View Full Version : Need mag advice

09-28-2004, 11:42 PM
Heres some story to my post...so I got this tumor thing and cant paintball cause ill bleed internally and die cause im on blood thinners so I have a job paying well and im a kid so all my money can go towards buying a good gun. All I have ever owned is a spyder and I havnt paintballed in like a year so bear with me...

Ok so I checked out the RT ULE Customs and I really like all the things the gun comes with but I need some advice. Im looking for a tournament level mechanical mag and was wondering how I should go about getting that set up. Should i get the RT ULE Custom and throw a expansion chamber and electronic hopper and a new barrel or is there a better way to go about it? Also I dont have a money limit since Ill just save longer. Thanks

09-28-2004, 11:47 PM
wait are u still on the blood thiners and still tryin to play,

ill let someone more experienced with mags answer your question i was just making sure your not goin to get a gun, get shot, and die

09-28-2004, 11:49 PM
welcome to AO you can get ANY kind of mag u want.

or talk to oen of the AO dealers,Roguefactor,whitewolf,coolhand,tuna,etc

09-28-2004, 11:50 PM
darn beat me ;) and yeah didnt u just say u cant play? so why buy the gun? :confused:

09-28-2004, 11:54 PM
Mech mags are awesome. I acutally like the feel of a mag over any other gun out there. RTs are great. Check out www.deadlywind.com, he has some sexy bodys. You really don't need an expansion chamber, because you will need HPA. Electronic hopper? For sure. Which one is a better question. Barrel? For sure, which Kit is a better question.

A better way to get there? By there, do you mean a crazy fast paint spraying thingy that is really efficient and ridiculously accurate? A viking is the best way "there". I still do love the feel of my RT though...

Sorry if I am not much help. Throw us some more direct questions.... otherwise all we can do is speculate on what you are really looking for.

Hope your not just buying a gun to shoot at the trees in your backyard. When are you getting off the medicine?

09-29-2004, 12:17 AM
Im sorry i didnt explain it well. I get off blood thinners in a month or 2 Im buying a new gun in hte meantime since all im doing it working and going home cause I cant do any activities really. Also I wasnt very specific because I dont really know what to ask so much but since I got some nice answers ill go with it.

What is a good HPA system for a mag, whats a nice barrel for a mag would it be a boomstick? I guess thats about it and thanks for asnwering.

09-29-2004, 12:39 AM
There are enough options to keep you up all night for weeks... :( I went through all the reviews and tried all kinds of regs and tanks. I finally bought a Dynaflow. If you want more info on it you can PM me.

Barrel? Scepter, Switch, Pipe, SM-1, long bow... all good barrel kits and will run you from 150-230.

I would say look around. Spend some time checking out what others think about different items. It all depends on how much you want to get into it. If you want to go out for a weekend and play some recball, thats great. If you want to practise 2, 3 times a week and go to a bunch of tournies, you may need something other then a mag.

I would look in the B/S/T here. Fragtek has some awesome deals on Custom ULEs. There are some sexy 90* frames out there. GA Devil has his own marker based on the mag platform. It's a ULE custom with his own 90 frame and pred 2 board, eyes, and 25g switch. Between that, and a dallara body, you have one sic marker.

I would also reccomend you check out the vikings and excals. Efficient, fast, accurate. Beautiful if milled right.

Feel free to PM me. I can give you some basic info and try and asnwers some questions. At the very least, I can point you in the direction of better info.


09-29-2004, 10:15 AM
good luck with that tumor though man

09-29-2004, 10:36 AM
First and foremost, good luck with the tumor! Secondly, customizing a 'mag is like opening a can of worms, you can go anywhere you want with it. I just recently got back into paintball, and in the past 6 months have owned 3 'mags. The one in my sig is the latest and greatest, and represents what you would need to have a competitive (i.e. good for speedball, awesome for scenario...) mechanical mag. First thing you need to do is determine what kind of body you want. Some bodies need rails, others don't. My micromag body has a built in rail, so it's pretty simple to do deal with. The RTpro or ULE, or most of those other set-ups, run a body/rail combo. This means that you mount a body to the rain, then mount the grip frame to the body. Either way is good, just kind of a preference thing.

