View Full Version : Show Off Time

09-28-2004, 08:31 PM
Hey guys, gotta hand it to ya. You think you're all big and bad, with that paintball gun, or spherical paint projector, in case SmartParts is listening. This is your chance to prove the paintball machine you are

Lets see the best pic of your favorite gun, currently owned only please

Anything from your favorite pump to a semi auto to a paint slinging monstrosity.

Please, no flaming, and lets keep this clean, so keep cussing to a minimal


Post here also


Preferably with bps & upgrade specs

09-28-2004, 10:55 PM
I wouldn't normally do this but a little advertising never hurt anyone. My current pride and joy which is for sale.

09-28-2004, 11:03 PM
^^^ OOOOOH! Nice and red!!! ;) I think I like that color too!!




Sorry, I know lots of you have seen this already but it's still one of my favorites! :D

09-28-2004, 11:15 PM
I bow down to you sir that is a beautiful marker and in my favorite color. :cheers: :headbang:

09-28-2004, 11:22 PM
knowi couldnt resist
http://www.hunt101.com/img/211229.JPG (http://www.hunt101.com/?p=211229&c=500&z=1)

09-28-2004, 11:26 PM
Mags are so sexy.

So is my viking...



Right now it is off to reanno the gripframe and regulator.

1 of 1 FSP Stormtrooper viking
~2lbs weight :eek:
JmJ razor
BP no rise
25g micro
Pandora board

Future mods:
Sitcky 3s
Shorty sidewinder
Empire Micro rail
Scepter kit
Trigger magnet mod

How fast is it? I don't know, my halo can't keep up.

09-28-2004, 11:32 PM
whats the difference between this thread and every other show your marker thread that we have going? How about just stick to the marker of the month thread?

09-28-2004, 11:33 PM
I bow down to you sir that is a beautiful marker and in my favorite color. :cheers: :headbang:

What a wise man you are Timid. Having a Max-Flo on your E-mag makes for insane ROF as those tanks rock on the recharge. For that I will contribute my marker that many of you are tired of seeing.

The Z-man SFL E-Mag (Known as the SFL "ZE-Mag" by some I found out ;) )


And a short history (and several other images) is found on my site ---> HERE (http://www.zakvetter.com/Pages/Paintball/Gallery/sfl_e-mags/z-man_sfl.html)

And a demo of its speed can be found in the AGD 4.0 Speed Test (http://homepage.mac.com/zvetter/.Movies/SFL%204.0%20Testing.mov) video

as well as the popular

QLoader vs Halo V35 Board (http://homepage.mac.com/mvetter/.Movies/QLoader_vs_Halo_full.mov) video found on my site ---> HERE (http://www.zakvetter.com/Pages/Paintball/Z-mans_AO_Corner/Z-mans_Corner_Main.html)

Enough info?

09-28-2004, 11:44 PM
Z-man, that is hands down the hottest mag I have ever seen. That is the closest thing I would ever consider to trade my viking for.

09-28-2004, 11:47 PM
Z-man, that is hands down the hottest mag I have ever seen. That is the closest thing I would ever consider to trade my viking for.

You know what else is I was thinking the same about that Viking of yours there. I love the milling and ano and Steelrat sold me on the performance!

09-29-2004, 01:24 AM
Yeah, I was heavily leaning towards an x/SFL-mag. I wanted the performance of the viking, but hated the stock look. He swayed me with pictures of sexy bodies and overmilled vikings. Now I must go buy an SFL....Starting to sound like a gun whore :(

09-29-2004, 01:38 AM
04 JMJ/AKA Featherlight excalibur
WAS 1.6

09-29-2004, 03:06 AM
God steelrat stop making me jealous :(

09-29-2004, 04:40 AM
Just you all wait till i get a digi camera I am going to show every one a true paint slinger. evil laugh. And even some action pics. to porve that I do use it on the feild. Be prepared to bow down or lyao.

09-29-2004, 09:58 AM
Here is my Logic railed ULE mag. It currently has a 92ci tank on the Flatline, and a CCM no-rise.


09-29-2004, 10:41 AM
04 JMJ/AKA Featherlight excalibur
WAS 1.6
Makes me want to cry!!!

