View Full Version : Little Help from AO: Custom Order delima

09-25-2004, 01:12 PM
Here is the story guys,
There are three of us on AO whom have ordered custom vikings nearly six months ago. Problem is HRL is apon us here in houston and I have missed out on atleast one tourney and a dozen practices. I was told that this would take a maximum of 8 weeks, and it has taken nearly as many months.

Here is the question:

Should I ask for my deposit back or stick it out until its done?

09-25-2004, 01:14 PM
Get your money back. I didn't even wait that long for an X-Mag!

Empyreal Rogue
09-25-2004, 01:14 PM
It's a custom Viking, of course you should stick it out!

Hmm... But then again, 6 months is a long time. I've waited nearly 3 weeks for my marker to get back from M.A.X. and I'm really antsy so I don't know what to tell you. Maybe look around for anyone else that could do it and discuss a timeframe with them. THEN you decide what to do.

09-25-2004, 01:15 PM
Wait it out, trust me, they ARE worth it. Or if you feel like it get your deposit back and bu a used one.

09-25-2004, 01:41 PM
If it was me, I've waited 6 months, I'd stick with it, too much wasted time if you don't.

09-25-2004, 01:54 PM
It will be all worth it once you get it, I say just wait for it. You will be glad you did once you receice it.

The Action Figure
09-25-2004, 01:55 PM
pimp out your bko, j/k id wait vikings are amazing pieces of work imo its worth the wait.

09-25-2004, 02:29 PM
Whatch, when you cancel the order it is a week away from being done and they dont tell you. Wait it out, you already waited 6 months, what's another 1 or 2?

09-26-2004, 02:48 AM
Gtrsi, im really sorry to hear that your viking and SH420's arent there yet. Its a shame. Wait it out, that much i can say. If you do not wish to wait it out tho, drop me a line. Ive got a pristine condition featherlight that i would be willing to let go to AO bretheren for the right price, being in college i havnt been playing at all, and i could always use the money for a dm5 or something of the sort. Drop me a line Gtrsi if you are interested.

Evil Mango
09-26-2004, 03:10 AM
if they said it would be 8 weeks, but it has really been 8 months. you should definately get your money back. :mad:

09-26-2004, 03:23 AM
i would wait it out, i'd also contact them and see what the hold up is, they said 8 weeks and its been 6 MONTHS... thats just a liiiiiiittle past their expected timeframe heh... contact them and see what the deal is..

09-26-2004, 09:31 AM
As nice as Vikings are, I would take my money back and build my own marker.

09-26-2004, 09:35 AM
i think i would go ahead and buy another marker that you could resale quickly when your viking comes, but call them for shure

09-26-2004, 09:37 AM
Just a quick question, what type of custom viking and whos did you get it through, Wwe have several in the shop almost ready to ship, we ran out of a part and had to wait on anodizing and milling to build them.

Any ways, if its one of the ones in the shop it should be ready eairly this week.


09-26-2004, 09:40 AM
Just a quick question, what type of custom viking and whos did you get it through, Wwe have several in the shop almost ready to ship, we ran out of a part and had to wait on anodizing and milling to build them.

Any ways, if its one of the ones in the shop it should be ready eairly this week.

Its a batch of Featherlights in Mark Devine's name. Like 4 Viks and an Excal. I think they need ramrods or something. Me and Sneaky are going to miss a huge big game with them by a matter of days...

09-26-2004, 10:49 AM
Its a batch of Featherlights in Mark Devine's name. Like 4 Viks and an Excal. I think they need ramrods or something. Me and Sneaky are going to miss a huge big game with them by a matter of days...

Yea, there in the shop, there alomst finished, I got the part back from ano late friday, and should be ready to go (fingers crossed) by tuseday this week,

Hope this helps eh


09-26-2004, 11:25 AM
this seems to be the story of akas life lately, the OTE forum on pbn is getting a little hostile too with the rediculous waits.

09-26-2004, 01:34 PM
Yea, there in the shop, there alomst finished, I got the part back from ano late friday, and should be ready to go (fingers crossed) by tuseday this week,

Hope this helps eh


Bart ,
have you seen my gun, dark grey, smooth milled featherlite SN 2302? I would be so happy to get it by this next weekend if possible.

