View Full Version : First three man tourny

09-24-2004, 08:55 PM
so ya my first three man is this weekend...and im going to be rocking my ule mag...any tips pointers for a first tourny...i know there's threads on this but this tourny is a special place...hustlers indoor paintball in northern new jersey...so ya any help to get the last minute jitters outta my system

09-24-2004, 09:00 PM
me ,dj89 , and atm743 will be also havin our first team tounery in 2 weeks ,

i recomend

hug bunkers tight

stay low

snap shooting is your friend

communicte with your teammates

work as team

and most of all just have fun :cheers:

09-24-2004, 09:02 PM
you guys will get screwed over (take it from me..TRUST ME)
you must must comunicate non stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is a must..yell there positions the whole game!!!!

09-24-2004, 09:05 PM
Communication is key.

And never be intimidated, always THINK you're better then the other team, don't say it, but think it, because if you communicate and believe you're better, you'll most likely do better or atleast have fun playin.

Most-of-all, have fun.

09-24-2004, 09:05 PM
you guys will get screwed over (take it from me..TRUST ME)
you must must comunicate non stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is a must..yell there positions the whole game!!!!

usually by the end of a walk on day ....my voice is hoarse.and nearly lose my voice =o) and im a front player

09-24-2004, 09:47 PM
Don't expect to win. Just have fun and use it as a learning experince.

You'll be nervous. I'm nervous before every tourney no matter how hard or how easy.

Use your instincts. Play tight and just let your body take control. Communication is the key.

If you see wiping let the refs know but don't whine. It is apart of the game live with it or don't bother with tourneys.

09-24-2004, 10:06 PM
just as others have said, communication is key.

dont be intimidated, be the agressive team

09-24-2004, 10:08 PM
YEa listen to everyone communication is the most imporotant thign out there. If your back players isnt constantly talking and yelling then he is screwing up. Jsut tel him to constantly yell every position on teh field no matter how many times he repeats teh same one.

09-24-2004, 10:12 PM
Communication is key.

And never be intimidated, always THINK you're better then the other team, don't say it, but think it, because if you communicate and believe you're better, you'll most likely do better or atleast have fun playin.

Most-of-all, have fun.

I disagree. Dont go out there hot headed. Just keep in mid to play your hardest, you need the points, and to just roll your guns the whole game. Try and get someone off the break, It will make a huge difference.

I had a 3 man last weekend. We went out for our first game and were playing a younger team and almost got rolled because we were thinking that this isnt nothing just go out there and roll them. But we ended up tieing the game because of a stale mate. 2 of us were shot early on, and our last guy brought it down to 1 on 1. After that game we got our heads straight and rolled the tourny. 799 points to the second place teams score of like 360.

09-24-2004, 10:15 PM
and to just roll your guns the whole game.

what does that mean?

09-24-2004, 10:27 PM
Play like you have a pair... don't be afraid to make moves. Obviously, it isn't X-Ball, so you won't have another shot in 2 minutes, but any move that isn't the stupidest thing ever should at least get one guy on the other team as well as you.

09-24-2004, 10:57 PM
He means don't stop shooting, just keep your guns up.

what does that mean?

09-25-2004, 08:58 AM
1.Communicate constantly
2.Front players move alot
3.Snap shoot
4.Don't stack everyone in the back-for three man I recomend a center back and the two tapes
5.If you have a warp keep your marker at a 45*angle
6.If your in the back don't hug the bunker until nessasary play about a step back(you see more)
7.Front players slide in to bunkers, not walk up and duck in.
8.Plan atleast your first two moves with your team before each game
9.If something doesn't work don't keep trying it.

I know some of those are basic no brainers, but I don't know how much experiance you have.

09-25-2004, 11:24 AM
Dont shoot your team mates, shoot them twice

09-25-2004, 11:35 AM
Have fun and communicate. Watch the better teams and see how they move up the field or how the start off.


I almost forgot. Dont run into the poles! Watch out for the 4 poles. You probably wont, but nothing looks worse than seeing you bounce off one.

09-25-2004, 11:41 AM
Having played over 15 3 man tournies, I think I got the strategy of the 3 man style of play down.

First off, 75% of the time, if you drop a guy first, you aren't going to win. Unless, you got 2 good guys that work well under pressure.

Next, try to shoot 1 of their guys off the break. 3 guys shooting off the break isn't a bad idea. No need to get lots of ground off the break, with only 3 guys on the other team, it isn't very hard to make good moves.

Communicate as everyone was saying. You won't believe the amount of games in 3man rookie tournies that end because the team wasn't communicating and they either think there is 1 guy left and there isn't. Or the team isn't working together to win the game.

If you see a team you think might be weaker then you, overpower and intimidate them. Against weaker teams, we usually shoot a lot more paint then against a stronger team. When younger kids here 15 bps on their bunkers, they aren't going anywhere.