09-29-2004, 04:44 PM
well, i just thought this would be a nice chance to praise and worship ppls guns, like RTDynaflow's AWESOME VIKING, for which i hate him very much now
j/k, trdynaflow, your gun is so awesome though, off for annoing? isn't that expensive, oh wait, you own a viking, it can't be that expensive

Whatcha got

09-29-2004, 04:54 PM
mine, mech style - similar to spleefstylez

09-29-2004, 05:45 PM
Have to continue the Red trend: My E-Mag







09-29-2004, 06:49 PM
well, i just thought this would be a nice chance to praise and worship ppls guns, like RTDynaflow's AWESOME VIKING, for which i hate him very much now
j/k, trdynaflow, your gun is so awesome though, off for annoing? isn't that expensive, oh wait, you own a viking, it can't be that expensive

Whatcha got


It would be very expensive if Destructive didn't take care of their customers... howvever, they do. The reg and gripframe came out slightly off color (rather common with white type 3 annos), so they are correcting it. :clap: Actually, I am completely broke.. for awhile. Paintball tends to put me in debt...

:cry: I miss it already :cry:

09-29-2004, 09:16 PM
got a noobie paintball forum, i found, pretty cool ppl running it
first choice on names still available for ppl who wanna register

Goal is to have 100 ppl registered by Christmas

check'em out here!!! (http://www.themadballer.com)

and lets see those guns

Destructive, i might have to check them out
gotta website?

09-29-2004, 09:31 PM
i dont believe this to be the right place to advertise another paintball forum ...
isnt it a gun pix thread or did i get lost ?

09-30-2004, 06:05 PM
technically no, but hey, its a forum, and i'm gonna start the same thing there, so might as well make a link. Whatcha got ringofscale?
no you're not lost either

09-30-2004, 09:53 PM
WEll this is where i would post my 2K1 dark angel lcd with teh jam bolt n cuom grip but its off being annod a lime green to blue fade. which im hopin will be one of one with the pretty lil tatoo i had em add on last minute

09-30-2004, 10:16 PM
www.destructivecustoms.com They work with mags, angels and aka stuff. Great people to deal with. If have any questions they are more then happy to entertain them.


09-30-2004, 11:34 PM
Isn't this the same concept as "gun of the month" :confused:

Well I think I'm big and bad

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
09-30-2004, 11:57 PM
do you really need 2 threads of the same topic?

10-01-2004, 12:04 AM
This is more casual. I don't want to enter my gun untill its done, but here we can relax and check out others guns... eh. I think it's a good idea.

10-01-2004, 06:31 AM
Here's my photo...taken on my bug running board. Worked out well I think.



10-01-2004, 10:33 AM
this is my current marker--the picture does the color no justice though



10-01-2004, 10:19 PM
thereal, you're right
talk to gideon if you are ever interested in selling your SWEET Phantom

thanks rtdynaflow, thats what i was going for, just casual, and i know, its a double thread, but i wasn't sure where to put it, and nice site, thanks for the info

perdy nice, zeroack

xxhappyaznxx, you are big and bad, intelli? nice

i guess red emags are popular,
i myself would take a black to orange faded with custom milling, but its not my choice, being that i don't have money for emags, rts, or vikings

This isn't a contest, just wanna see whatcha got and what is your favor

mad props to the sfl ZE mag, nice correlation of "spacey-type" milling and design

No Cockers????
NO BKOS?????
cmon ppl, i know you've got more than that

10-01-2004, 10:22 PM
i lvoe z-mans sfl more than life itself but the snakeskin grips throw it off completely. theyre not bad just diff than the marker i would like to see some nice red grips on there;) the stock black ones are always nice too though.

10-02-2004, 09:56 PM
perdy nice

I should have my new babies (a cool blue to purple fade, STO autococker, with a sweet shocktech pseumatic setup, a nice hinge frame, and a light, not super light, just light trigger pull, its got either a black mag reg or a stock inline reg and a "chrome" flame drop with on off) up pretty soon

Its not the best gun around, heck, its not much better than a stock automag, well, maybe it is, but its what i've got, and i never seemed to have trouble before

what else?

Anything and everything