Then you need to decide what kind of valve to get. If you buy a classic valve (old style, AIR, been out since back in the day...), you'll probably want to trade it in for a reactive style valve (i.e. Retro valve or the newer version known as the X-valve). All the valves are capable of shooting crazy amounts of BPS, the reactive vales are just easier to do it with. Note that if you get an older style retro valve, you will need to make sure it has a level X installed. If it doesn't have this (which came stock on the X-valve), your gun will be a paint blender!!!

Next is the loader, no easy way to get around this. The more balls per second if can feed, the better. Try to get a HALO B (or Reloader B) as this feeds crazy amounts, are very popular, and are upgradeable to feed upwards of 35 balls per second. A step below this, but still very good, would be a Ricochet Apache or a VL evolution (Egg). When in doubt, stay away from the lower end stuff, you'll just end up buying better crap at some point

And finally, you'll need to get a trigger assembly. As 'mags are very difficult to 'walk', the trigger is somewhat of a non-issue. I had an old classic grip that I replaced with a $100 airgun intelliframe. And though the new grip looks better (and can be hooked into your loader), I still 'sweet spot' the valve and shoot full auto. I get no benefit from the new trigger, though it is very nice to look at.

Don't forget HPA. You really can't go wrong with any preset high pressure HPA tank. You could always go cheap and pick up a 47CI/3K (stands for 47 cubic inch, 3000 PSI tank) for around 50-70 bucks. Its a good place to start and you can upgrade from their.

Hope this helps. And remember, no 'mag is really alike b/c you can piece them all together. Get something, then start upgrading. Anyone who says "buy this, it has everything", only means that it has everything that they want. There is no end all/be all to automags.

09-29-2004, 01:09 PM
Dude, of the few posts you've made here Luke, they're all really good.
Kudo's to you.

First and foremost, good luck with the tumor! Secondly, customizing a 'mag is like opening a can of worms, you can go anywhere you want with it. I just recently got back into paintball, and in the past 6 months have owned 3 'mags. The one in my sig is the latest and greatest, and represents what you would need to have a competitive (i.e. good for speedball, awesome for scenario...) mechanical mag. First thing you need to do is determine what kind of body you want. Some bodies need rails, others don't. My micromag body has a built in rail, so it's pretty simple to do deal with. The RTpro or ULE, or most of those other set-ups, run a body/rail combo. This means that you mount a body to the rain, then mount the grip frame to the body. Either way is good, just kind of a preference thing.

Then you need to decide what kind of valve to get. If you buy a classic valve (old style, AIR, been out since back in the day...), you'll probably want to trade it in for a reactive style valve (i.e. Retro valve or the newer version known as the X-valve). All the valves are capable of shooting crazy amounts of BPS, the reactive vales are just easier to do it with. Note that if you get an older style retro valve, you will need to make sure it has a level X installed. If it doesn't have this (which came stock on the X-valve), your gun will be a paint blender!!!

Next is the loader, no easy way to get around this. The more balls per second if can feed, the better. Try to get a HALO B (or Reloader B) as this feeds crazy amounts, are very popular, and are upgradeable to feed upwards of 35 balls per second. A step below this, but still very good, would be a Ricochet Apache or a VL evolution (Egg). When in doubt, stay away from the lower end stuff, you'll just end up buying better crap at some point

And finally, you'll need to get a trigger assembly. As 'mags are very difficult to 'walk', the trigger is somewhat of a non-issue. I had an old classic grip that I replaced with a $100 airgun intelliframe. And though the new grip looks better (and can be hooked into your loader), I still 'sweet spot' the valve and shoot full auto. I get no benefit from the new trigger, though it is very nice to look at.

Don't forget HPA. You really can't go wrong with any preset high pressure HPA tank. You could always go cheap and pick up a 47CI/3K (stands for 47 cubic inch, 3000 PSI tank) for around 50-70 bucks. Its a good place to start and you can upgrade from their.

Hope this helps. And remember, no 'mag is really alike b/c you can piece them all together. Get something, then start upgrading. Anyone who says "buy this, it has everything", only means that it has everything that they want. There is no end all/be all to automags.

09-29-2004, 01:20 PM
didnt really read everything above since im at school and have to hurry but anyways, a good gun is a bko pds, its got eyes and all that, and its a pretty fast gun, you can get a new pds for like 450 or a used one or some cheaper but yeah. It may be cheaper in that you wont have to buy the ULT kit for an xvalve mag which is one of the faster cheaper mags. sorry if that is confusing the bell rings in 2 minutes so i had to get it all out quick. LATER

09-29-2004, 01:46 PM
Dude, of the few posts you've made here Luke, they're all really good.
Kudo's to you.

