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View Full Version : Total shot count reseting itself to zero

09-27-2004, 01:31 PM
I did a search for this, and couldn't find anything on this subject.

I have an emag with 1.37 software on it and when I switch to hybrid or full e mode, the total shout counter will reset to 0. I am wondering if the HES is causing the board to get some type of jolt that clears the memory. Since I never change the timer, it is always set to 15, and I don't know if that is a default setting. This is with the original battery and original solenoid. The battery will be fully charged and this has happened. Not sure if the battery is shot or on the low side. I will edit this post when I find out what the voltage is when I see it happening again.

Any suggestions or hints? I am thinking about getting it flashed to 3.2 through Tunaman, but don't know if 3.2 will resolve it.


09-28-2004, 02:06 AM
well, in my opinion the shot counter is the least of your worries right now....

Get that thing flashed ASAP, and then work from there.

09-28-2004, 09:29 AM
my xmag did the same thing when the battery was completely drained.

a reseting shot counter is a pretty regular occurance with e/xmags

i wouldnt worry about it.

09-28-2004, 01:19 PM
One of the "glitches" of 1.37 is the shot counter will reset when the battery is removed (either physically removed or a dead battery). I don't recall the specific timeframe, but a day w/out the battery would usually clear it.

I'd let your battery sit on the charger for 6-8 hrs and then test it w/ a volt meter. I know it's supposed to put out 18.0V, but I think 16.7V is typically - being rechargable batteries.

3.2 will resolve the shot counter not resetting w/ the battery removed.

The only problems I've experienced w/ the HES sensor is my trigger magnet was too close and would garble the LED screen. I would then have to reset my battery w/ the yellow kill pin and it would "reboot"