Don't make stupid mistakes. In a 7man game, you can afford to lose a player, in 3 man you can't. Try to snap shoot a guy out instead of a bunker move.

Relax, don't stress out. If it comes down to 1 on 2 or even 3, just relax and work every side of your bunker. Shoot a lot of paint when the odds are against you, you want every advantage on your side. Another thing I see so much is teams when its 1 on 2 or 3 get sloppy and don't play like a team. They make bad mistakes and the 1 wins. Last tourney I played my team won a 1 on 3, one because the kid on our team was a killer, and the other team played sloppy. One 3man I played, I won a 1 on 2 from the snake because I worked all the sides of the snake, used the snakes angles to my advantage, and waited for the other team to make a move on me.

One of the worst things you can do is get intimidated by a more experienced team and choak. Most of all, have fun, tournies are a blast and are in my opinion the best part of paintball. Play to win and play hard, but if you don't win, it isn't the end of the world.

Good luck!

09-25-2004, 01:09 PM
Have fun and communicate. Watch the better teams and see how they move up the field or how the start off.


I almost forgot. Dont run into the poles! Watch out for the 4 poles. You probably wont, but nothing looks worse than seeing you bounce off one.

gahahaha im greatful for those poles...those suckers can cover me real good ..btw are you playing in the tourny andrew?

09-25-2004, 08:26 PM
ok 3 man strategy thats easy an always works- off the break be conservative (back 3 bunkers are best bet) and have all 3 guys lane the same way to almost ensure that guy will be gone, once you are #'s up, you can easily ryun through the other 2

09-25-2004, 08:45 PM
yeh, play conservative. shoot three off the break into two lanes. get one off the break. exploit that side. push hard once you have the numbers.

09-27-2004, 12:04 PM
aright tourny was over! pics and vids will be coming very soon...gotta get a firewire cable to transfer it over...

me nad my team was the first time we played together...but we did a splendid job against tough teams...just to let you know who we went up against

splat dome FACTORY
RT40 Factory
Method of Destruction
Team Grim (division of shooters and looters :wow: :wow: we eliminated one game them but didnt get full points :cry: :cry: )
and G3

these are teams that have been playing tourny's for about a year...while our team was fresh of the boat...of recballing...lol but our team was the only true ROOKie team there..but you know what...we're gonna do it all over again...o ya btw...our team had 3 teams(paintballfuzion.com) 1,2, and 3. And each team had a Xvalved ULE mag playing FRONT :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: while the shockers and other highends stayed back. Consider the circumstances..we did an awesome job! one of our teams (pbfuzion 1 i believe) made it into the top 6 against MOD, SDF,GRIM,DeadCell, and EXiled 1 . So who says mech mags cant compete =o)

o ya..Methods of Desctruction won it all while SDF got robbed apparantly


Wc Keep
09-27-2004, 01:47 PM
aright tourny was over! pics and vids will be coming very soon...gotta get a firewire cable to transfer it over...

me nad my team was the first time we played together...but we did a splendid job against tough teams...just to let you know who we went up against

splat dome FACTORY
RT40 Factory
Method of Destruction
Team Grim (division of shooters and looters :wow: :wow: we eliminated one game them but didnt get full points :cry: :cry: )
and G3

these are teams that have been playing tourny's for about a year...while our team was fresh of the boat...of recballing...lol but our team was the only true ROOKie team there..but you know what...we're gonna do it all over again...o ya btw...our team had 3 teams(paintballfuzion.com) 1,2, and 3. And each team had a Xvalved ULE mag playing FRONT :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: while the shockers and other highends stayed back. Consider the circumstances..we did an awesome job! one of our teams (pbfuzion 1 i believe) made it into the top 6 against MOD, SDF,GRIM,DeadCell, and EXiled 1 . So who says mech mags cant compete =o)

o ya..Methods of Desctruction won it all while SDF got robbed apparantly


man to draw deadcell grim sdf and mod in one group is tough. mod is the same mod that placed 4th at the last nppl.

09-27-2004, 05:11 PM
small edit

we did 5th place in our division (our of 7)
and we tied for 9th out of the whole tourny (out of 14)

09-27-2004, 07:27 PM
Don't be scared. Break snake. Break 50. Pulse left at 50. Gun center lane then front player paths. Cover your face by bending your elbow off break. Never look while reloading and cover your lane. Get yourself out of being pinned down by snap shooting. Try distracting the other team by rubbing your nipples and luering than to walk up to you and then light them up while there least expecting it.

Wc Keep
09-27-2004, 08:30 PM
Don't be scared. Break snake. Break 50. Pulse left at 50. Gun center lane then front player paths. Cover your face by bending your elbow off break. Never look while reloading and cover your lane. Get yourself out of being pinned down by snap shooting. Try distracting the other team by rubbing your nipples and luering than to walk up to you and then light them up while there least expecting it.

