View Full Version : A little bit about Tobe2be

09-28-2004, 06:37 PM
well. I have officially had enough of the excuses.. so, heres a note to all forum members. this will be long, but I want everyone to know the total story. Bear with me

this dates back to AONE 5 (april 2004). I had met Tobe2be (gustavo) at the event, the morning of. He stayed at my house, things were cool, no problems. I had purchased
my emag from him. things were cool, I had my project emag.

So, next transaction. Scepter Kit. Gustavo tells me that he can get a Scepter kit from Tuna for $160. Since I didnt need it immediately, I paypal gustavo $170 for the
kit (the extra 10 is for shipping).

Next Transaction.First thing I wanted done to my project emag, ULE Milling. So, about a week or so later(after i purchase emag), I send the EMAG back to Gustavo. He tells
me that Funk can mill it for me. So, to get it cheaper, Send to him, and he will send to Funk. I send Gustavo $50 for this. I am told that my emag will be done by
Pandemonium, and I should have Scepter kit at the latest then also.

Come time for Pandemonium. I am not sweating the Scepter Kit. I didnt have any tournies that warranted me to need it, so, I let it slide. I meet Gustavo at his shop in
the Bronx. From there, we do the pandemonium thing. It was here that i also let him use a 2xl dye core jersey so he could play. I talked to him about the emag. He would
get back to me, when he got back to his computer.

I remain in somewhat of a constant contact with him. This is until he goes into the hospital with "food poisoning" I didnt know how to get ahold of him. Concerned about
my things, I go over Gustavos head. I PM tuna and Funk about this.

Here is what I get back from tuna:

hey rob,

I bought a Scepter kit from you, through Gustavo (Tobe2be), and its been a while, and I wanted to check up on it. I havent seen Gustavo online, and I havent been able to
reach him via his cell phone. I was wondering if you could help me out. I am the one that he sold it to for $160 (he did mention to me that you weren't happy about that)

Do you have this kit in stock? Or are you still waiting on it? I have already sent in the money for it to Gustavo, and I would have to assume he has paid you for this.

Please, get back to me with any information that you have about this, or, if you see Gustavo, ask him about it, or ask him to call me. I have a tournament coming up soon,
and would like my kit by then.

Thank you


Contact him. I know nothing about it. You didnt buy it from me , you bought it from him. Tuna

so. turns out that gustavo never contacted tuna about the scepter kit. I am slightly more worried. It only increases when I get this email from Dave:

Hello Dave,

this is Joe/Susan from AO.

about a month ago, Tobe2be (gustavo) sent you my emag to be ULE milled. I dont have the serial number infront of me, so, theres no real other way to identify the Marker.
Its black, 3.2 software, Teflon Emag Body (hopper left), and the battery pack, has a hole in the bottom of it for a battery wire to power the warp. It is also the emag
that Gustavo should have told you to only mill the gripframe, and not the rail.

The reason I am contacting you, Is to get an update on this. I haven't been able to reach Gustavo to get an update on this, and I was slightly worried about it. as it is
my backup marker.

If possible, can you please contact me about this? You can reach me via my cellphone, [edited out]. I would really appreciate a call about this just to get an update.

thank you


----reply from dave

sup Joe...

to be completely honest with you, bro... I don't know WHAT you're talking about. Gustavo and I discussed some work I was gonna do for him, but we never cemented
anything down, and I haven't talked to him in a few weeks. So, sorry brother, but I have NO idea where he, or your baby, is at this point. I'm gonna make a couple calls,
see what I can find out, but at this point? yikes. Lemme know if YOU find anything else out, okay? Especially if my good name is being dragged into this unawares...
Thanks.. --Dave

needless to say, I am now very upset. That email was from June 29th.

I had since then, several times gotten in contact with Gustavo about what was going on. He explained to me that he was having family problems and took on a second job. He
was just strung out. Having been in his place before, I ease back, let him work his things out. He came clean, and told me that the emag was never sent out.

time goes by. now, its IAO time. he asked me to save him a spot in my hotel, which went for $60. I agree, as I had been in contact with him via phone about coming. He
cant get the week off, so, hes staying the weekend, but, still agrees to pay the $60, after I insist that he only pay for 2 nights. He doesnt care. He says he'll pay all
of it.

So, it comes to Thursday night, players dinner at lonestar. I talk to Gustavo, he cant get friday off, so, will leave friday night, and meet us at the field Sat. Morning.
Saturday comes, Saturday Goes.. no Gustavo. Nelson and I are pissed.

