View Full Version : Do you have these at your feild?

09-26-2004, 09:01 PM
Young kids with big $$$ setups that stay at field all day but in actuallity play only 4 games?

09-26-2004, 09:03 PM

09-26-2004, 09:06 PM

but its fun with kids that dont understand the value of a dollar...

if mommy and daddy buys them thier gear, and they want to sell it, they ususlly dont care how much they sell it for.... thus advantage = YOU

me = pro at this

09-26-2004, 09:12 PM
Nope, and I couldn't care less.

I'm done caring what clothing a person is wearing, what color their gun is, what gun they own, what paint they're shooting and who's on the other team.

The only thing I care about is improving my game.

I always expect to win, and if I don't I blame it on myself playing stupid.

09-26-2004, 09:16 PM
yea, weve got a few

09-26-2004, 09:16 PM
what kinda irks me is the obvious and glaring fact: They are unaware of the notion they are not mentally challenging and raising the bar for themselves. Essentially, they are afraid to get thei @$$3$ whooped in return for the invaluable lesson of, learning from a mistake.

09-26-2004, 09:17 PM
we had a kid at the field i ref at today
he shot a mech pirahna....but it had some $$ on it (rico apache hopper ...he had an expensive barrel) and a mom with a bank account...he showed up with a braken gun (i fixed no problem) couldnt use a crono....and played 3 games on a case.....

it was fun tho...i dont think he could get eliminated....not only was he pretty big (in the thick way) he also had a chest protector....so i guess i know the type.....we prolly ont see him too many more times

09-26-2004, 09:22 PM
I couldn't care less either... means someone just got done painting the pro shop red through momie and daddies CC.... :)

can'tthink of1
09-26-2004, 09:23 PM
Nope, and I couldn't care less.

I'm done caring what clothing a person is wearing, what color their gun is, what gun they own, what paint they're shooting and who's on the other team.

The only thing I care about is improving my game.

I always expect to win, and if I don't I blame it on myself playing stupid.

Exactly as I feel, but also I just like going out and having fun and not so hard on myself. Though I do push myself to become a better player.

09-26-2004, 09:27 PM
Nope, and I couldn't care less.

I'm done caring what clothing a person is wearing, what color their gun is, what gun they own, what paint they're shooting and who's on the other team.

The only thing I care about is improving my game.

I always expect to win, and if I don't I blame it on myself playing stupid.

Blazes, i pesonally dont care what people shoot or wear either. It is really not an issue of fashion or what companies you patronize. If those kids are having fun 90% talkin and 10% playing, more power to them.

It is about growth. call me a hippie but, to a degree i do care about the personal growth of others, especially when it concerns this so called "community" of paintballers.

Personally i think learning as much as you can about any game increases the understanding and enjoyment factor of said game. I suppose they will learn eventually but, maybe they will never learn at all.

09-26-2004, 09:54 PM
If they choose to stand around, I don't care, because the other 90% of the people at the field are going to play.

It's their personal choice to waste money, I'm going to go out and play.

09-26-2004, 09:59 PM
well im 13 and i have a vf tactical,nitro and a hopper and stock kaner kit but i all payed for it myself by saving my money for almost 2 years and then i bought i go all day and play in every woodsball game and love it and my gun,i usually play around 8 games which is normal since i go for around 5 hours and there all 20 min games with 5 min intervals and lunch is around an hour and 15 so...

but ya there are a couple of little kids that go around shooting there own team including me and then brag about it for some reason but they use rentals

09-26-2004, 10:03 PM
We had them, but now we have no fields. Most of the time around here, the kids with the 1,000 dollar guns, just brag, but I dont really care, because when it comes time to go up against me, its ethier put up or shut up.

09-26-2004, 10:04 PM
If they choose to stand around, I don't care, because the other 90% of the people at the field are going to play.

It's their personal choice to waste money, I'm going to go out and play.

sorry dude, no offense but, you've missed my point completely

09-27-2004, 01:54 AM
It is about growth. call me a hippie but, to a degree i do care about the personal growth of others, especially when it concerns this so called "community" of paintballers.

Personally i think learning as much as you can about any game increases the understanding and enjoyment factor of said game. I suppose they will learn eventually but, maybe they will never learn at all. sigh

09-27-2004, 02:51 AM
i thought they were a part of the whole paintball scene. kids from a broken marriage whos dad is trying to be cool, buys them a hella expensive gun, an 80 dollar case of paint, and then thinks, hey, i can drop em off for 6 hours and not have to worry bout em and straight leaves. but turns out htey are too scared to get shot so thier equipment is wasted cause they sit there in the bleachers all day.

sorry but thats my drunken rant for the night. gotta love sunday nights at the bar.