09-27-2004, 01:06 PM

there is no reason, except it takes time to actualy mill and ano then assembl;e parts , and some times you run out of things that you thought you had a metric ton of,


Umm, if its part of the MD batch its done and waiting for him to call, most other feathber lites are puit together by JmJ I think.

Hope that helps


09-27-2004, 01:12 PM

Umm, if its part of the MD batch its done and waiting for him to call, most other feathber lites are puit together by JmJ I think.

Hope that helps


It is part of Mark's batch, Man I hope I get that gun this weekend!

09-28-2004, 02:42 PM
Markers are ready. Now if we can just work some magic to ship to us from the factory rather than bounce it up to Maine to Mark first.
Otherwise its going to be 3 days late for the event purchased for in the first place. Other than for a sweet marker in and of itself.

09-28-2004, 03:10 PM
this seems to be the story of akas life lately, the OTE forum on pbn is getting a little hostile too with the rediculous waits.

Thats one retailer. Thats like blaming Dye because my local store screwed me on a DM4 purchase. HOWEVER, OTE's owner is an AKA master tech, so I agree that he needs to resolve the issues.

GTRsi, I'd say stick with it, especially since its at the shop. If there is one recurring issue with custom AKA guns, its the long wait time. A good way to avoid that is buy one they have in stock, or buy used. I can never figure out why it takes 8 friggen months to make it :mad: but once you get it the enjoyment you derive from it should outweigh any lingering rage ;)

09-28-2004, 03:18 PM
You've got other guns. Why did you skip the practices and tournament?

Just use your other guns until the custom viking's ready.

09-28-2004, 03:35 PM
Markers are ready. Now if we can just work some magic to ship to us from the factory rather than bounce it up to Maine to Mark first.
Otherwise its going to be 3 days late for the event purchased for in the first place. Other than for a sweet marker in and of itself.

I emailed mark,
He is making sure its cool with AKA to ship from there.

09-28-2004, 04:05 PM
Yeah I took Friday as vacation just to drive from Minneapolis to outside Milwakee (6-7 hours drive) for a weekend event. I'll take having it overnighted and drive in the dark Friday night rather than not have it till next week. My passengers will just have to wait with me it thats the case.
Enticing Dan Voils to come to the event would be even better, and hand delivered maybe. Its a longshot though.

10-05-2004, 01:45 PM
Not bad even considering the wait.
The matching tip Longbow barrel and Lapco feedneck arn't pictured.
Mines a fraternal twin with Sneaky's.

10-05-2004, 02:18 PM
Thought about fishing for a good sale but deleted the thread isntead.

Here is mine,
matching CCM should be in the box. Micro have you recieved yours yet?


10-05-2004, 02:31 PM
Baby crap green!! Unless the light's playing tricks... hawt!! :headbang:

10-05-2004, 03:24 PM
hehe... after a 3 week technology deprivation, i'm back with a new computer... and tomorrow i send out the MO to pay for the rest of my viking... so i should have it VERY soon

also... did you guys get the pictures of them from mark?? if so, i want a pic of mine!

10-05-2004, 04:00 PM
also... did you guys get the pictures of them from mark?? if so, i want a pic of mine!

I've got group pics as well as pics of just mine. get me on aim tonight and I can send you the group pics.


10-05-2004, 04:18 PM
I got the shipping tracker today. FedEx economy because I want it to arrive on Saturday so I can sign for it in person. Forget any chance of it sitting on my porch all day waiting to be stolen.
I got to unload a hopper with Tigress' Immortal and I'm pretty sure Bart set hers up too from what Dan told me. Very nice. Just what I was looking for.

Thanks Bart for doing all the extra work on non-stock markers coming in as of late. Have fun in Vegas too. Poor Dan gets strip searched while you walk through the airport with a 9mm, lol.
:argh: :argh: :argh:
:cheers: :cheers:

Sneaky, picture mine with Swirl milling and you have yours. Minus the stock trigger and add the JMJ.

10-05-2004, 08:26 PM

mark just sent me some pics

i cant wait to get my snausage fingers on this secksy little beast - and time to go school the little poser at my field that has badmouthed vikings since the day i told him i was getting one... that little hype kid with a 03 shocker and DM4... look what i got biatch!