View Full Version : Thinking of getting a mag.

09-27-2004, 07:18 PM
Hello, ive been playing paintball for about a year now. I currently have a 98c and a couple of my friends are finnally thinking about gettin some guns. So... this is my plan Sell my 98c with dropfoward double trigger and teardrop, and get a new gun I looked at cockers but they seem to be a bit too high mataince for a weekend woodsballer, such as myself. So when I looked in to automags it looks like they good solid machines that can take a beating. But, i have a few question i was hopping you could answer. Frist is ill be running my gun on co2 i heard mags arent co2 friendly is this true? Also it seems that i cant find automags online anywhere I was wondering if Airguns is goin out of business?

p.s. sorry for the lengthy post and Thank you for any help you can give me.

09-27-2004, 07:26 PM
If you are getting a mag with an X-valve, you are going to need to get some air (hp); mags really dont like co2, in fact, if you use it on a newer mag, you are going to be sending it in for some costly repairs.
AGD is not going out of business, they are just not as big of a company as some others (quality over quantity). Your best place to get a mag is from their online store. Someone else will show you where that is.
And try to keep the posts under 4 lines please. More than that will cause the internet to fall apart. Consider that your only warning ;)
Welcome to AO

09-27-2004, 08:05 PM
a classic valve can be bought here on the forum for cheep and can be run on co2 i recommend an anti siphon and a expantion chamber or regulator adjusted above 800psi

and AGD's sight is www.airgun.com
the store is listed at the top of the page

09-28-2004, 06:54 AM
You can come across many used Mags on Ebay & here in the classified, theres a dealer selling some for $150. They will run fine on CO2 as long as you don’t get any liquid in the valve.

09-28-2004, 08:45 AM

If you can afford it, get a mag with HPA and an xvalve. if you don't play all the time, it is the way to go. I never have a problem, I never break paint, and I never have to spend time working on my gun instead of playing.

09-28-2004, 11:40 AM
Like was mentioned above look for a used classic they can be bought fairly cheap used if you want to run CO2. You could even build one with just the parts you want instead of ending up with extra parts like most of us do after upgrading.

I'm still running CO2 on my mag and it usually never has problems thanks to the inline reg I use, I've used expansion chambers and still got liquid into the vlave. Never did the anti-siphon tube since I have multiple guns and the tube is set for 1 gun if the threads don't match up on the others. But highly recomend a regular over the expansion chamber for CO2, just make sure the reg will handle CO2. I've got a Palmers stabilzer and it works great, I've also head good things about the AIM regs with CO2 which can be found cheap on ebay.

09-28-2004, 11:51 AM
Like the others have said, if you're wanting a mag but can only use CO2 then get one with a classic valve. Make sure you use a CO2 tank with an anti-siphon tube. Don't waste your money on an expansion chamber, get a regulator such as a Palmer's Stabilizer, which is by far the best for CO2. Just make sure that if you use a remote not to use an anti-siphon tank because it will act as a vacum and suck all the liquid into the valve and then you'll be in a world of ****.

09-28-2004, 11:52 AM
i was almost in your shoes i play mostly rec ball and a cocker seemed like too much work so i found a classic mag. its never let me down yet, i didn't want a gun that i would have to baby in a game, this gun is like a tank it will take a beating. i'd start with a classic level 10 if you can find it if you plan on running CO2 just find one with a expantion chamber or a reg and you should be fine

09-28-2004, 01:46 PM
Yeah i was looking at getting a classic mag with lvl 10 and a expension chamber. Since i hard that since mags have A.I.R already double reging starves it. Is that true? Also I heard the trigger pull on mags are nasty.

09-28-2004, 04:28 PM
I don't know how this sounds but... get an angel. Not just any angel try getting an older LCD. Link to ANGEL heaven (http://sporting-goods.listings.ebay.com/Markers_Angel_W0QQfromZR11QQsacategoryZ47250QQsocm dZListingItemListQQsocolumnlayoutZ3QQsocomparecolu mnlayoutZ1QQsorecordsperpageZ50QQsosortorderZ2QQso sortpropertyZ2)

Look for a good clean one with lots of free stuff :)

09-28-2004, 04:33 PM
i reccomend a r-t or a e/xmag ,
I moved up from this


Black Tippmann 98 custom

Responce Trigger

Double trigger

macro line kit

custom triger job

ricochet ak loader

14'' Progressive

8" Lapco Bigshot

32 degree's drop forward

Smart Parts on/off valve

48ci 3000psi hpa tank




J&J 2 peice Stainless Steel Barrel

Level 10 Anti-Chop Bolt

Ricochet Apahie Loader

Dead On Paintball Bullet Drop With on/off valve

114ci 4500psi N2 tank


09-28-2004, 05:04 PM
Maybe you and your friends could buy the $80 classic mags from E-bay. :D

09-28-2004, 05:21 PM
arent the 80 mags rental poo??

Btw, is there ne differnce between automag and minimag??