View Full Version : Spyder AMG or Raven Nexion or EM1

09-27-2004, 08:57 PM
I am thinking of getting another gun which is either going to be a Spyder AMG or a Raven Nexion or an EM1. I dont know which one to get. If you have had any experience with any of these guns let me know. I am cosidering the t-board, AKA tornado valve,and an AKA lightning bolt as upgrades.

09-27-2004, 09:05 PM
the AMG is NIIIICE. I had one for a while, until a defective tank put a hole in the body :(. The nice thing about Spyders is that there are so many upgrades for them...you can do anything you want. Definitely put in a 50gram switch and a new trigger. I had that on my AMG, and all I had to do to fire it was tap on the SIDE of the trigger. It was awesome. I still wish I had it...

09-27-2004, 09:28 PM
I would say Raven Nexion.

The Spyder AMG is a pain with the foregrip. You cant put a reg on it without a adapter, and with it... it just kills the whole AMG sexiness. And the EM1... crappy, ugly, slow... Nexion cost alot for a blowback but it'll be easier for you to upgrade then the AMG.

09-27-2004, 09:34 PM
haha. About the foregrip is true. If you like Spyders, theyre all pretty much the same. You might want to look into something like an Esprit. Even more upgradeable than the AMG, and you can get it for $75 used. It doesnt come stock with a reg, but you'll end up replacing that anyway, right? Sorry, im partial to Spyders. Ive had 3 spyders and 2 mags.

09-27-2004, 09:38 PM
I bought a Nexion because it had alot of the upgrades i was gonna buy anyways. I think its a great gun but i have been slowly buying parts to convert it into a Timmy (Spimmy) :D

09-28-2004, 06:27 AM
I have heard of the spyder timmy conversions and have looked them up on pbnation. They say u can get all of the parts for $200-300. I would like to try it. Honestly i could just buy a cheap spyder then timmy parts and have a spimmy for around $350. The question is where do u find the timmy frames?

09-28-2004, 06:49 AM
Heres some of the sites that i have been buying from. Bradys Paintball has the most complete frame.


09-28-2004, 08:20 AM
I say go with an 04 Imagine. It'll only run you about $120 new & comes with the electric frame. Also looks nicer than the AMG due to the new modeling & it's cheaper than all three you listed. It doesn't make sense to start out with any of the other ones because you say you're going to replace all the internals anyway.

09-28-2004, 08:29 AM
From what I hear, "The One" kit for the spyder will giv eyou some bang for the buck -- that's the "timmy like" kit you were talking about.

09-28-2004, 12:44 PM
From what I hear, "The One" kit for the spyder will giv eyou some bang for the buck -- that's the "timmy like" kit you were talking about.

No, I don't think it was what he was talking about. The Timmy conversion is geat. It converts your Spyder into a Timmy. Since the Spyder has the exact same interior deminsions as the Timmy you'll get the the same performance for alot less. i did the converison about 6 months ago and it was great. It's actually a pretty easy converison once you get all of the parts. I wish I didn't sell it, I'll try to dig up some pictures on my PC of it.

09-28-2004, 02:51 PM
YES! Pics, please. If you or anyone has internal pics please post. I am a few parts shy of my conversion to Timmy and i would like to see how its all suppossed to fit in the frame.

09-28-2004, 09:55 PM
Yes please post ur pics. I have a question about the conversion. What parts of the gun still use spyder parts (bolts, valves, etc.) and would the gun still have spyder threads or autococker threads?

09-28-2004, 10:44 PM
Get the AMG...nothing but good came from it....my first gun :D but where do you get the upgrades such as internals, triggers, frames, microswitches...etc..

09-28-2004, 10:59 PM
its called "the one" conversion. It converts the striker and valve (the lower tube) into an electro-pneumatic firing system. I forget how much it costs. You can't use it on the AMG, though, because the dimensions are different. All the other Spyders are eligable though. It really doesnt increase performance at all, its just an upgrade to brag about. Check out the forums on kingmanusa.com for more info.

09-29-2004, 06:29 AM
As of now the em1 is out. It's now down to the AMG, Raven Nexion, and a Spyder ~ Timmy conversion. If u have any more information pleas let me know. Also list any more upgrades u find or know of.
Here are some of upgrade that i am looking at.
-tornado valve
-lightning bolt
-torpedo reg

09-29-2004, 06:32 AM
Raven Nexion is a waste of money. Its the same exact thing as an imagine or any other spyder gun, just with different milling and colors. The AMG has a few suddle differences, on of which is the trigger frame is moved slightly forward, making the balance of the gun better.

09-29-2004, 07:32 AM
ive been waiting to talk about upgrades! Here are some of the most worthwhile upgrades you can do to a Spyder. The Timmy conversion is not one of them, as it doesnt increase performance, but whatever floats your boat...

Tornado Valve or Rocket valve
Tornado is best, but costs $65. Rocket is pretty close, and costs only $35

Spudnukl LP Bolt
lighter and less friction than the Lightning bolt; also half the price ($30 compared to $55)

New board
Ive been out of it for a while, but there are 3 competing boards for Spyders. The best is NOT the t. It is ths IS-board. Dont remember the price, though.

