View Full Version : cphilip's The Rookie EMAG experience report...

10-29-2001, 10:52 AM
OK...lets kick this thing off. As you know, until Friday, I knew very little about such things so perhaps some of you were following along on my setting it up and learning thread? This one? http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15150

Well, if you have, then you know some of the mistakes and upward leaning curve this weekend has been for me...

So here is the final set up as it is now.


SO...I was going to tell you about my first actual field experience now. I was out at the College field on Sunday afternoon. Now mind you this was a work day so I didn't actually get too much playing time. I mostly mowed the Kudzu off the Speedball field. But I can say that several did play Woods ball with it and many more inspected and shot it. So I do have some observations to relate from all of them.

It was asked about the weight before. Is it heavy? well the answer depends greatly on what you are comparing it too. It is heavier than an Aluminum Framed Cocker that's for sure. Especially decked out with warp and all. I weighed it all out this morning and it's right on the nose at 9.0 pounds. See this of it on the scales. You might be able to see the 9.0 showing on the digital read out.(I'll just link it to save load time): http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=193146&a=10953897&p=55783023

Comments about weight from my Mentor and Friend Dr. Walt Ligon "You do not notice the weight while you are playing with it. It's only noticeable when you are lugging it back to the vehicle out of the woods. However is beautifully balanced". His comment on his first Warp experience "I wasn't sure I would like the bulkiness of the thing but somehow it just balances well and I love the line of sight it gives you". One other general comment from a Bushy owner " I better put this thing down" (he had a big grin on his face and shook his head many times after each string)" ;) Another observation "the weight seems to make the whole gun more stable. No kick at all. Stays steady on the target"....So, there you have it... draw your own conclusions.

We broke one ball in the barrel after about 1000 rounds. No chops all day. The Freak system worked very well as did the Stock with the right paint. I was using Powerball Pearl. We shot some old Proball out of it with the Freak with a large insert to accomadate this old huge stuff. But even all of that shot well.

My main observations: For me the whole experience of this thing is the Trigger. If for no other reason to go electronic on a Mag its this trigger system. I cannot stress this enough. The trigger pull is incredibly light, short and therefore fast. And this is as it's set up stock from the box. It allows you to really get that trigger speed up and the Warp keeps up with you nicely so you cannot come close to chopping with this thing. Even at first use and not used to it. We really whipped this thing as fast as we could. No one, not to a man, chopped a single ball. If you really want to understand this thing you must get a copy of the video even if you don't own a EMAG and see Tom explain the various adjustments you can make. It is too hard to explain but for me and from my observation the best feature of this marker is the Trigger. Did I tell you about the trigger? I am telling you guys you have got to feel this for yourself. It's the trigger!

Here are a few more picts link of the set up:

One with the Freak AA on it:

One from the back:

Thanks go to Tom, JoAnn and Maxx for the wonderfull experience.

PS: forgot to say...Many comments on how quiet it was. Many comments that "it was shooting to fast" they mean it was hot(FPS) but over the crono it always was right on 280 - 285. Sore losers I think as Walt cleaned up in the woods with it. Won every game. Three I think.

When we were setting around and looking at it one of the guys brought me up his Aluminum Cocker. I guess to demonstrate how light his was compaired to the Emag. Of course it was. No hopper on it, no Warp of course. I just took it from him and praised it as real nice and said "Gee isn't that cute! It's like a marker only smaller..." ;)

10-29-2001, 11:04 AM
I must agree with you on all of that. I used my rt and warp yesterday at a tourney and on the field you dont feel weight. But carrying it around after a long tourney you sure do. I love the warp i use it on every gun i play with. I also shot an almost identical e-mag to yours(looks wise)and i am definitly ordering one soon, the trigger like plays games with your mind. You think wow what a soft, short trigger and so you think i could rip on this trigger and you do. So i blame AGD for draining my wallet and my 4+1(LOL!!). Great job and Nice gun!!!!

10-29-2001, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the update and reviews Phil. I like that you had people who normally shoot different brands of Markers give it a try and let you know their thoughts. This is about he most honest way to get accurate reviews.

Again thanks. :)

10-29-2001, 12:13 PM
Yes Sam I was hoping to get even more of them to but some of them refused to even shoot it. Whatever the reason was they were closed minded about that. I find some PB people are. I was trying to gauge responses from a lot of people for this report. And for my own edification. I for one will shoot anything once. Summary is: Those that shot it were very impressed. Those that didn't I think were afraid they would be.

10-29-2001, 12:23 PM
Cphilip - you know you have space on the automags.org server that you can use? If you lost your FTP info -let me know and Ill get it for you tonight...