I try! ;) I am just now getting back into the sport after a few years off, and I am always looking for some solid insight into paintball and gear as I need to play catch up. Now that I have a lil' information, I feel like I should help those out who need a little direction. Not to mention, nothing sucks more than wasting money!

09-29-2004, 03:37 PM
Thanks for your replies peeps! Im sure the tumor will work out fine infact im getting a venus study this week to see when its coming out. About the mag deal, Ive decided to go with a x-valve mag but I cant decide If i need the intelligrip if i have a 9volt hopper and a power feed. Again any input is welcome.

09-29-2004, 03:41 PM
9vlt wont keep up with your fastest days even intellid but itl help. if u can get a 12 vlt thats a bit better(not sure if u can relaoder mod the 9vlts or soemthing) assumiing u can shoot atleast 13 bps u need something that fast or faster.

as for the cancer you should really look into ph studies done including alkali etc(basicly the theory soem say proven that if your body is acid i beleive that u cant/wont get cancer) worth a shot

09-29-2004, 04:10 PM
9vlt wont keep up with your fastest days even intellid but itl help. if u can get a 12 vlt thats a bit better(not sure if u can relaoder mod the 9vlts or soemthing) assumiing u can shoot atleast 13 bps u need something that fast or faster.

as for the cancer you should really look into ph studies done including alkali etc(basicly the theory soem say proven that if your body is acid i beleive that u cant/wont get cancer) worth a shot

You can Reload mod a 9volt,You simply replace the interals with what they give you, impeller/motor, connecting wires, and board that supports two nine volts.

09-29-2004, 06:48 PM
so you guys think ill be needing a Ricochet Apache then to keep up with my BPS? Ok and with a ricochet do i still need the intelligrip or is that overkill? Also just throw out your favorite barrel too please so I can get looking into that.

As for the tumor..It isnt cancer it was actually found when I developed a blood clot. A big piece of info here is that im only 17 so getting a blood clot is VERY abnormal. They think that the clot was caused when my tumor pressed up against my blood supply slowing it down. basically once its removed ill be good to go and ready to spray some paint.

09-29-2004, 06:52 PM
ricos are nice and sorry to prey i was just curious

as for barrels im partial to CP,Lapco, j&j myself and if u want to save soem $ on a kit barrel WWA has some nice ones that take freak inserts

09-29-2004, 09:09 PM
Barrel kit... I am liking the Scepter kit. Stiffi switch looks promising as well.

Intelli is more then a hopper feeding system... It is an all around good grip. However, if I was to build a mech mag now, it would have coolhands logic frame. Along with a Deadlywind Dallara, X-valve, and a rogue neck.

Question you want to ask yourself - How much do I want to spend? If you have no limit, go all out and get something that will drop peoples jaws in amazement. I would love to see a DevilMag with a Dallara body. X-mags are hot too. OMG, there are so many beautiful mags. If you want to get into tournies, you probably want to go with an e/x mag or devil. Whatever you decide, I am sure you will love it.


09-30-2004, 12:34 AM
Sounds good but I dont speak mag would you mind pointing me to a link talking about this devilmag and by e/x mag do you mean a e-mag x valved? Thanks

09-30-2004, 09:04 AM
Sounds good but I dont speak mag would you mind pointing me to a link talking about this devilmag and by e/x mag do you mean a e-mag x valved? Thanks

Not sure of Devilmag's link, but you could easily do a search for him on google. And by e/x mag, he means that AGD made two electro guns, an e-mag, and an x-mag. The e-mag was the first variant, just an electro'd mag, nothing to exciting. The second variant was the x-mag. It had a completely different body/rail set up, had removable breeches which were easier to hook the warp feed to, and eyes :wow: . These are higher end markers with quite a cult following. You need to decide if you want to go electro or mechanical, and then start honing in on what type of gun you want. If you want electro, the options are limitless as there are a ton of amazing markers out there (i.e. e/x mag, impulse/shocker, AKA, e'blade 'cockers, the list is a mile long...). If you want straight up mechanical, the fastest gun by far is anything with a ReTro valve or x-valve, period!

