View Full Version : Tac One pictures?

09-26-2004, 06:39 PM
I have only seen one picture of a tac one (other than agd's site) and that was halliday's friend's gun. Just curious if any of you guys could post a picture of your own tac one. I am interested in getting one and just want to see some setups and different angles of it , etc. Thanks.

09-26-2004, 07:17 PM
Here's mine. I just got it and I love it.


09-26-2004, 08:52 PM
thanks! Do you think you could do me a huge favor and take a picture looking at the front of it? The only thing that is keeping me from buying one is the look of the front...it looks a little funny to me....but then again Ive never seen a good shot of the front. Thanks!

09-26-2004, 10:58 PM
Here are a couple of mine ...


Here is TK's he used at an AO day at CCP in Glenwood Illinois earlier this year.


There are 34 total pics in this Jayloo.com gallery (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/gallery.html?pSHOW_ME=standard&pGROUP_ID=89)

09-26-2004, 11:06 PM
Does Tom's Tac have dual ball detents???

09-27-2004, 03:07 AM
not very good quality pictures, crappy web cam, my digi cam is broken right now :(

anyhow, some frontal views.

09-27-2004, 10:34 AM
Does Tom's Tac have dual ball detents???


09-27-2004, 12:05 PM


09-27-2004, 02:14 PM
^^^^^^^^^ I think thats photo shopped isnt it>? I remember that from a while ago i might be mistaken

09-27-2004, 03:13 PM
^^^^^^^^^ I think thats photo shopped isnt it>? I remember that from a while ago i might be mistaken

if it is then someone has sum skills :cheers:

09-27-2004, 03:15 PM
it looks like it is. Its awsome looking though.

09-27-2004, 03:25 PM
thanks for the pics!

09-27-2004, 04:04 PM
no not photoshopped lol
that would be one heck of a job if it was(just has a fake background)

09-27-2004, 04:06 PM
i wish they came in color options. hell, if the came in the olive green, then they would sell better.

watch, right after i get 1, they will probly have color options...

09-27-2004, 04:17 PM
Lol...The olive one is Mine. WW did it and yes ...it is VERY much real....background isnt.
It now has a ccm rise on it...but it still looks ready to go to some far off land ...and mow faces off in some jungle.
That or ...needs a bayonet lug;)
Thanks again Wants/KD :cheers:

09-28-2004, 12:03 PM
its photoshoped for sure.... they ommited the color and used the grayscale channel to render lighting effects on the body/barrel/rail...... i say that cause the brushed aluminum foregip bracket has some kind of fake -looking relief on it and the light source on the body and the light source on the rest of the marker are in conflict as far as their respective origins...... my 2 cents..


09-28-2004, 12:06 PM
its photoshoped for sure.... they ommited the color and used the grayscale channel to render lighting effects on the body/barrel/rail...... i say that cause the rail is black in 1 pic and green in the next and the brushed aluminum forgip bracket has some kind of fake -looking relief on it..... my 2 cents..


you guys crack me up :rofl:

no lgithing effects its called flash and thers two diff rails guy notice ones a tac rail and the other is an rtpro rail ?
the foregrip is a special powdercoat

09-28-2004, 04:40 PM

Creative Mayhem
09-29-2004, 11:49 AM
I like the Olive look... one problem I see is that it won't match the accesories that peeps want to put on it. Black sights on a olive marker(albeit not to bad) doesn't have the same look as a marker with matching everything:p

Looks like an olive spray bomb may be in order. :D

09-29-2004, 11:53 AM
Or you just buy the extras that are OD already. There are a few companys out there that make the sites and such in od.
But....I dont think the mixed color look is bad

09-29-2004, 02:06 PM
lol that gun looked photoshopped to me just because of the barrel but i only asked. So hes owned not me lol.

That sure is perdy

10-03-2004, 05:38 PM
photoshop or not... its ugly... and that color is not olive drab.... and to the taker of the picture... cover your flash with paint and take your marker outside next time...

hear that?... yeah, hear it?....