The Torpedo reg is pretty nice, and for around $50 is a good reg for the money. However, if you're looking for the best, the Palmer's Stabilizer will give you the best consistency, especially if you're using co2, as it has a builtin x-chamber. The Palmer's costs around $80 though

Titatium Striker
THe bolt and striker move together, so any reduction in friction or weight is beneficial. The $35 titanium strikers are something like 1/4 the weight of the stock striker, and much smoother also

I think that's about it to have a really nice one. I HIGHLY recommend you check out www.ottersccustoms.com if you want to learn how Spyders tick and what upgrades work best on them. This guy has been working with Spyders for ever, and he knows all there is to know about them. Good luck with your marker search!

09-29-2004, 01:39 PM
If you're not absolutely set on a spyder, you might also think about a BKO. They can be had for under $250 if you look on ebay, and they are capable of 16-18 bps in lightly upgraded form. Go for an '04 as they are cocker barrel threaded instead of ICD and they share several parts with the bushmaster line so upgrades are more plentiful. Count on needing a new bolt right away, but the stock reg is good and the internals are not bad. From what I read there is a ram mod that works similar to level 10 in the mag to help prevent chops. They also can be modified to accept the PDS (break-beam eye) system from the higher end bushies if you wanted to do this at a later time.

Just a thought on a possible alternative if you are interested, not bad-mouthing spyders.

09-29-2004, 04:04 PM
I know you said EM1 was out, but have you ever shot one? From what I see online I think they are very similar to a b2k, you guys correct me if I'm wrong, but look at schematic of one.

2 way solenoid
the same firing modes
adjustable trigger
same overall length and weights the same

and of course it looks almost identical.

And used there elcheapo.

09-29-2004, 05:53 PM
Looked up the EM1 and it does look like it operates the same as a B2k, but IMHO it its way uglier, single trigger on the one I saw was a definate negative, need an adapter for an after market reg and I just dont think anyone but AGD could match ICD's customer service. My vote is for the BKO or B2k. But its your $.

09-29-2004, 05:59 PM
Kingman is a great company and all, but their products suck. If you want a EM1, just get a bko or b2k. The EM1 stock comes with all the traditional worthless kingman parts and a single triggerframe on a electric?? :( . But some people claim that a up'd EM1 shoots the same, if not better, then a bko.. which is still :( .

09-29-2004, 07:20 PM
I just was pushing the em1 because it was in the thread as an option. But bko or b2k would definately be better in the long run if you want a good electro. I've got 2 now.

Ballin with a MAG
09-29-2004, 07:25 PM
if your going to get a spyder you should just buty a cheaper electro and then upgrade it with all the parts you want instead of buying a more expensive gun when you are just goung to replace the same parts

09-29-2004, 08:31 PM
I think i might 'sup up a spyder espirit and mod it like crazy. I am considering a bko from your suggestions. The espirit I will mod for the best efficency, accuracy, and low pressure operation. I think?

09-29-2004, 10:36 PM
I bought the Amg in early 2002 when they first came out, and it is one of my best markers hands down and we own 14 markers between me and my wife and three of my kids that play,
2 autocockers, 2 automags, 2 tippmans and 4 spyders, and various pumps and older semi's,
You don't have to up grade any thing on the AMG except hte barrrel, I took the venturi out of the stock bolt, for less restricted air flow and to lower the pressure, and adjusted the trigger pull down to a 1/16 inch. The AMG has a larger body then other spyders you'll notice no low pressure chamber, plus the large gas thru grip holds a lot of air, the trigger frame is larger and won't fit on other bodies and the solinoid in in a different position the other ESP frames, my imput pressure on the stock reg is about 450 psi,
This gun shoots great, and gets loaned out every time we play i have not had a single problem with this gun even on co2.

Hopes this helps.

09-29-2004, 10:55 PM
I think i might 'sup up a spyder espirit and mod it like crazy

That makes alot more sense then buying the AMG or Nexion. Just throw in the upgrades you mentioned & you'll have basically one of the best spyders possible. BTW tornado valves work best in fatty striker spyders (most older ones), they often have problems in more current models. So definately go for the rocket valve.

09-29-2004, 10:59 PM
I have a spyder imagine for sale, brand new and never used for 120 bucks if your interested.

09-30-2004, 06:21 AM
Im not interested in an imagine because i have had 1 before and the bolt jammed all the time. I have been looking at bko, b2k2, b2k3, and b2k4 models. I think the bushy might be an option. Thank you msprince for your info on the amg.

09-30-2004, 07:03 AM
ignore what people say about the tornado valve only working on the fatty bodies It works flawlessly in all Spyders. The main difference between the Rocket valve and the Tornado valve is that you have to adjust the Rocket valve to get it working well, while the Tornado is a simple plug-and-go event. If you're willing to spend the time tuning it correctly, the $30 Rocket can be as high flowing as the $65 Tornado. But if you're not willing to do that, go with the Tornado.

10-03-2004, 04:15 PM
thanks, I am still very much undecided on what to get so any nore info or reviews would be excellent.

10-03-2004, 04:27 PM
check out www.ottersccustoms.com for info on all spyders, and how spyders work, and what upgrades to do and stuff like that.

10-03-2004, 04:41 PM
You could get a b2k3 used for 230 like i did. It'd be better than the bko and nearly the same price.

10-03-2004, 07:20 PM
I dont know if any one else ahs seen them but ive seen that there will be new cockers coming out at around the 180- 200 price range. Im not a cocker fan but thats a good deal

The Action Figure
10-03-2004, 07:22 PM

10-03-2004, 09:11 PM
I might just up my mag more and think on what gun to get next. (amg, nexion, bushy)