09-30-2004, 11:07 AM
I decided already that I want a mech gun first then ill get a electric gun sometimes in the future. ill go for the the RT ULE custom with the x-valce, intelligrip, trigger pull kit and a J&J 2 piece barrel that i will get different bore sized for later and a ricochet apache. WHat do you think?

09-30-2004, 12:03 PM
Substitute the apache for a halo/reloader b. You will just spend more money later upgrading it... atleast that was the case for me. Besides that, great! J&J are great, might want to look into some more complete kits though. Up to you.

Have you seen some of the nmice vert frames? May want to look into those. My opinion they look a lot better then an intelli. Plus the logic has 3 trigger stops built in to it. :D

09-30-2004, 12:11 PM
Substitute the apache for a halo/reloader b. You will just spend more money later upgrading it... atleast that was the case for me. Besides that, great! J&J are great, might want to look into some more complete kits though. Up to you.

Have you seen some of the nmice vert frames? May want to look into those. My opinion they look a lot better then an intelli. Plus the logic has 3 trigger stops built in to it. :D

I would have ti disagree with the ricochet comment. The apache is a great loader and has done very well on my 'mag. I also have a HALO-B that I use, but it costs $120, and my Apache is a lil' slower but only $50. The 2 piece should be fine, but keep your eyes open for a freak kit or something like that. Irrespective of these items, you'll love your RT-ULE!

09-30-2004, 03:18 PM
So the apache might be to slow for my BPS? Also are you saying that with the intelligrip i can order with the gun that it doesnt have a way to change the trigger to be more sensitive or just that its harder to do. Also for barrels whats a good kit that wont cost me an arm and a leg because im willing to throw down cash for a nice kit but I dont want to go overboard. Also if you peeps have any other suggestions for items such as a good nitrogen kit or anything throw it out here. Other then that Im just curious if this is a competative tourny gun just for local tournaments here in San Diego. Thanks again.

09-30-2004, 03:37 PM
So the apache might be to slow for my BPS? Also are you saying that with the intelligrip i can order with the gun that it doesnt have a way to change the trigger to be more sensitive or just that its harder to do. Also for barrels whats a good kit that wont cost me an arm and a leg because im willing to throw down cash for a nice kit but I dont want to go overboard. Also if you peeps have any other suggestions for items such as a good nitrogen kit or anything throw it out here. Other then that Im just curious if this is a competative tourny gun just for local tournaments here in San Diego. Thanks again.
Yes for the apache.

Any of the 100-200 kits are good.

As far the tank... I sent you a lengthy PM (click upper right hand corner of screen)

Mech triggers aren't adjustable in th same sense electros are... The pull will remains fairly consistent. The difference is fine tuning the length the trigger can flop around in. Intellis don't have this stock, logic frame does.

Competitive tourny gun? Covered that in my PM as well. Some will say yes, some will say no. I say it is an awesome back up tourny gun and depending upon the positionb you play and how you play, along with skill level, it can be a great primary.

09-30-2004, 04:18 PM
Ok a few more questions. This will only be my second gun other then a spyder xtra, I know this sounds stupid but is it that much more accurate and efficient than that gun? Ill look into barrels and come back to this thread If i get some questions on em. Also will i have trouble with the intelligrip when adjusting it or does it have a sensitive trigger to begin with anyways. Thanks

09-30-2004, 05:37 PM
The gripframe is just that. It doesn't effect the sensitivity of the trigger. It is not adjustable in any way. What changes the sensitivity would be the on/off. And that is not too adjustable there (stock wise).

More accurate, yes. Efficient..??? Have no clue. I would read the lengthy PM I wrote you :rolleyes: .. has good info =p

09-30-2004, 05:57 PM
so after some calculating is seems ill be spending close to a grand does that seem correct? THis includes the decked out mag with intelligrip, ule trigger and frame,ricochet apache,boomstick (good choice?),and any 200 dollar air system i can find. Last few questions is would 200 dollars be a fair price for a good compressed air kit and is the boomstick a good choice. THanks

09-30-2004, 06:00 PM
Hey if ur going into tourneys seriously u should definetly consider getting an e-mag or x-mag u will definetly be better off, just for the fact that if ever the electronics fail u can flip the switch into mech mode and ur set... as for barrel kits i personally like the lucky 15 and the wgp kaner kit just my thoughts, good luck with ur tumor

09-30-2004, 06:02 PM
The thing is, by the time you start adding all of your things onto that mech, you could have an e-mag. For tournys you are better of...