So. I talk to him Sunday, the 25th. He says he will get the stuff out Monday, the 26th. talk to him later in the week to confirm this, he said he was taking the 31st off
to go to the post office and send me everything. It is now the 5th, and I still dont have my money, or equipment. needless to say, I am pissed.

Nelson gives me the SN of what appears to be Gustavo Sr., here is how that went:


not leaving a good feeling with me. so, I have resorted here. I dont want anyone else to be taken with Gustavo. Apparently, he owes Nelson some cash, and equipment. He
owes Tuna, god only knows what. By my count, he owes me $280, an Emag, and a Dye core Jersey. He is dragging the Good name of Tuna and Funk through the mud. People of
this forum deserve to know what happening here.

I really wish it didnt come to this. I called, I PMed, I emailed, and I got nothing. This is where I am left.

Also, cross check this thread:


gustavo, if you by some chance read this. I would like my stuff back, nelson would like his back, and settle up with tuna on your own terms.. I dont know whats going on
there. If this is all a misunderstanding, which I now fail to see how it was, so be it.. just make things right.


[the above was written august 5, 2004]

as an update to this. I have gotten my emag back, gotten my jersey, and everything else, sans the cash he owes me. I am owed $280.

I spoke to gustavo, now, im not sure how long ago, and he assured me that there was a package with cash for me, and nelson (ntn). he owes nelson $225 and me, $280. the package was also to include his xmag to send to me to borrow for a while, since he doesnt play much. when he was sending this, he claimed to be on the way back to el salvador for a family emergency. frankly, i think its BS. gustavo, come in here and prove it otherwise.

while the money itself is not alot, i need the money. nelson also. I can understand his plight a little more, as he is in school and needs the money for books and whatnot. I just need to pay some bills.

so, gus, come here and solve this. if anyone knows gustavo and reads this, be sure to pass it along to him. i'll take this thread down when nelson and I recieve our money.

09-28-2004, 06:48 PM

Gustavo, this **** is past the point of being rediculous, its not a lot of money, but I NEED it, I am struggling to keep up with rent!

Give me the money, or an amount of gear I can sell for the same amount...now.

09-28-2004, 08:51 PM
Yikes man, that's gay. Hope you get what you need back.

09-28-2004, 09:25 PM
Joey, If u like you can pm Gus's address. Gus came up to my house and we went ballin last year. I haven't seen him online in months but I roll through the Bronx regularly and I will stop in if u like.

09-28-2004, 09:45 PM
Joey, If u like you can pm Gus's address. Gus came up to my house and we went ballin last year. I haven't seen him online in months but I roll through the Bronx regularly and I will stop in if u like.

bill, I appreciate the offer. off-hand, I dont know his home address. i know his dad/family has a shop on bruckner blvd. its right under a huge bilboard, just about a hundered yards or so from the corner you turn onto the street. ill see if I can contact nelson, and get the address from him.

09-28-2004, 09:49 PM
just lemme know.....definately need more info than bruckner blvd.....its a decent size road and billboards are everywhere.

09-28-2004, 10:05 PM
Well I called his cell today...I get no return phone call yet.

09-28-2004, 10:58 PM
Wow man that sucks, hope every thing gets worked out.

09-29-2004, 08:18 AM
I already told Nelson I'll get some guys and stop by if he wants. I know where his parents shop is, and he works there.

09-29-2004, 08:30 AM
Hes not the type of guy that needs a beat down or something. He prolly just got in a hole and spent the money and planned on being able to replace it quick and things just didn't work out the way he planned. I'm sure he would pay it back.

09-29-2004, 10:39 AM
not much i can say your abslutely right. but everything will be cleared by friday. joey and nelson ya got pms... thats all i can say right now. tuna dont have my phone so i cant call you back i need to see you soon. pm me phone number so i can call you back.

09-29-2004, 10:56 AM
Hes not the type of guy that needs a beat down or something. He prolly just got in a hole and spent the money and planned on being able to replace it quick and things just didn't work out the way he planned. I'm sure he would pay it back.

I wasn't talking about a beatdown, I was talkin about stopping by and checking on the situation. I've just learned that you should never talk money by yourself. It has a tendency to escalate situations that should have remained calm otherwise. "Enforced calm" is preferable.

Glad to see that Gustavo posted and is at least paying attention to the issue though.

09-29-2004, 11:00 AM
honestly i screwed up. but its hard to get some time to work things out when your working 2 jobs and trying to go to school full time. again thats no excuse but its hard i had to take a full day off to take care of everyhting. but i should have done it a long time ago.

the money was in the bank all the time i didnt spend it on anything its just i didnt have time to do anything. but that should be finished already