View Full Version : New tourny player questions..

09-25-2004, 05:43 PM
Ok, well i just played my first tourny with my friend and we are in a series for 3 more and are gonna do some more, in other words we are getting serious.

I have a 03 BKO, i was thinking about jsut upgrading it: bolt, reg, valve, board, etc.
Last tourney my gun broke 3 times tho...

BUT the new AGD deal with the RT ULE custom is appealing. Getting a quick mechanical gun (y-frame, ULT, Ule body, lvl 10) sounds awesome.

what should i do ? I can play back or mid , im to big to play front and have no practice at it really, but i guess i could go front..

what gun do u guys think i should get or keep for tourny play?

09-25-2004, 05:55 PM
Definately have a marker that you feel confident in that will perform for you every week without having to worry about anything going wrong with it. A bko is really not a bad marker for a player just getting into the tournament scene. They offer some good room for upgrading and customizing. I think its really whatever you feel most comfortable with. A mechanical marker doesnt have any electronics so thats one thing that cant go wrong, but money can come into play and sometimes its better to just upgrade the parts of a marker than invest in something new.

If you do go the upgrade route just dont start buying parts at will because people say they are good upgrades. Find out what you dont like about the marker first, and then do the research to see what you can do to make that part of the marker better for you. That way you can avoid wasting money on parts you really dont need and better build a marker built around your needs and expectations. Hope this helped a little and have a lot of fun in the tournament scene!

09-25-2004, 05:58 PM
well the electronics is kinda what worries me and the gun has broken consistently...

do u think i will be able to compete with an rt mag tho?

09-25-2004, 06:01 PM
You can compete with anything that you feel comfortable with. For lower divisions you really odnt have that disposable income factor where teams can unload their bank accounts on each game. The rt with the ult is definately a quick marker that can be very competetive. What exaactly is breaking on your current setup? Is it user error? I would suggest discussing the problems with an ICD tech over the phone or do some more research on the workings of your marker to see if you may have a problem that can easily be solved.

When I was playing more tournaments, how I performed really depended on how I felt mentally. If you can have the confidence to know you can go out there against anyone and have a chance then that is a great feeling to have! But somedays your going to be down, doubting yourself maybe and you might not have a good showing but cant let that get to you. This can be said for almost any sport you play. Give me a spyder and I will play the same way I would if I were to be using an Xmag or Timmy. Sure I may sacrifice some speed but I can make up for it by playing my game, smart.

09-25-2004, 06:04 PM
i have got it fixed and have an icd tech at the field i play lol, i'm just tired of things breaking, 1 thing was user error but the last 2 haven't been. I kno what upgrades to get, its just i can get an Rt custom with the same money if i sell the BKO.

In the long run u think the bko will be better?

09-25-2004, 06:13 PM
I know opinions are nice, and my opinion would be that I would rather have the RT, or better yet upgrade to a b2k4 w/pds! But it always comes down to you, do you think you will be better off starting with something new? or Do you think you will have success with going the upgrade path and feel confident that the marker will perform to your expectations.

Who knows, you may purchase the RT and it may not be the marker for you, what then?? Definately find people to at least try out the marker for a game at your local field, most persons are very cool about letting people try out their markers... as long as its not their paint your slingin ;)

09-25-2004, 06:14 PM
damnit, rofl, i don't kno... thats why i asked.

09-25-2004, 06:16 PM
Time to step up and make some decisions on your own maybe? :) Do some research, poll some owners of the different markers with the upgrades you want, see how satisfied they are. Get a list of the pros/cons of both. Get opinons from bko owners, get opinions from mag owners... try to draw some conclusions from the two biased views (not always biased).

09-25-2004, 07:14 PM
im gonna get a mag and wait for a hair trigger.

hopefully it comes out lol = ).

09-25-2004, 07:16 PM
I'd go with a was'd impulse and upgrade it, impulses are quite reliable/simple guns.

09-25-2004, 07:24 PM
i've played with impulses and i don't have that kind of money

right now i can sell my bko stuff for 300 and my egg for 75 so thats around 375 and i can get the RT with the upgrades i want for 477 and get a cp 1 piece barrel for 25 more.

then later ill have more money and get the hair trigger.