09-30-2004, 06:06 PM
how much is an e mag base? Also what would I have to upgrade it with? wouldnt i get a better barrel, nitrogen kit,better trigger. In that case wouldnt i be spending close to 1,500 for it?

09-30-2004, 06:20 PM
people sell used lowers (everything ud need to upgrade the rt/ule to an e-mag) for around 400 so that + 400 or how ever much it costs for the ule/rt and u could have bought the very same e-mag for like 100 or so less try checking the classified forums theres a couple e-mags for sale in there

09-30-2004, 06:49 PM
The thing is, you won't need as many upgrades because they come with it stock... dont need a ULT kit, don't need an X valve, don't need a new grip frame (however a nice blade trigger is a must).... All you need is a barrel kit, hopper and nitro tank.

I would look at the scepter kit, pipe, switch, kaner, phat, SM-1 and longbow for barrels. Can't go wrong with those.

Tanks, I would say do it right the first time. Buy a nice adjustable tank.

You can pick up e-mags starting at 500. So they aren't all that much more expensive. X mags are... Also, I know this must be in violation of some rule on an automag forum, but I can't brag on the AKA products enough. Take a look at the vikings. You can pick one up for 600 used. They don't need any upgrades at all, and rarely break down. They just about own everything in every category. plus, they come stock with one of the best regulators in paintball, the sidewinder. You can buy any tank pretty much and it doesn't make that big of a difference.

Either way, I think you would be happier with an e-mag or viking. More stuff stock, plus more trigger options.

just my .02

09-30-2004, 07:17 PM
The thing is, you won't need as many upgrades because they come with it stock... dont need a ULT kit, don't need an X valve, don't need a new grip frame (however a nice blade trigger is a must).... All you need is a barrel kit, hopper and nitro tank.

I would look at the scepter kit, pipe, switch, kaner, phat, SM-1 and longbow for barrels. Can't go wrong with those.

Tanks, I would say do it right the first time. Buy a nice adjustable tank.

You can pick up e-mags starting at 500. So they aren't all that much more expensive. X mags are... Also, I know this must be in violation of some rule on an automag forum, but I can't brag on the AKA products enough. Take a look at the vikings. You can pick one up for 600 used. They don't need any upgrades at all, and rarely break down. They just about own everything in every category. plus, they come stock with one of the best regulators in paintball, the sidewinder. You can buy any tank pretty much and it doesn't make that big of a difference.

Either way, I think you would be happier with an e-mag or viking. More stuff stock, plus more trigger options.

just my .02

Take notes b/c the man is droppin' knowledge. Mechanical guns are great, I will probably never part with my micromag. But honestly, when push comes to shove, I want to shoot my cocker because it has the speed factor and solid reliability when tuned right. Mech 'mags are great, but you can't really play in a tournament if your valve is to 'reactive', and if you dump the reactivity and get a trigger that is 'walkable', your not going to be remotely close to the 26 bps max and you'll never outshoot your HALO, let alone an Apache. If you are looking to drop $500 plus and have a tournament legal paint slinger (i.e. no reactive, full-auto sweet spotted trigger...), step up to the e/x mag. If you are looking for a great gun for playin' on the weekends, you really can't beat a mech' mag.
Hope this helps,

09-30-2004, 08:19 PM
Heres the deal guys. Me and my friends have never played in a tourny and we dont htink we will play in any big ones till maybe mid next year. I figure by that time I will sell my mag and go for an electric anyawys so I still think im getting a mech mag.

09-30-2004, 09:17 PM
Whatever you decide, I am sure you will love it. I just want to point out that for the same price, you can have all of that great mechanical stuff, plus the awesome electro trigger pull. If you were in th Houston area I would let you shoot my RT and FSP Viking. I gaurantee you would take the FSP... Don't get me wrong, I love the feel of my mech marker. Infact, if it went on feel only, my RT would win hands down. There is so much more... When I got back into PB I thought exactly the same thing as you... I wanted to stay mech. Then I shot a viking. I almost shizd myself when I did.

Don't make this decision more difficult. If you really want a mech mag, go for it! It is what you want. Not me, not tuna, not sparky... I will just try to point you in the direction I am most enjoying.


09-30-2004, 10:51 PM
Well I thank all of you for your input and ill update this once I decide so oyu know what i chose.