Ok someone needs to stop checking out pbnation. you dont want to cover your face cause then you cover your eyes not allowing you to see. if you cant see you are blind and dont know where your opponents are.

always look while reloading. you should practice shooting while reloading. your gun should be up.

why break for the snake in 3 man? if one of your guys goes down then that means you have a player who cant move freely in his bunker.

09-27-2004, 08:56 PM
Ok someone needs to stop checking out pbnation. you dont want to cover your face cause then you cover your eyes not allowing you to see. if you cant see you are blind and dont know where your opponents are.

always look while reloading. you should practice shooting while reloading. your gun should be up.

Um, you aren't like covering your eyes like you're playing hide and seek... you hold it out front. You can see, and on top of that, you need to see a spot, and that's it. You bust *** for the spot and that's it.

And look while reloading? WTF? Your head isn't out unless you're shooting or posting... Only real reason to shoot is if you're holding someone in that MUST stay in or if you're about to get bunkered.

Wc Keep
09-27-2004, 09:39 PM
Um, you aren't like covering your eyes like you're playing hide and seek... you hold it out front. You can see, and on top of that, you need to see a spot, and that's it. You bust *** for the spot and that's it.

And look while reloading? WTF? Your head isn't out unless you're shooting or posting... Only real reason to shoot is if you're holding someone in that MUST stay in or if you're about to get bunkered.

you shouldnt hold your hand out. if you dont believe me watch the shooters and looters d2 squad play. none of their runners hold their hand out. its not like your neo and your going to stop the ball in the air.

so you should only be looking while your shooting or posting eh? what happens if a guy decides to move on you the second you are reloading. your not looking your not going to see his move so you go to shoot and hes got a perfect line at you.

Wc Keep
09-27-2004, 09:40 PM
Um, you aren't like covering your eyes like you're playing hide and seek... you hold it out front. You can see, and on top of that, you need to see a spot, and that's it. You bust *** for the spot and that's it.

And look while reloading? WTF? Your head isn't out unless you're shooting or posting... Only real reason to shoot is if you're holding someone in that MUST stay in or if you're about to get bunkered.

also you dont just see one spot. that called becoming tunnelvisioned.

09-28-2004, 04:19 PM
Ok someone needs to stop checking out pbnation. you dont want to cover your face cause then you cover your eyes not allowing you to see. if you cant see you are blind and dont know where your opponents are.

always look while reloading. you should practice shooting while reloading. your gun should be up.

why break for the snake in 3 man? if one of your guys goes down then that means you have a player who cant move freely in his bunker.

Wow you totally misinterpited everything I said. Make sure you got your facts straight b4 you talk "trash" #1.

First of all I hate pbnation
2nd Its good to cover your mask while breaking 50 and besides you can't see whats infront of you. AFter I get to the 50 I pulse left and gun down the left 50 lane because theres a delay to make it there and usually someone goes for it.
3rd by never look I ment never look down at your pods and hopper. Keep your eye on how much paint you got and shot. At around half way full flip the lid open and when you about 3/4ths of the way start going for your pod while holding your marker with one hand and just blindedly getting the pod and spilling the paint into your hopper then chuck the pod.
And last thing I want to say once again I hate pbnation with a passion ;)

Wc Keep
09-28-2004, 04:34 PM
Wow you totally misinterpited everything I said. Make sure you got your facts straight b4 you talk "trash" #1.

First of all I hate pbnation
2nd Its good to cover your mask while breaking 50 and besides you can't see whats infront of you. AFter I get to the 50 I pulse left and gun down the left 50 lane because theres a delay to make it there and usually someone goes for it.
3rd by never look I ment never look down at your pods and hopper. Keep your eye on how much paint you got and shot. At around half way full flip the lid open and when you about 3/4ths of the way start going for your pod while holding your marker with one hand and just blindedly getting the pod and spilling the paint into your hopper then chuck the pod.
And last thing I want to say once again I hate pbnation with a passion ;)

ok i did misunderstand what you mean by the reload thing but still you shouldnt cover your goggles. its a thing where if your going to get one its such a slighter chance of it not breaking on your hand. im not sure if what i said right there made sense but what i meant to say was if its going to break its going to break.

and its nice to see you hate pbn. its only good for the regional section.

09-28-2004, 04:48 PM
ok i did misunderstand what you mean by the reload thing but still you shouldnt cover your goggles. its a thing where if your going to get one its such a slighter chance of it not breaking on your hand. im not sure if what i said right there made sense but what i meant to say was if its going to break its going to break.

and its nice to see you hate pbn. its only good for the regional section.

I'm still getting chills from when you said I must be from PbNation. :wow: :cry:

Wc Keep
09-28-2004, 05:57 PM
i received my title for a reason. where in jersey do you usually play?