View Full Version : Tom: flatline leaks between tank neck and regulator, and has horrible drop-off, help?

10-28-2001, 06:34 PM
I bought a powerfeed mag classic [it's perfect] and a flatline 68ci tank used from some guy on the west coast. The first time I played with it, the output was fine. It did have creeping pressure about halfway through the day. I tried to prevent that by keeping the tank OFF every time I wasn't playing, and shooting out the pressure when it creeped. My mag valve works fine on my friends crossfire, but the flatline has horrendous drop off. I mean like...going like 3bps, the first ball will be fine, the second shorter, and the third barely makes it out of the barrel. Pressure gauge goes from 800psi to 600-400psi to 400psi if i keep slamming the trigger.
I've put some oil on the reg. seat o-ring, but I haven't done much else. When I filled my tank for the 4th time this morning, after it was done, I heard a leak. I thought it was the fill nipple, but a little spit showed bubbles all around the seam where the tank goes into the regulator. That kinda scared me.

What can I do to fix this? My flatline SN is FL 00367, so it's pretty old. Do flatlines have 'stars' like mags do? I'd just like you guys at AGD to look at it, rather than some bozo from boston paintball.
BTW, i'm 15.
What are my options?

10-28-2001, 06:49 PM
This is an easy one. Your Flatline is a Level 1.00 known for having shootdown problems when you filled the tank and let it sit for awhile with the on/off in the off position. There's a few other things AGD changed from Level 1.00 to 2.00. Send it in to AGD for a free update and they will replace the necessary parts to make it work just like the Level 2.00's.

10-28-2001, 06:54 PM
You had me going there =]
It creeps with the tank in the ON position. Not really as much when it's off. But the leak around the neck of the tank scares me.

Thanks BlackVCG

10-28-2001, 07:08 PM
Oh geez, I didn't catch that it was leaking at the tank NECK. That is very bad and needs to be fixed immediately. I was thinking you were saying it was leaking under the cradle where the front portion screws into the back portion of the regulator. That's a matter of replacing an o-ring. As for the creeping problem that's usually a reg. seat that isn't sealing properly. Either way, call AGD and tell them the problems you are having and send it it in. It will come back fully updated and functioning 100%

Edit: All Flatlines under serial number 800 are level 1.00. Everything else is 2.00.

10-28-2001, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
Oh geez, I didn't catch that it was leaking at the tank NECK. That is very bad and needs to be fixed immediately. I was thinking you were saying it was leaking under the cradle where the front portion screws into the back portion of the regulator. That's a matter of replacing an o-ring. As for the creeping problem that's usually a reg. seat that isn't sealing properly. Either way, call AGD and tell them the problems you are having and send it it in. It will come back fully updated and functioning 100%

Edit: All Flatlines under serial number 800 are level 1.00. Everything else is 2.00.

Can they fix the neck part?

10-28-2001, 07:25 PM
Yes they can.

10-28-2001, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
Yes they can.

/me looks at ceiling and thanks God.

10-28-2001, 07:59 PM
good luck with that man. just call em up and send it in.

btw, im from brookline, where do you generally play paintball?

10-28-2001, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Mossman
good luck with that man. just call em up and send it in.

btw, im from brookline, where do you generally play paintball?

Well, Global is obviously the best, but I've played at Randolph Paintball, Boston Paintball in the city, and Fox Four in Upton.

10-29-2001, 06:55 AM

10-29-2001, 10:49 AM

10-29-2001, 03:47 PM

10-29-2001, 04:11 PM
If BlackVCG tells you something technical you can pretty much take it to the bank. Take his advice. Call em. Set it up. They will fix it for you.

Lord Vader
02-13-2002, 02:59 AM
I get bad shootdown too, but my flatline is in the 2000's. Any ideas? I noticed my reg piston is kinda scratched, could that be it?

EDIT: I was talking with Devaut in AO Chat, and we came to the conclusion that it might be the fact that I am using a gutted expansion chamber versus a normal gasthru grip and that having a large air reservoir like that may be the problem, since the flatline output guage reads line pressure, not necessarily the pressure of the air as it immediately leaves the regulator. Any ideas or suggestions?

02-13-2002, 10:49 AM
Black is very accurate in his replys, you can count on him. Send it back and we can fix it up it's not a big problem.