10-03-2004, 05:43 PM
ok dont wanna start a dumb flame war but what flash are u talking about..in none of the pics is there a reflective flash.mayeb some sub par pics but those were only there ro prove that it wasnt photoshopped.

go yell at some kid on a crappy digicam instead.
and if its not olive drab what color is it? :rolleyes: huh? :tard:

thank you sir good day

10-03-2004, 05:47 PM
jesus cali,keep your damn opinion to yourself,noone cares if you think its ugly or not.and it is a real Tac one,I know the owner,and speak to him on a daily basis,and ive seen pics of it.now what..you hear that?..yea..hear that??Owned./calimagfan's life.

oh,and BTW,you should really learn to look at your pictures harder,considering those pictures are some of the best taken photos on AO.

White Wolf
10-03-2004, 05:57 PM
Jeez once again, this place is getting worse then PBN. If you don't know what your talking about, be the better man and don't post.

The Olive drab Tac is 100% real, the only photoshoping that was done was editing out the fishing line used to hold the gun, and resizing and converting to jpg.

if anyone wants the .crw file straight out of the camera jsut email me.

Workflow was this.

Gun was hung from a bracket system that places the gun about 5 ft high and 18" infront of a backdrop.

Ligting is set up, color balanced overhead flourescent lighting, 48" reflector underneath and infront of the gun.

White balance is set

Canon 300D camera with a Canon 28-135 3.5-5.6F IS lens is used. Modes set to full manual F11 and ~1.5-3 second exposure at ASA 100.

Raw files from camera are developed with PhaseOne Capture 1 Rebel using the stock Canon 300d Profiles. Developed as 16 bit tiffs a 32 megs per pic.

Tiffs are brought into Adobe Photoshop 6.0, and fishingline is edited out, saved for web.
There was no tweaking, no fudging its just a high quality photo, people are to used to bad web cam and flash potography and anything they don't recognize as "web" pictures is all the sudden "photoshopped".

Even the back ground is un edited its a old shower curtain just cause thats the background that was hanging up at the time.

10-04-2004, 05:09 AM
Lol...and my pics were taken in Nearly direct sunlight.... Sun was facing the window where I shot the ...as Wanta put it"Sub par" pic ;) Thus the reason for the huge glare/shine on the asa.
Ugly? Meh ...your entitled to your own lousy opinion ;) Sorry to see one of the few CA AO ers ( AND a fellow Nor Caler at that...or is Santa Rosa nor cal? I have never got that Nor Cal So Cal thing)not showing love and just openly flaming anothers gear...but meh, to each their own..again... Reffer to the "Lousy opinion" comment. :D And if your going to use the "He started it " excuse... I think Wanta was just ribbing you guy. May not have come off that way but thats how I read it , to bad you took it otherwise.

Wanta,Coup,Wolf and the others who posted up - Thanks for the love guys AOLRW4L :dance:

Everyone is allowed their 2c.
Put ours together...I think we can manage a very tiny gumball. :clap:

10-04-2004, 02:17 PM
DAMN... I am really sorry about openning, or just helping to open, this varitible can of worms... i mean all this is totally rediculous... i shouldnt have said anything after that ojspyro guy said something about getting owned... its all nonsense... i dont think that i said anything too outlandish it saying the photo was photoshopped.... i just didnt preface what i said with the words "i think, or i believe" ... everything you say is your interpretation, so stating that you believe before you say something is just redundant... though i did at teh end say.. "thats just my 2 cents" .... so, maybe a little less reactiveness is due on the next slight dissagreement... i appreciate all you guys, cause this is a good community, but we tend to rest in our laurels sometimes...

ps... i wasnt saying the tac one was ugly, the pic is what i disliked...the maker is nice... but the color is forrest green.... you'll recall that olive drab is the color that most ww2 overland/willy's jeeps were painted... also the color that was painted on the tops of ww2 aircraft near the cockpits and engine cowls to cut down on glare... so OD green is non reflective under all light sources, thus... not what you got...

best of luck in play to you all