOPLE (me and 68magowner) for me supposedly not having my barrel on the board, which i did well 1.5 incehs away, cuz it was covered in paint. We wouldve won... Coinsidently (sp?) it wsa the fields sponsored team :rolleyes:

And 68magowner (brian) got completly served by the ref's... he was just standin there snappin this guy from his beer can mirror, the ref walks up and calls him out,,,? he's not hit... didnt step out of bounds nothing. were like wtf...? And the ref earlier has PUSHED brian out of his bunker and got em shot...

10-04-2004, 04:26 PM
And 68magowner (brian) got completly served by the ref's... he was just standin there snappin this guy from his beer can mirror, the ref walks up and calls him out,,,? he's not hit... didnt step out of bounds nothing. were like wtf...? And the ref earlier has PUSHED brian out of his bunker and got em shot...

yeah, that was gay, first game, he comes to check me for a hopper hit (i saw i actually had been hit there after game, but he, nor I knew it then, he calls me clean, then to get some momentium to run out of the bunker, pushes off me!?!!! wtf, i get shot in teh pack/arse because of that and am pulled out, then the 2for 1 they pulled me on because JT (echo) "didnt have his barrel on the net and played on" how was he supossed to know he was out!?!!! how was he playing on if they didnt let him know he was out!>!!? And i still dont know what was up with me getting pulled out of that standup, i asked the ref when he pulled me and he just replied "get the F*** off the field" :mad: I also got called out for spray, and it wasnt even a decent ammount of spray, it was like 5 drops ( I think the same thing happened to matt one game) :mad: :mad: :cuss: :mad: :mad:

anyway, on a lighter note- matt, your 05 speed RIPPED, i couldnt believe it when you snap shot 3 times and had to reload lol. Even though it was bouncing (not nearly as bad as some other markers there)

also, glad you enjoyed our full team off the break run throughs, did you see both of em? anyway, nice try, we need to get together for practice some time (mabey friday? i have paint i was gonna use in the the top-gun that got rained out) AIM me- xaqxke