09-25-2004, 07:57 PM
you can find imps for mad cheap on pbn, a ule rt mag is 520 with a barrel, you can find a vision imp for less then that used if you look hard.

09-25-2004, 07:57 PM
what hopper are you going to use on the RT?

09-25-2004, 08:02 PM
you can find imps for mad cheap on pbn, a ule rt mag is 520 with a barrel, you can find a vision imp for less then that used if you look hard.

Don't even have to look that hard.

09-25-2004, 08:06 PM
i already have a halo B so i will just use that. and i will have to spend money on the impulse and i don't want one really, i don't like smart parts alot.

its really between BKO and RT ule custom. and i am getting ready to buy the RT unless someone says something that sounds smart to change my mind.

09-25-2004, 08:17 PM
How about this:

An Impulse will be faster and cost less.

Or... you could find a nice Trix for the price you're gonna pay for a new ULE RT

09-25-2004, 08:19 PM
how does it cost less with upgrades on it? i could buy one from my friend for 425$ but then i have to buy upgrades and fix stuff.. = / needs a new trigger and all kinds of ****, and it brakes alot.

09-25-2004, 08:23 PM
hmm, as a tourney player, i wouldnt feeel confident shooting an RT, just not easy enough to lay down ropes with IMO (not that it cant be done) Id say your best bet for the same amount of cash would be, a used- PDS bushy, nicely upped imp, or a led trix.

09-25-2004, 08:27 PM
ill just get the impulse i guess, what board and trigger frame upgrade should i get?

09-25-2004, 08:30 PM
Iframe and WAS.

09-25-2004, 08:37 PM
well thats a very bad decision imo if you dont like guns breaking on you then dont get an impy go with the upgrading route or rt ule or possibly a used cocker for around 150 and then buy an eblade for it

09-25-2004, 08:47 PM
the impulse i can get comes with eye, new bolt, and cricket board, so i think all i need to upgrade is the trigger.

09-25-2004, 09:26 PM
Imps should never break, they are so simple to use, and not much can go wrong with them. Maybe you should stop listening and letting people over the net infulence your opinion so much and try both guns out and see which you like more? I gain nothing by you buying an impulse or ule rt.

09-25-2004, 09:50 PM
Imps should never break, they are so simple to use, and not much can go wrong with them. Maybe you should stop listening and letting people over the net infulence your opinion so much and try both guns out and see which you like more? I gain nothing by you buying an impulse or ule rt.

The bko and b2k use the same concept. A ram driven by air fed from a solenoid drives a hammer into a poppet valve.
But you are correct in that he should try them both out and see what he likes best.

09-26-2004, 10:17 AM
well the impulse has a stock trigger that sucks.. = / and it feels bad and heavy. **** IT I AM STICKING WITH MY BKO!!! WOOO

09-26-2004, 01:51 PM
if you dont like guns breaking on you then dont get an impy

you have never owned an imp have you? :rolleyes: Ive never seen one go down, mine has NEVER gone down , and there rediculiously easy to undertand/maintain, once you have one for a while, you can just shoot and listen to it shoot and tell what you need to lube/change or if there is a problem

09-26-2004, 06:58 PM
If I were you I would just up the BKO. Get the Vapor valve, Chaos, 25g switch, Rock lpr, Vapor bolt, CP hpr, and a no rise. That should be good enough to play tournies for a while.

09-26-2004, 08:23 PM
you have never owned an imp have you? :rolleyes: Ive never seen one go down, mine has NEVER gone down , and there rediculiously easy to undertand/maintain, once you have one for a while, you can just shoot and listen to it shoot and tell what you need to lube/change or if there is a problem

Just because yours has never gone down does not mean that others have not gone down as well. Although it is easy to maintain, it doesnt always gurantee that it will work correctly all the time. But this can be said for any other marker on the market as well.

09-27-2004, 12:13 PM
well i went from rt mag - impulse - bko -impulse - and now i have an angel speed haha!

09-28-2004, 07:34 PM
well SP recomends that you use the halo in tehre guns i have a friend with an imp its nice and fast and hes got the unmilled version so it was realy cheap considiering its speed and efficiantcy

A mag in the back I' dont think will work to well my biggest prejudice against them is that they cannot shoot as low into a tank as the LP electros nor are they as fast unless you buy an e/x mage or maybe even a devil mag