10-29-2001, 12:23 PM
The only complaint I have ever got from other marker using players is the weight. But as stated above, once you start playing, you never feel the weight. I have had alot of angel guys comment on the nice tigger the Emag has on it. I have had a few like Cphillip, shake their heads afterwards and walk away wondering how fast they can buy one for themselves. In almost every tourney Rave plays in, we have players come over to ask questions about it. I always tell them to see for yourself. I fill the hopper with paint and head to the chrono. After they empty the hopper, they are most of the time Smiling big and wanting one. Some guys say they will have to tell the non-AGD product liking players they should try the Emag.

10-29-2001, 12:36 PM
You talking about the pictures Steve? I know but for one thing I already had this Photopoint paid for the year when this became available. And now the most embarassing part is...I could never seem to figure out how to upload them to this server! :rolleyes:

Did I mention the trigger? :D

10-29-2001, 01:57 PM
if you ever come to mobile, al. i promise i won't shy away from trying it out for you.
P.S. - nice marker

10-29-2001, 02:39 PM
did u use the modified part of the warp plate or is the warp plate on the convential way. i ask cause i modified the warp plate to fit the zgrip better way back in november but ive heard of other people doing it for 45 frames as well.

r u running the emag/warp interface cable?

what drop forward r u using?

does the input pressure affect the emag like it would on a rt (climbing velocity)?

my questions for the day.

10-29-2001, 02:50 PM
I am using the conventional AGD bracket on this EMAG. Not modified in any way. Since I went through the hopper with my feed tube I do not have to worry about this. I am however using your modification on the Kids Z Grip Mag. You sold me that one remember? Works real nice.

Have not set up the Warp interface yet. I forgot and left the harness at work Friday. And I believe I need to study up on the Warp wiring and get the proper head phone jack female part as well before I can do that. But I will.

I am using the stock Flatline Drop.

Not sure what you mean. I am using 650 psi input right now. On E mode there is no effect on the return of the trigger as its all magnetic activation. On M mode there is a little less kick back of the trigger from say 800 or 850 psi. Climbing velocity? Well no I have not experienced any of that. Steady on the Crono and Steady output pressure reading from the gauge as well.

10-29-2001, 03:00 PM
from your description, it implies that you do not like the trigger... i bet if you let me use it i would like it :) .. lol

nice review, and its in terms even i can understand!

10-29-2001, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Dubstar112
[i]from your description, it implies that you do not like the trigger[/i

Your kidding right? Did I tell you HOW MUCH I liked the trigger? ;)

No seriously...this whole trigger mechanism and how all the things interrelate is the result of a Genius. It boggles my mind how they came up with it and still made it work. But work it sure does. You cannot understand this without seeing the Video and then shooting one of these E-Mags on E mode.

PS: I still cannot seem to access any other modes other that "1 shot". Nothing happens when I press the lower button. I am still inclined to believe the burst modes are now gone if that is so. Anyone know for sure?

10-29-2001, 03:34 PM
OHHHH SO SWEET! I am trying to think up ways to purchase on for me! I need a new bass though...drats! I didn't think I would like it better than my ReTro with Z-Grip...But I shot on at my field a couple weeks ago...*drooling*. That has got to be the coolest marker on the planet! You got yours just the way Id like mine! The same color and the warp body! Im probably just gonna get a black one though to save $$$ and just get it powdercoated flames later :D:):D


10-29-2001, 05:55 PM
I'm so happy you had a great first day with it cphilip!! :)

10-29-2001, 05:57 PM
When you first pull the pin what version of AGD does it show. 1.37 or anything below 2.0 will allow the burst modes but I will have to check for sure what version is coming out now. You have to install the jumper on the board inside the grip to use the modes. The manual has directions about what pins to install the jumper on. If the jumper is installed, check that it is on the correct pins. If all else fails call AGD.

10-29-2001, 06:20 PM
There's a two pin jumper in the upper right hand corner of the board. If the jumper is ON, then you should have burst modes. Turn on the gun, press the top mode button until you see 1 Shot, then press the bottom button to cycle through the modes. You should see 1 Shot, 3 Shot and 6 Shot.

10-29-2001, 07:01 PM

10-29-2001, 07:11 PM
Wow that first picture didn't have a freak on it I thought OOHHH NNOOO he'll never hit anything with that.
I find myself azusing at least.

10-30-2001, 07:35 AM
I took that fist picture for you Hitmanng! And believe it or not that stock barrel shoots real nice with the right paint. I will admit that. Plus... it looks cool.

As to the jumpers for burst. I do not know if they are in there. I will just have to take the grip cover off and see I guess. I think its showing 1.37. But no matter what I do the bottom button does nothing when I push it when its showing "1 shot". Me suspects the jumper is not "on". The Video says they are shipped with it on but it might be that has changed. I did read a post by Tom where he said "in a few months Burst would be discontinued". I'll have to find it but it might be they do not include the jumper on for burst anymore?