09-27-2004, 09:34 AM
Yeah out where I play we get that alot..

And Im guilty of that too...

But not because Im scared.. but because my team and I talk to much , and while most games are playing were BS'ing with field owners , staff , other players , kids that ask us " what is that gun your shooting" or " Dont you work at the store in Hicksville " and smoking a ciggaret or drinking a gatorade... and some tims making crude jokes :)

East Coast Anarchy - Social drinking club , bad comedy and oh yeah! Paintball team :)

09-27-2004, 09:34 AM
Young kids with big $$$ setups that stay at field all day but in actuallity play only 4 games?

Yeah, they're the refs.

09-27-2004, 09:52 AM
But not because Im scared.. but because my team and I talk to much , and while most games are playing were BS'ing with field owners , staff , other players , kids that ask us " what is that gun your shooting" or " Dont you work at the store in Hicksville " and smoking a ciggaret or drinking a gatorade... and some tims making crude jokes :)

East Coast Anarchy - Social drinking club , bad comedy and oh yeah! Paintball team :)

Don't ever let smoking stop you from playin ;)

Just stick it into one of the vents in your mask... works out fine for us :cheers:

09-27-2004, 11:35 AM

09-27-2004, 12:31 PM
Yeah, they're the refs.

Yeah', we've get em here in San Diego too.
Couple of them are on the Dye kids, and one of their father's owns the little hotdog cart thing.
Most of the people you described Carbon, are the Agg people here. Agg agg agg...
That kid with the DM4 annoed ailver to black with MUPPET MOWER on the side STILL doesn't know how my Dallara bounces like that.
Sorry ,Highjack.

09-27-2004, 01:07 PM
Wait, Hold UP! The point of going to the field isnt to stand around and look cool? Crap, I guess I'm going to have to sell my gear. I had the wrong impression of this paintball thing.

09-27-2004, 01:24 PM
Yes I do, but I'm usually working at the field so as long as they are paying who cares. What annoys me more are the parents that drop off their kids and leave w/o a cell phone.

1) We are not a daycare.
2) If you don't have a cell phone, don't ask to use mine, and there is a phone at the gas station 1/2 mile up the road. Call Mom collect.

09-27-2004, 02:07 PM
Yeah, they're the refs.

Guilty as charged :( . I have a gun wioth about $450, but ive only played like 3 times this year... as soon as I get my debts paid and my trade done, I'll be playing every other week though :).

09-27-2004, 03:18 PM
I never really see that, then again I rarely play open anymore unless its a friday night at this indoor field, where I still don't see any of that.

09-27-2004, 04:05 PM
I never really see that, then again I rarely play open anymore unless its a friday night at this indoor field, where I still don't see any of that.

I was in the same boat as you until I moved east for college. I never played walk-ons or whatever, strictly practice. So, no I havent really noticed this.

09-27-2004, 07:31 PM
Young kids with big $$$ setups that stay at field all day but in actuallity play only 4 games?

"Mommy I mowed the lawn can I have my angel now?"

I saw first timers with shockers and tippmann jerseys. It was a father and son thing to.

09-27-2004, 07:34 PM
...I like cookies dammit!...

(just wanted to break the flow)....

...yeah there are a few...but then again Chicago is a big city and i haven't played with everyone so we might have a lot...

09-27-2004, 07:48 PM
Last weekend i was at the badlandz and there was this kid who couldnt have been more than 13. He was wearing all proto gear and had a DM4. the first game he played the ref told him to go to the other team because they were outmathced. The kid wouldnt go on the other team because he was afraid of getting beat by the better players. Then he moved about 4 feet to his first bunker and sprayed paint until the game ended. The next game he played on my team and we lost. then when we swithced sides he stayed on the teams side who won. The kid was horrible at paintball he would spray alot of paint untill someone would get pissed and bunker him

09-27-2004, 07:50 PM
You can say I am one of these, but I am 22. And I really dont like to play with the kids anymore. They get in the way, or they try to share a bunker with me. I really hate that. I like to play on both sides of the bunker. But this past weeken there was a 20 v 20 game on a field set up for 7 man. it was a sluaghter house off the break you see kids getting nailed in the back of the head by teammates. HEY RUN LOW!!! :mad:

09-27-2004, 07:52 PM
Young kids with big $$$ setups that stay at field all day but in actuallity play only 4 games?
O O I got a story for you Carbon!

