View Full Version : X Mag Rules Question!

09-25-2004, 09:35 AM
I am thinking about getting an X MAG...I was told however by one of my teammates that they were illegal in tourney play due to something in the switch system? then I was told by some one else that they are legal. Any Help would be great.

09-25-2004, 09:43 AM
Depends. A lot of places won't allow an E/X-Mag on the field if it's mode selector switch is still usable/on or its trigger rod is still in.

Reason being is that hybrid mode should just be renamed bounce mode. Without a selector switch and/or trigger rod, hybrid mode isn't usable.

09-25-2004, 09:48 AM
I am thinking about getting an X MAG...I was told however by one of my teammates that they were illegal in tourney play due to something in the switch system? then I was told by some one else that they are legal. Any Help would be great.

Hybrid mode is illegal as it'll bounce like crazy. You can either set it in E mode & remove the mode selector switch or back out/remove the trigger pin and fire in E mode. Either one will solve the bounce issues and you should be good.

09-25-2004, 09:50 AM
Doh walked away in the middle of posting & teufel beat me to it :)

09-25-2004, 10:15 AM
thanks guys

09-25-2004, 12:49 PM
I didn't want to have issues with it at Ultimate Madness this year so I took out my Trigger rod. As it happened, a guy on one of the teams we were going to play had a bouncy X-mag :bounce: and was told he couldn't use it. He tried to say I couldn't use mine, but they couldn't get mine to bounce!
Now, at the local level, I have yet to have someone say anything about it, and I play with the trigger rod in. I just don't use Hybrid. :D

09-25-2004, 01:16 PM
Just tell them it's a shocker! ;)

09-25-2004, 01:31 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of these larger tournaments seem to "pick on" the E and X Mags? I mean, give me a freakin break... every other electro out there has a cheater board, and now that a MAG can do it without having to cheat, it isnt OK anymore? Whatever.

09-25-2004, 01:47 PM
No, no one is picking on the e/x-mag. Saying all other guns have cheater boards is outrageous and completely false. Dm4 is a popular cheater gun because all you need is a chip and not a whole new board, but that doesn't mean all dm4's are cheaters.

The problem with e/x-mags is that you can switch it to hybird and get bad bounce and switch it back to emode and get no bounce. Ok, so take out your trigger rod, then how are you going to chrono it rt style? So you know you aren't getting shootup? When the emag was designed it wasn't much of a problem in tourney play with bouncing guns, or should I say, it wasn't as enforced as it is now. People have said stuff to agd about this issue for years and they haven't done anything to fix it.

09-25-2004, 01:51 PM
Dude, Chill.

I didnt mean that every electro out there actually HAS a cheater board in it- but they are available for virtually everything else! Do you think they spend nearly as much time trying to sort out those markers? NOPE.

09-25-2004, 04:14 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of these larger tournaments seem to "pick on" the E and X Mags? I mean, give me a freakin break... every other electro out there has a cheater board, and now that a MAG can do it without having to cheat, it isnt OK anymore? Whatever.

I agree.

No, no one is picking on the e/x-mag. Saying all other guns have cheater boards is outrageous and completely false. Dm4 is a popular cheater gun because all you need is a chip and not a whole new board, but that doesn't mean all dm4's are cheaters.

He didnt say all, he said every other.

If it has a debounce setting...Guess what

So you tell me. Its physically impossible to pull around 15sps, so how are these other high end guns getting 20??

09-25-2004, 04:17 PM
It isn't physically impossible to get 15, and 90% of kids don't really know how fast they are shooting, companies make false claims about bps all the time.

09-25-2004, 06:09 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of these larger tournaments seem to "pick on" the E and X Mags? I mean, give me a freakin break... every other electro out there has a cheater board, and now that a MAG can do it without having to cheat, it isnt OK anymore? Whatever.

The problem is e/x - mags are illegal out of the box, they are set up in a way that will allow bounce to happen. My Shocker was very legal otu of the box (stupidly so... the trigger was ridiculous). That's why they get checked, because if you did not modify them with the intent to make them legal, they probably are not. Whereas many other markers you have to make an effort, and have some technical know-how (or available), to make them illegal.

S.S Bandit1
09-26-2004, 01:48 AM
I really dont see much bounce with my xmag unless I crank the imput pressure to 900psi

09-26-2004, 02:15 AM
The problem is e/x - mags are illegal out of the box, they are set up in a way that will allow bounce to happen. My Shocker was very legal otu of the box (stupidly so... the trigger was ridiculous). That's why they get checked, because if you did not modify them with the intent to make them legal, they probably are not. Whereas many other markers you have to make an effort, and have some technical know-how (or available), to make them illegal.

quite on the contrary, many guns now come stock to bounce like mad with a little trigger adjustment. Apparently youve never felt a stock emag trigger setup, because it feels like ur pullin a mech practically. Ntm, my friends shocker bounces like crazy, all you have to do is set up the trigger right, ive seen many many DM4s get pulled out of tourneys, and a few go full auto while chronoing.

09-26-2004, 02:23 AM
So you tell me. Its physically impossible to pull around 15sps, so how are these other high end guns getting 20??

its definitely not physically impossible to pull 15, maybe for you but not everyone, but i do agree that any gun with debounce out of the box have the capability to cheat, but this does not necesarily make them cheater guns, they still have to be set up to cheat to be cheater guns. Im assuming everyone here who hates electros so much probably has a mech mag, or at least a good chance they have one. This is kinda funny caus if you set up a RT mag right u can pull off full auto strings, just as bad as debounce, so dont act like mech guns are perfect.

09-26-2004, 03:58 AM
quite on the contrary, many guns now come stock to bounce like mad with a little trigger adjustment. Apparently youve never felt a stock emag trigger setup, because it feels like ur pullin a mech practically. Ntm, my friends shocker bounces like crazy, all you have to do is set up the trigger right, ive seen many many DM4s get pulled out of tourneys, and a few go full auto while chronoing.

If you have to change settings to make it bounce then ti was legal out of the box. Changing settings and then telling me it was illegal out of the box - well your definition of out of the box and mine is different. I will note that I have seen a lot of Timmies bounce out of the box. As to having never felt a stock e-mag trigger... I know the pull stock is long - but you still get more than one shot with a single pull in hybrid mode (which is an external switch away). This marker is illegal out of the box, wtih no changes requiring any tools. It may not be horribly bouncey, but more than one shot in one pull is more than one shot in one pull. I know that there was one ref in PSP who was going to show us the problems in our e-mags, mine made it on, as did the other one on my team. Mine had no trigger rod, his had no battery.

09-26-2004, 10:21 AM
just take out your trigger rod when you go out and do turnys and if you have it in just show em its on emode the hole time