View Full Version : Warp feed questions

Aiecc Ixi
09-25-2004, 02:22 PM
Um yeah warp feed seems kinda cool but my friend says its useless because you cant shoot left handed and so i figured i'd ask you guys... can you shoot left handed with warpfeed without a problem?

Head knight of Ni
09-25-2004, 02:27 PM
You don't need to you just lean it diagonaly to the left and shoot. With a normal setup this would expose your entire hopper. It will take getting used to. Bob Long swore by his though.

09-25-2004, 02:41 PM
Your friend = MORON! Tell him to go play in a busy highway lol.

09-25-2004, 02:50 PM
If you want to see how to shoot with a WARP then the best place I found to see one in action is www.webdogradio.us. Check out some of the videos of how to play buildings or bunkers.

09-25-2004, 06:31 PM
Warps (which I own and dont use) teach you to shoot right handed even out the left side by tilting the marker, exposing nothing but the barrel. Its quicker to change sides, and it does nto give any more profile. They are, in the right circumstances, an awesome idea. The best thing I found, is you know the cracks in crackpipes (between the vertical and horizontal segment there is normally a break in teh botttom) You can shoot through these.

09-25-2004, 07:08 PM
I love my warp and use if for all types of play: scenario, airball, tournaments. :D

It is the coolest for many reasons!

I used to always have a problem keeping my hopper out of the way of someone's paint. I've also heard the comment, "wow, I didn't even see you," so many times, since all you see is a barrel sticking out from behind a bunker. :ninja:

All you have to do with the warp is lean it to the left and to the right, even upside down in odd situations and all together you have the greatest versitility on the field.

Basically, you have to try one for yourself to see what all the "hype's" about. ;)

E r y k
09-25-2004, 07:12 PM
the warp is some good stuff!... profiles gone, so what would normally hit your hopper, ---is yep... you guessed it,-- will hit your face.

check my warped tippy http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=153215 :clap:

09-25-2004, 07:12 PM
I used a warp for over a year before ditching it in favor of playing switch hand...

Honestly I just shoot more comfortably lefty out the left side. The one thing I loved was that no one could see me shooting :) And going over the top of air bunkers! You didnt have to expose much! You can definately tilt it out the left and get about 20 good shots unless you have a halo which will force feed the warp I believe... It was a great concept that a lot of people just didnt want to try for one reason or another. I liked it while I had it but it didnt fit my game well enough to keep it