View Full Version : Paintball On Espn, It's Official!

09-25-2004, 10:16 AM


09-25-2004, 10:47 AM
sweet.....somone remeber to up this thread a month from now so i dotn forget ;)

09-25-2004, 10:50 AM
Repost. But this one does have a little more info.

09-25-2004, 11:13 AM
Now can you ladies quit yer *****in about gettin paintball on ESPN?

09-25-2004, 02:27 PM
Repost. But this one does have a little more info.

I was worried that it might be...sorry.

09-25-2004, 02:53 PM
sweet.....somone remeber to up this thread a month from now so i dotn forget ;)

just print it out and tape it up in your room

09-25-2004, 02:55 PM
sweet.....somone remeber to up this thread a month from now so i dotn forget ;)
Threads get resurrected alot, so dont worry :D

09-26-2004, 05:30 AM
Now can you ladies quit yer *****in about gettin paintball on ESPN?
Can someone get this kid a happy meal please :rofl:

09-26-2004, 09:51 AM
anyone up for trying to get on tv with me..... i'm thinkin body paint, maybe AO and a hex or if and anyone else wants to join AGD or empress just a maybe if my gf(she doesn't play buts shes open to it) backs out on going if she goes i have to behave

09-26-2004, 01:05 PM
ohh boy i can see it now....everyone is talking about how this is going to start a hole thing about pball is going to be on tv everyweek and then after ESPN airs this one show on two different days and that is it, then what? is everyone going to be complaining about how they should put it on more? i mean don't get me wronge im very happy there putting it on but i remember about 5 years ago they had paintball on ESPN and i haven't seen a thing on it since...i just don't want everyone to get there hopes up about paintball on TV all the time when its just going to be on this one time...ESPN hasn't said there going to have a weekly show or even a monthly show, they just said there going to have ONE show....

i hope it does get picked up and stays on all the time but lets not get ahead of our selves and lets not get our hopes up....

:cheers: to pball on tv.

09-26-2004, 02:24 PM
ohh boy i can see it now....everyone is talking about how this is going to start a hole thing about pball is going to be on tv everyweek and then after ESPN airs this one show on two different days and that is it, then what? is everyone going to be complaining about how they should put it on more? i mean don't get me wronge im very happy there putting it on but i remember about 5 years ago they had paintball on ESPN and i haven't seen a thing on it since...i just don't want everyone to get there hopes up about paintball on TV all the time when its just going to be on this one time...ESPN hasn't said there going to have a weekly show or even a monthly show, they just said there going to have ONE show....

i hope it does get picked up and stays on all the time but lets not get ahead of our selves and lets not get our hopes up....

:cheers: to pball on tv.

actually, like 8 years ago i saw paintball on ESPN a LOT. it wasn't like a once a month thing either, i'd see it maybe once or twice a week. and its that alone that got me hooked on paintball. they had to take it off because of peopel complaining it was 'warlike' and they didn't want their children to see that.
but then think. back then paintbal was only around 9-10 years old, with it growing slowly. now its 18-19 years old and growing very fast, and people have a more understanding of it.

io agree not to get hopes up but hey, hopefulyl ESPN notices how much their ratings go up when they AIR paintball :D

Toxic Dave
09-26-2004, 10:12 PM
All we can do to ensure more airtime is to tune in and then respond to the network(e-mail them afterward)

This winter is gonna make paintball blow up, ESPN, X-Box game and PB2X's show coming out on Spike sometime close to then too.


09-26-2004, 10:22 PM
they had to take it off because of peopel complaining it was 'warlike' and they didn't want their children to see that.
but then think. back then paintbal was only around 9-10 years old, with it growing slowly. now its 18-19 years old and growing very fast, and people have a more understanding of it.

Ummm where do you get your information? That is definately not why it stopped airing paintball. I think it has something to do with Jerry Braun and a deal agreed on with espn... which led to Jerry serving them their papers, and espn pulling the plug... I cannot remember all the details and maybe someone can fill in the blanks. I believe it was pulled after the 95 or 96 world cup though.

09-26-2004, 11:11 PM
well i heard that people were complaining about it being war-like

but i ALSO heard what you mentioned, but like you i dont know all the details. maybe Bill Mills will see this and enlighten us, i'm sure he knows

09-26-2004, 11:17 PM
well i heard that people were complaining about it being war-like

but i ALSO heard what you mentioned, but like you i dont know all the details. maybe Bill Mills will see this and enlighten us, i'm sure he knows

I am sure its been posted on ao before so you can probably search for an answer. I have never heard about complaints of it being war-like, maybe the woodsball that was shown from 94 world cup i think it was but they switched to airball in 95 or 96...

09-26-2004, 11:37 PM
i dunno. i just remember hearing that as being one of the reasons, but it might be linked to woods ball but who knows

09-27-2004, 12:44 PM
And we all know why ESPN has paintball on TV Now.....Because of those damn petitions of course :rolleyes: