View Full Version : tank/e-mag problem

09-25-2004, 07:35 AM
ok, when I screwed my PMI preset tank @ 850psi into the e-mag it went full auto for about 20 shots, I never even turned the gun on it just went auto for like 20 rounds then stopped, it fired fine after that, I ran out of air and I didn't disconnect the tank, I just used the kalibur to fill it and despite haveing the same pressure difference as screwing the tank in, it didn't go full auto unless I unscrewed it from the ASA, and screwed the tank back in. I have 1.31 software but, it isn't the software FA problem, I just included that to give an Idea how old it is. all stock valve/bolt parts. that and I have had a problem once or twice with the board simpily refusing to work right in over 100 degree weather, that only happens a few times a year but, i have not heard anyone else complain about overheating problems...