I'll email Jon today on that and see if he can find out.

10-30-2001, 02:16 PM
Have you tried changing the trigger by removing magnets yet? I have only one magnet in mine now and I like it. I am trying to get mine where I want it. It is a toss up between 1 and 1 with o-ring. If 1 magnet is still not light enough you can remove all the magnets and put a small o-ring in the magnet hole under the magnet and put a magnet on top of the o-ring. This sets the magnet further away but it still works. If you EMAG owners want the lighest, that is the lightest I have gone. Let me know if anyone has any other trigger setups.

10-30-2001, 02:19 PM
No!!! I am still in stock mode and it fully impresses me like that!

Did I mention the trigger?

10-30-2001, 04:02 PM
Try adding/removing magnets to set it up for you. Don't forget the o-ring if you like it light

10-30-2001, 04:18 PM
oh cphilip ... you lucky boy ... I like the EMag so much, but you cannot buy it in good old Germany :(
When they will be allowed, I will be one of the first in Germany to have one! ;)
Thanks for everything!

10-30-2001, 04:22 PM
sweet sounds like a great gun with a great setup...

10-31-2001, 12:33 PM
One other thing I forgot to comment/suggest on to Tom. Would it be possible to reverse the board and display for right handers that have the Warp and revy on the left in order for them to better see the display? You know. End up with the display window on the right side of the grip? Perhaps it can be done now? Or considered in the future?

10-31-2001, 03:19 PM
I use to use only 1 magnet and I set the trigger so you could feather it and the gun would go off. That was way to dangerous for rec play. I am helping people in my paintball club with stuff almost as much as I am playing and am not always paying attention to my gun, so I made the trigger harder to prevent accidents.

11-05-2001, 07:59 AM
Not the best of days for Phil. The E-Mag however rocked.

First chance to play Speedball with her and cphilips back is gone out. An old non repaired ruptured disk, that gives me trouble from time to time, decides to rear its ugly head on me Sunday. I take a 600 MG Motrin and it seems alright till I get out there and actually get hunched over behind a bunker for what seemed like forever. Man it was excruciating to stay hunched over. That is the most terrible position to be in with this thing. And I am stuck at the 40 like that is an untimed game. Went on forever. However I will say I did not get shot out. I kept ducking out the right side and trying to pick off my opponent at their 40. I am fairly certain without the Warp I would have taken a hopper hit. He was slinging them right by my head. fffttt fffttt fffttt....fffftttt fffttt fffttt... you know. And me almost out of paint. I had lost about 20 or more balls on the break from loose hopper lid. Sure that's never happened to you right? ;) Also we were playing Hopper ball so this realy is a disadvantage. here I am shooting an E-Mag. A real paint slinger right? Low on paint right off the break. Arrrrgggggg! So I am almost helpless really but he doesn't seem to know that. So we have a stand off. Our three out of paint. Their two almost out. No one wants to move. I couldn't have if I had wanted to as after hunkering down for 10 minutes my legs are almost numb and my back is killing me so if I had wanted to pop up quick I would have screamed in agony and fallen right over. Normally in a situation like this I would mount a wild charge, paint or not, and go out in a blaze of glory. But no way today. So our center guy keeps wanting to concede. I hate that. But finally after nursing every ball out of my Warp tube by cocking the gun over aqnd tapping the warp, I couldn't stand the pain and gave in and quit. I really Hated that. Humiliating. So realy I just cannot play period. Very disaponting but to go on would have been far worse in the long run.

So I let the Kid take the E-Mag for the rest of the day. He goes all the way through the day with no hopper hits too. So I am real certain its the Warp as I cannot remember a day without a hopper hit can you?

Anyway the Emag performed flawlessly. Had the prerequisite "lost the yellow pin" experience. Time to get in touch with Jon. Hopefully I will be ready to go next time and have a more complete report. Just too old for this young mans game I guess. Sucks to get old...

Observations: Warp is tight! E-Mag not a "hopper ball gun" especially if the game is long and you lose paint on the break! (sniff) Need to take an extra pod at least for this thing. Bad backs are not good for Paintball. Or perhaps stick to the stand up bunkers?


11-05-2001, 09:25 AM
Thanks for the update Phil! Good to see the Mag/Warp did so well... on the other hand, does this mean we can no longer call you a "stand up" guy? ;) :D

You should pay closer attention to those back muscles.. I have some GREAT exercises I could e-mail you. :D They would not be proper to post in a General Forum though... Woopeee ;)

11-05-2001, 09:33 AM
Well I can stand just not stoop! Ummmmm...Pictures would be nice! ;)