One day, at SCP, my school had a meet. From my school, there was this rich chinese kid, first time he played, Dye gear, brand new Angel Speed. We play a bit, than later I find him sitting at the staging area, patched up with band aids. I asked him "what's wrong?", he replies "I fell". I just walked away crackin up :rofl:

Keep in mind, these are high schoolers. I don't know many high schoolers who fall so badly they need 10 band aids. Well a few weeks earlier, he told about how he has his heart set on an Angel, I didn't really know how he was going to get it so I just nodded my head. When he finally does get the gun, he tells me his mom paid for all his gear. Is it just me, or do parents still fund their children in high school?! :confused:

09-28-2004, 12:36 AM
Anyone who has ever snowboarded or has been skiing long enough knows about GAPERS.

THese are the kids that decide to sit on the run right in a good line or in front of the jump and generally make you go around them, get enough gapers and you have a trafic jam..like on the highway "gapers delay"
I call these guys GAPERS that sit under their canopy's and grill food and lube their guns all day long and B.S. about plays that they should have made. "Stupid Gapers, shut up and play!"
:shooting: :sleeping:

-I have a shirt that says GAPER across the back that was autographed by Keely Watson, It says J you suck at paintball love Keely...I think I have a chance with her!

09-28-2004, 02:35 AM
Don't you love it when you play with walk ons and they relay the other teams position with the infamous "There over there!" :rofl: Can I get a Bunker, sir? "Over there, somewhere on the otherside of that barrel thing in the middle of the field" ? :confused: ? Ya mean they are behind the center 50? "I guess so. Shut up and shoot them!"

09-28-2004, 07:17 AM
I really hate those kids that have the really big packs. I mean the 5+4 packs and they are filled for each game. But in the game they are hunkered behind their bunkers if they are shot at twice in a game. Then they are like "My bunker is hot." Here is my expresion :tard:

I go out three pods at most for a scrimage, 5 for a tourny, hopper for a rec game. I want to yell at the kid "Hey you have the pods and are in back. Shoot at someone." Or how about the kids at if they are in a fire fight they put their guins over the bunker and start blind firing. I swear this is how you earn a barrel (or Krysys' case a DM4) to the head.

09-28-2004, 10:26 AM
Guilty as charged :( . I have a gun wioth about $450, but ive only played like 3 times this year... as soon as I get my debts paid and my trade done, I'll be playing every other week though :).

Yeah, we just work all the time. maybe play a game in an entire day.

That's the price to pay for work.

09-28-2004, 06:21 PM
"I see scrubs!!"

Anyway, ya gotta love the 12 yr old punks whos daddys brag about buying there kids 1400 guns and suit them up in head to toe dye just so they look like there fav pro baller and bounus ball the crap outta there little friends with tippmens or rentals... There the kinda kid that the feild owner love to death, and the reffs love to hate(nothing like a angry little punk who cant shoot a legit player, so railing as fast as his chubby little fingers can walk, shoots at you as you stand openly, in the same spot you have been for the last 5 mins and acts like he didnt see you...) I love the lil scrubs that think there all big and bad due to this, yet refuse to play with other groups, and when, after reffing the same little choads for a few hours, and haveing walked in to clean ones sheild and mask for the umptenth time due to it and the owner noticeing this tells you to go play, because quite obviously, your about to kill one of them be it on or off the feild, a simple one on one challange is repeitively denyed untill you have got all his ticked off little friends(who are also playing due to DM4 Daddy paying for paint and such so his kid has someone to play with that he can beat) dareing and pushing him to do it, and pushing daddys buttons enough for him to force his kid onto the feild and make use of his 1400 toy so he doesnt look bad at the fat reff toating a very un fancy setup, no jersey, and quite larger and then his kid.... Boy are those great 30 second games loved by all, except for the kid with the dm4 daddy who ultimately looks like a xmas tree and like he got shot in an old western parody...

Not that I can relate or anything...

Pod use it relitive though...I like to have them, cuz I know as soon as I dont, Ill be molesting one of my mid or front players for a pod or two ;) Even though I wont use half of em for pratice purposes... I like to be podded up like I am for tourneys, were I ultimately will shoot as much as can be afforded/is paid for

Anyway, moral of the story, kids w/dm4 daddies suck, and should be blown up on the feild at every givin chance, as long as it doesnt tick off the dm4 daddy who pays for a lot of paint at the feild(if you work for said feild anyway) cuz it really makes the owner mad :nono: :rofl: :shooting: :rofl:

09-28-2004, 08:44 PM
Young kids with big $$$ setups that stay at field all day but in actuallity play only 4 games?

Yeah... We're reffs... We work most of the time.. and then play whenever we have a chance.. :shooting: