View Full Version : Paintball 2 Xtremes television on SPIKE TV

09-28-2004, 03:06 PM
Paintball 2Xtremes Television Premieres This Saturday on Spike
For Immediate Release

The world’s best paintball magazine is about to crank it up a notch with its very own weekly TV show. The premiere episode of Paintball 2Xtremes Television is locked, loaded, and ready to go this Saturday morning on Spike TV and you won’t want to miss it.

Episode One features great final round action from the Draxxus International Amateur Open, as well as coverage of the Blues Brother Ride Again scenario game held at the same event. Other great segments in this first episode include Infamous captain Chris LaSoya showing you how to walk tournament airball fields, tech guru Chris Spena teaching the basics of blowback markers, the making of the print version of Paintball 2Xtremes, and much more.

If you love Paintball 2Xtremes “the magazine,” you’ll love the television show’s magazine format.

Catch Paintball 2Xtremes Television Saturday mornings at 9am (Eastern and Pacific time) beginning October 2nd and running each Saturday morning through December 25th, 2004 on Spike TV.

For more information, show schedule, and channels please visit: www.pb2x.com

This show is goin to rock, its awesome, well worth getting up for!

Creative Mayhem
09-28-2004, 03:51 PM
When Josh told me about this I was soo excited, i almost fell off my chair. One thing though, as of late my TV hasn't changed from Spike for more than 1-2hrs, and I haven't seen it mentioned once. Not to say that it won't air, but if they want people to watch(not just the hardcore baller) they need to advertise it somehow. Just a thought.

09-28-2004, 10:58 PM
When Josh told me about this I was soo excited, i almost fell off my chair. One thing though, as of late my TV hasn't changed from Spike for more than 1-2hrs, and I haven't seen it mentioned once. Not to say that it won't air, but if they want people to watch(not just the hardcore baller) they need to advertise it somehow. Just a thought.

YES! this show is well worth waking up that early, believe me, its that good!

enjoy it, tell ur friends!

09-28-2004, 11:14 PM
I remember Fox Sports Net doing coverage. But I never saw it. I'll be sure to catch this one if I can.

09-28-2004, 11:26 PM
Wow its already going to be on tv? Time flys. All I can say is it better be worth it to wake up at 9am on a saturday :D

09-28-2004, 11:31 PM
Have to set the tivo... will be playing that morning..

09-29-2004, 08:40 AM
very cool will have to watch

09-29-2004, 04:57 PM
can someone tape it anfd put it on ao? please? alos what time saterday ?

09-29-2004, 05:43 PM
can someone tape it anfd put it on ao? please? alos what time saterday ?
9 am, read the first post

I already have an alarm set and a reminder on my cell phone, I have work that day so it better be worth it for me to lose an hour or so of sleep to watch it! :D

09-29-2004, 06:21 PM
Is it legal to make a rec and share it??

If it is can someone do that for us who cant tune in??

09-29-2004, 06:23 PM
9 am, read the first post

I already have an alarm set and a reminder on my cell phone, I have work that day so it better be worth it for me to lose an hour or so of sleep to watch it! :D

i know but i though he was gettin up at 9 and it was on later m i got it know , thanks :cheers:

10-02-2004, 07:49 AM
on in few minutes

10-02-2004, 07:50 AM
7 more min


10-02-2004, 08:09 AM
the commercial are pretty cool

10-02-2004, 08:13 AM
The host is a spaz.
I am still waiting for a paintball show that is not a 30 min ad for national. :rolleyes:

10-02-2004, 08:14 AM
lol yeah he has issues

10-02-2004, 08:22 AM
man docs raiders got rolled

10-02-2004, 08:28 AM
I see tom made it in the show.

10-02-2004, 08:30 AM
not bad
not bad at all

10-02-2004, 08:31 AM
yes i love the safety zone. its good that people know that smart ballers are safe, and its not a "barbaric sport"

10-02-2004, 08:34 AM
man docs raiders got rolled

Yeah the end result was what like 5 on 1?

I wish that show was an hour long, there were lots of commercials

10-02-2004, 08:34 AM
i thought it jumped around too much. i realize it's only a half hour and there are alot of topics to cover but geez

10-02-2004, 08:35 AM
lol make sure u dont put in the blowbacks bolt in the wrong way cause that pin isnt there to guide it into the hammer of course.

it was good but the tech seems really for noobs, id like them to show timing a cocker or mabey rebuiling a certain gun.... otherthan that i liked it even tho some of the comercials seems obnoxious and anoying with all the movement and crap. but overall... tumbsup

:clap: paintball is on tv :clap:

10-02-2004, 08:36 AM
it was good i didnt like the music when chris was talking but other then that pretty damn good yes docs did get rolled seeing some of the scenarios where pretty sweet when that guy just layed the paint down on all those runners during the scenario i lol over all im watching next week

10-02-2004, 08:39 AM
when that guy just layed the paint down on all those runners during the scenario i lol

wow yeah me too, my parents were like WTF?

10-02-2004, 08:41 AM
I thought it was awesome myself. I loved the part about the Printing of the magazine since thats what I do at college (use printing presses). The Tournament pants section was a bit unneccessasry, I would have thought they'd cover a mask (eyes or legs? hmm...), ad I liked the Host, the show was fast paced and he tried to keep up with it. The Bob Long Commercial was pretty nice, my dad was like 'Holy ****, people shoot too much'.

Overall, I quite enjoyed it, they got a constant watcher from me :).

Creative Mayhem
10-02-2004, 08:47 AM
Good deal!!!

I had to run over 5 people just to make it home from work in time to watch PB2X :D

10-02-2004, 08:51 AM
i give it a 8 out of 10 :cheers:

10-02-2004, 09:37 AM
ok...I' m just going to say it.
I found it a bit...well......like one long advertisement. 30 minutes long to be exact.
I understand TV time is expensive but I was hoping for something less like the magazines on the market today. Maybe more player info or possibly some game info. Definately looks like you cant get much info in with a 30 minute show.

I realize this is the premier show but what about episodes that deal with common subjects? Why try to cram as much general info into 30 minutes that you can? This seems a bit more confusing to those that do not know anything about paintball. I would like to see the first episode letting us know, as viewers, what to expect out of the new show then at the end.......Next week we are blah blah blah....and "you know who" will be here to discuss his new cracker jack bongo killing jell flinger. On each episode (for about the first 5 minutes) you could reintroduce what the show is about or how about during the opening !!! Then we dont use up any show time.

Yes....that would be in Bobs perfect world. I bet I just end up with another 30 minute commercial next week. To take a quote from my 13 year old paintball baller "All I saw was 30 minutes of advertisements but the Bob Long one was nice".

10-02-2004, 09:40 AM
Just my two cents I expected more

10-02-2004, 09:45 AM
the only problem is that we are the only people that are going to wake up early enough to watch paintball on tv. other people are still sleeping and dont set their alarm clock to watch paintball but we do so rock on! :cheers:

10-02-2004, 10:54 AM
ok...I' m just going to say it.
I found it a bit...well......like one long advertisement. 30 minutes long to be exact.
I understand TV time is expensive but I was hoping for something less like the magazines on the market today. Maybe more player info or possibly some game info. Definately looks like you cant get much info in with a 30 minute show.

I realize this is the premier show but what about episodes that deal with common subjects? Why try to cram as much general info into 30 minutes that you can? This seems a bit more confusing to those that do not know anything about paintball. I would like to see the first episode letting us know, as viewers, what to expect out of the new show then at the end.......Next week we are blah blah blah....and "you know who" will be here to discuss his new cracker jack bongo killing jell flinger. On each episode (for about the first 5 minutes) you could reintroduce what the show is about or how about during the opening !!! Then we dont use up any show time.

Yes....that would be in Bobs perfect world. I bet I just end up with another 30 minute commercial next week. To take a quote from my 13 year old paintball baller "All I saw was 30 minutes of advertisements but the Bob Long one was nice".

It was one giant commercial. Gino even put his cousin Johnny in one of the NPS Spots!

10-02-2004, 11:08 AM
Catch Paintball 2Xtremes Television Saturday mornings at 9am (Eastern and Pacific time)

wtf!!! it clearly says it is on at 9am pacific for us on the west coast. NOT TRUE. its not on :cry: oh well, it sounds like it kinda sucked so no big deal. but i dont appreciate false advertisement :cuss:

10-02-2004, 11:29 AM
I see tom made it in the show.When was that? :confused:

10-02-2004, 11:31 AM
It was one giant commercial. Gino even put his cousin Johnny in one of the NPS Spots!

Johnny works for NPS in Sales. So not sure why it's a problem to see him when they showed clips going through NPS?

Yes there was a significant element of advertising but hopefully an ad for paintball as well as for National???

Do you think there was any benefit there in that way?

Many shows on Spike are just like that. Maybe you don't notice because we aren't so involved with the industry the other shows promote? Do you ever watch the car tuning shows? Same thing.

It cost a huge amount of money to get it onto TV, so you can expect the sponsors (err Gino) to use it as ad space also.

So far I believe Gino has footed the whole bill. As more sponsors come on board I would expect to see it develop and change to show a broader spectrum of the industry.

Also it wasn't aimed at seasoned paintball players, more new people and trying to get recognition.

Right now I bet a lot of people are going, 'wow paintball's not what I thought it was'... and I think that's a good thing?!?

10-02-2004, 11:44 AM
i liked the show, i really liked that i tivoed it so i didnt have to watch the commercials. is there some chance that empress will make next weeks show????

10-02-2004, 12:10 PM
I have never seen a single thing aired concerning paintball that showed “what paintball is”. Never.

What I have seen were things that showed what those airing it wanted people to think paintball was, or showed a very small slice of what paintball is.

I also have never seen a single paintball related “show” that I thought was very good.

On that note however, I must say that as long as the show does not do HARM to the sport, it is a step in the right direction…. even if it is not much of a step, nor really shows the full face of paintball.

Yes, it is hard to get things going. We can hope things get better………..

10-02-2004, 12:15 PM
damn missed it. mountian time 7:00am. lame :cry: i totally forgot that im in denver, not in pacifica. next week then. :tard:

10-02-2004, 12:17 PM
I have never seen a single thing aired concerning paintball that showed “what paintball is”. Never.

What I have seen were things that showed what those airing it wanted people to think paintball was, or showed a very small slice of what paintball is.

I also have never seen a single paintball related “show” that I thought was very good.

On that note however, I must say that as long as the show does not do HARM to the sport, it is a step in the right direction…. even if it is not much of a step, nor really shows the full face of paintball.

Yes, it is hard to get things going. We can hope things get better………..

History is written by the victors! ;)

Did you actually see the show Sam?

One thing that's very clear is 30 minutes isn't long to show enough of what everyone wants. Lets hope that if this series works, next time we will get a 1 hour show... and then more TV's shows.

You have to start somewhere. :)

10-02-2004, 12:31 PM
History is written by the victors! ;)

Did you actually see the show Sam?

One thing that's very clear is 30 minutes isn't long to show enough of what everyone wants. Lets hope that if this series works, next time we will get a 1 hour show... and then more TV's shows.

You have to start somewhere. :)
Yes, it is. LOL

No, I have not had a chance to see it yet. I have been keeping an eye on what others have posted though, but am reserving any comments specifically about THAT show until I get a chance to see it.

You are correct about the time constraints. That is also why other industries have several different shows each covering a different portion of that genre. We have “Pimp My Ride” countered with “Overhauled”. We have several “tuner” type shows ranging from imports, 4X4’s, and everything in between. And the list of these types can go on and on. But you get my point.

Paintball currently does not have that. But it must start someplace. And like you stated, hopefully it will expand to a 1 hour show and then more shows. It would be great to have a show dedicated to each style of play, or maybe segmented into “tournament”, Recreational, Scenario. Those three would probably be a good start to show the wider range of playing styles and types of games. And it would allow players who prefer one over the other to have a show they can really stand behind and watch on a regular basis.

I don’t doubt that this is the plan deep down in the minds of “those-that-be”. And as long as they keep the Dr.’s credo in mind “First do no harm”, we will continue in the right direction. :dance:

10-02-2004, 12:40 PM
You are correct about the time constraints. That is also why other industries have several different shows each covering a different portion of that genre. We have “Pimp My Ride” countered with “Overhauled”. We have several “tuner” type shows ranging from imports, 4X4’s, and everything in between. And the list of these types can go on and on. But you get my point.

Paintball currently does not have that. But it must start someplace. And like you stated, hopefully it will expand to a 1 hour show and then more shows. It would be great to have a show dedicated to each style of play, or maybe segmented into “tournament”, Recreational, Scenario. Those three would probably be a good start to show the wider range of playing styles and types of games. And it would allow players who prefer one over the other to have a show they can really stand behind and watch on a regular basis.

I don’t doubt that this is the plan deep down in the minds of “those-that-be”. And as long as they keep the Dr.’s credo in mind “First do no harm”, we will continue in the right direction. :dance:

Agree completely. Fingers crossed that paintball on TV moves in that direction.

I'm currently sat in front of Spike still watching all the car tuning shows for different cars/trucks/racing/offroad/street etc. Hopefully it won't be too long before we have the same for paintball. But until then at least we have a start with a decent regular slot on TV!

10-02-2004, 12:57 PM
When was that? :confused:

They were interviewing one of the founders of paintball and they showed scenes of him playing in Shattnerball talking with Tom.

10-02-2004, 01:24 PM
Atleast I know how a blowback works now :rolleyes:

Not very intersting to me, but we got to start somewhere

10-02-2004, 01:32 PM
When do you move to philly?

10-02-2004, 02:24 PM
Can anyone post it on the net? I missed it and would like to see it.

10-02-2004, 02:46 PM
whats an empress?

10-02-2004, 02:49 PM
It's a team.

10-02-2004, 04:24 PM
The only thing im not getting is what was the difference between this and splatter factor? the 2 shows shared the exact same layout for their pilot shows, except i think the hose for this is even more annoying. I just dont see how everyone is claiming it to be better than splatter factor. It was baisically the same show. THey spent way too little time on the actuall tourny coverage. each segment was 5 mins, followed by 5 mins of commercials. There were WAY too many commercials, and not enough show. Id like to see some better hosts, some more action, and less crap. all in all we will have to see how it pans out, but if it sticks to this trend, there is no way i will be waking my *** up at 750 on a weekend again to watch it.

10-02-2004, 04:27 PM
i wasnt very impressed by the show, could have had more action shots and upcoming guns, and explained how you play the game a little better, and i dont think we need a host using a bunker as a punchin bag and spasin out to promote piantball... hopefully espn will give paintball a good name, explain it before every show like they do with the poker tourney

10-02-2004, 04:28 PM
We could argue the quality of the show all day.. but since they were actually AT the Northeast open.. you'd have thought they may have umm.. mentinoned at least who won what? Or was I the only one who that struck as being a little dumb?

10-02-2004, 04:34 PM
it wasnt even in my listing for shows this morning. im on the west coast. that sucks. oh well maybe it will improve and then it will come to the west.

Toxic Dave
10-02-2004, 04:35 PM
It is physically impossible to cover the entire realm of a subject on a TV show, anything worth is while is so deep that television can't cover it correctly. MTV has been on the air for what? 20 years and it's yet to cover everything that is music, and it's on the air 24/7 and on like 5 different networks.

I'm not a big flag waiver for NPS(sorry Simon) but the fact of the matter is they sacked up and layed down the cash for paintball to be on tv. If they didn't feature their own products and employees, then I'd think they were silly. Hopefully people will dig what they see, and they keep it going and it paintball will grow even more.

If pb doesn't blow up this winter/ fall then I'll be amazed, an X Box game, ESPN, and Spike all at the same time, things are gonna be good if it all works out.


10-02-2004, 05:20 PM
the co-host wasnt bad.

10-02-2004, 05:33 PM
It's a team.
ah thanks

10-02-2004, 05:38 PM
i think they need to show more games. they only di the one :(

and show off more high class markers ,such as timmys, mags , cockers , dm4's ect....

Most people know about Icons ;)


10-02-2004, 05:40 PM
for some reason the Diablo commercial just really annoyed me???

to many things flying in and out i think

10-02-2004, 05:41 PM
for some reason the Diablo commercial just really annoyed me???

to many things flying in and out i think

yeah they were kewl the first time but after a while they got annoying , same ones every break

10-02-2004, 05:55 PM
Well since I was playing by the time this aired my TIVO FAILED ME... however from some of the people I know who have seen it I have been informed that I did not miss much at all and from what I hear I would have been disappointed anyway.

10-02-2004, 07:23 PM
When do you move to philly?

A week ago, :rofl: I'm living in Cherry Hill NJ.

Dave, no worries, and I agree that this will hopefully help build paintball for everyone in the industry.

I've already heard reports of people turn up at fields today after seeing it this morning to check out what was going on and then staying to play all day. That's AWESOME!

10-02-2004, 10:14 PM
Hmm...Cherry Hill...I know that area all too well.

I think they tried to cover too much stuff in too short of a time. I think they should have cut things out and explained and talked about a few things alittle longer. I also think if they wanted to go over safrty gear, they should have started with the mask, not a pair of pants.

Toxic Dave
10-02-2004, 10:24 PM

NPS doesn't make goggles, thus they aren't important ;)

Manike-TX to Jersey...you didn't even get to benefit from the lack of winter in TX. Is Troy still working NJ too?


10-02-2004, 10:27 PM
I thought NPS owned V-Force, I could be wrong though.

10-02-2004, 11:28 PM
Umm...V-Force is NPS

Toxic Dave
10-02-2004, 11:29 PM
Umm...nope, V Force is Pro Caps(draxxus) NPS just distributes them.


10-02-2004, 11:30 PM
lol , who rally cares? ;)
just kidding guys :cheers:

10-03-2004, 07:18 AM
A week ago, :rofl: I'm living in Cherry Hill NJ.

Did you move to Bishop's View?

10-03-2004, 11:43 AM
I didn't get to see it! >< i was playin paintball at Velocity Paintball. =\ Atleast Dynasty, Ironmen, and Greenspan were there at the fiedl! (THo they stole the x-ball field, i didn't get to use it :cry:

10-03-2004, 12:01 PM
Did you move to Bishop's View?

Yes... how did you know? :wow:

NPS doesn't own V-force but does have exclusive distribution rights to them.

Dave, I was in Texas last 'winter' :) put a jacket on twice. I've worn a jacket more times in NJ in a week than in Texas in nearly a year. Yes Troy still works in NJ.

Muz... so come down and party! :)

10-03-2004, 01:47 PM
Yes... how did you know? :wow:

Because my office is about 1/2 mile from you. Bishops View is the only high end, high privacy rental place in Cherry Hill. A number of Eagles, and Phillies live there during their seasons!

Now that you are so close, I'll have to take you to Benihanna for lunch some day! :clap:

Better yet, come out and play with us on October 17th! :headbang: