View Full Version : Ah, damn bandwith throttling.

09-26-2004, 01:21 AM
So, here at UConn, we're limited to a measly 5gb total bandwith per 7 days. I've been doing good staying under that, until now... I fell asleep while I was downloading Rescue Me through Bit Torrent... well, when I woke up, I had uploaded like 2.7 gigs. This put me over the bandwith limit by like 300 megs... damnittttttttt... So now for the next 7 days my bandwith is throttled down to 64kbps... I haven't dealt with internet this slow in like 5 years since I got cable back home.



Anyone know of a way to disable images in IE or to disable images over like 5kb? Or Firefox?


09-26-2004, 10:15 AM
To disable images in IE, go to tools/internet options, then click on the advanced tab. Scroll down to multimedia and then there will be an option in there that can be checked or unchecked called show pictures.